PCHECK "A BIFF program for MS-Windows workstations using Pegasus Mail on Novell networks" PCheck is an MS-Windows program that informs you about how many electronic mail messages you have waiting. It runs as an icon of a mailbox, when new mail arrives, the flag goes up. As you read your mail, the flag goes back down. The total number of messages is always displayed below the icon. It is appropriate only on Novell networks running the Pegasus Mail package written by David Harris. It uses a timer to check for new mail every 15 seconds or so. If a timer is not available, or if it cannot detect the Novell network, the program will give up. The C source code is included (compile with Borland C++) You will need the Novell SDK in order to resolve references to the Novell direcory and bindery calls. If you use this code, please acknoledge your sources. PCHECK was inspired by the "FreeMem" program in Charles Petzold's _Programming Windows_ John A. Klein NCSU Computing Center john@chaos.cc.ncsu.edu 5/31/1991