RANDOMWP Version 1.0 2/29/92 Copyright 1992 by Keith Glidden What is RandomWP? RandomWP is a Windows 3.x utility that randomly selects a Wallpaper to use each time Windows is run. Typically, you select the wallpaper through the control panel, desktop function of Windows. This chooses one wallpaper (.BMP) file to use. If you want another pattern, you gotta change it. RandomWP automatically selects one for you each time you start Windows. Shareware The software is not free. It is distributed using the Shareware concept. Try it, give it to your friends, etc. When you distribute it, you must include both RANDOMWP.EXE and this README.TXT file. You may not make any modifictions to either of these files. You may not charge a fee for distribution of the program greater than the cost of the media on which it is distributed. In any case, you may not charge more than $5 for distribution. If you like the program, please support it and future releases of it by sending $10 to: Keith Glidden 12475 Central Ave. # 125 Chino, CA. 91710 RandomWP was written in Microsoft C v6.0 with the Microsoft Software Development Kit. The source code is available by sending $25 to the above address. When you register, you will receive the following: The registered version of RandomWP. This version allows better control of your desktop. Functions include the ability to view the next wallpaper to be selected, support for both .BMP and .RLE graphic files, installable directory support, the ability to change and control the tile/center selection for wallpaper without using the control panel, the ability to view the next selection, and optionally lock it (temporarily disable the random feature without uninstalling RandomWP, a collection of many of my personal favorite wallpapers (space, nature, cartoons, etc.), and FREE UPGRADES TO ALL FUTURE REVISIONS OF THE PROGRAM. How can ya beat it? Installation Installation of RandomWP is easy. Simply put it in your Windows directory (usually C:\WINDOWS). Make sure all the .BMP files that you wish to use also reside in that directory (not necessary in the register version, as installable directory support exists). Then, in your WIN.INI file, edit the line that reads load= and place the call to RandomWP there. For example the line may read: load=randomwp.exe If you have other programs that load here also, simply separate them with a space: load=clock.exe randomwp.exe That's all there is to it. Now, every time you start Windows, RandomWP will automatically select a wallpaper to use. You will also notice the minimized icon for RandomWP on the desktop. This icon serves no purpose in this shareware version except to show you that it has been installed. In the registered version, you can access the extended functions of the program by double clicking on it. Disclaimer This program has gone through a great deal of testing, and many people have been responsible for beta testing. No known bugs exist. However, by using this program you assume all responsibility for it. Under no circumstances will you hold the author accountable for anything that results from its use. I hope you enjoy RandomWP. Please feel free to comment about the program when you register (I hope that you do). Thanks...