Super Slim Screen Saver is a FrankenFreeWare Production 1992 Frankish Software "I liked it so much, I bought the company" - Sy Sterling Place the SS.EXE in your windows directory, or if you have created a sub directory for a puny file like this, put it there. Copy the accompaning SSAVE.DLL into your c:\windows\system Directory for this Screen Saver to work correctly, otherwise, it won't work at all. I hate that! You must also have obtained a copy of VBRUN100.DLL, which is Microsofts runtime module for all Visual Basic Software Products. Sure, it sucks, but you got to either call Compuserve to get it or one of your finer local BBS boards will have it. Boot up windows, and under the file menu, create a new file inside one of your program groups. Then, simply click on the icon and super slim screen saver will go to work. Enter the amount of seconds you want the saver to wait until it goes to work and BAM! You've done it. Congrats! If you have any questions, etc.. Call my BBS! Later, tater.... Frank's Funhouse 317 571 3436 6pm -8am Mon-Fri 24 hrs Weekends & Holidays Indy's No.1 Comedy BBS! FrankenFreeWare