69 files found in Library "Word Processing"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
1124WP51.ZIP No 10541 12-30-91
Wordperfect 5.1 document that will print
comparisons of all fonts available.
For the Panasonic KX-P1124.
51FEBLST.ZIP Yes 11810 02-11-92
Ascii list of all WP5.1 printer drivers in
the Feb. 13, 1992 release. Download this
list to determine which ZIP contains the
printer driver(s) you need. Note: The list
now tells you when your driver was last
updated. Not all of them were in 02/92.
51FEBNEW.ZIP Yes 4317 02-10-92
"Executive Summary" of what's new in the
2-13-92 release of WP5.1 printer drivers.
File is in WP format.
51NEWDRT.ZIP Yes 1797 05-24-92 Lists New Drivers for WP 5.1
AGTW10B.ZIP Yes 84152 04-16-92
The Alcor Typewriter Plus v1.0B: allows you
to use your computer like a typewriter; set
margins, tabs and line lengths; word-wrap;
save multiple rulers to disk; supports CGA/
EGA/VGA/Monochrome/Hercules; DESQview
compatible; mouse support; menu-driven
w/point & shoot.
AGTWPMAC.ZIP Yes 4151 02-13-92
WordPerfect macros to aid in writing for
AGT. I wrote these macros to make writing
for AGT a little more enjoyable. Hope you
like 'em.
AMSTR106.ZIP Yes 327618 12-12-91
Address Master v1.06 for Wordperfect. A merge
database for addressing. Sun Mountain Tech.
ASCII2PM.ZIP Yes 6600 03-11-92
New Pagemaker import filter for ASCII text.
Enhanced features with documentation.
ASUBJV20.ZIP Yes 67872 08-11-92
PC Subject Organizer Version
2.0 Organize 999 subjects with a
word processor.
AVS41.ZIP Yes 87130 05-15-92
AVScripter v4.1: facilitates
the output of 2 column TV-A/V
scripts from any word processor 3
formats, variable-width
video/audio columns automatic
page/scene numbering, page breaks,
headers, and more.
BIGWORD.ZIP Yes 194324 09-04-91
60,878 correctly spelled words. Use to add
to your word processor or editor's
dictionary, or for whatever purpose.
Including just having it.
BOOKWP.ZIP Yes 5681 02-10-92
WordPerfect v5.1 macros for printing
documents in booklet form.
CAWPM10.ZIP Yes 8286 03-20-92
CA.WPM v1.0 Character Attribute. WP51 macro
to allow quick addition of attributes (size
or appearance) to pieces of text or
insertion of same attributes. Can also
quickly add or insert multiple attributes.
CEDIT23.ZIP Yes 216229 04-07-92 PD Mouse-Based Chinese Word Processor.
CHANCODE.ZIP Yes 3165 05-29-92
Wordperfect 5.1 Macro to
Convert Bold, Italic or Underscore
to Any One of The Others. With
Full Instructions For Use.
CONVERT_.ZIP Yes 14960 12-11-91
A collection of Wordstar utils that have
gathered together over the years.
Uppercase util, lowercase util, Wordstar to
ASCII text. IBM strip to ASCII
CPSURE20.ZIP Yes 135002 02-01-92
Kistner's CumpoSure v2.0 for WordPerfect 5.1
Menu driven productivity enhancer.
DBF_WP2M.ZIP Yes 1517 08-01-92
Export DBF data to Word Perfect
secondary merge format.
DECD12.ZIP Yes 75449 01-22-92
Decoder! V1.2: utility which strips
paragraph tags and bracket codes from
Ventura Publisher text files; optimized for
use w/ASCII, Word and WordPerfect, but will
strip most file formats; handles quotes,
dashes & ellipses; converts other 3-digit
codes to ASCII equivalents.
DIALWP.ZIP Yes 797 09-10-91 WP 5.1 dialing macro.
DIRWP13A.ZIP Yes 41484 03-17-92
DIRWPM.WPM v1.3a WP51 macro that allows
rapid navigation of user defined
directories. Enhances WP's list command. In
this version one small bug fix.
EASYW101.ZIP Yes 165806 01-04-92 A simple efficient word processor.
EDICT_JE.ZIP Yes 398640 08-05-92
Japanese/English dictionary for
use with Moke, JDIC, and others.
Over 24,000 entries.
ENV2A.ZIP Yes 23260 04-04-92 Addr to Envelope & ZIPCode Barcode. Wp51.
ENVEL211.ZIP Yes 21175 07-18-92
Envelope processing;
WordPerfect 5.1; point and shoot;
bar codes; multiple return address
styles; option to save envelopes
to master file; select printer; HP
printers; Epson dot matrix
FOLDR4WP.ZIP Yes 185324 02-01-92
WORD PERFECT File folder system
Great program for naming WP [ver 4x to 5.1]
files with up to 35 character long
descriptions that make sense to you when you
go looking for a certain file. No more weird
abbreviations or codes that you cannot
decipher. Just a simple description of the
file and what it contains. Great,
FONTWPM.ZIP Yes 1567 03-14-92
A WP 5.1 macro which will create a list of
fonts in the font style of all the fonts in
the currently active .PRS file. Requires
6/29/90 release of WP 5.1.
FP2WP5.ZIP Yes 1412 03-28-92 Fox Pro to Wordperfect file merge.
FSSWP10A.ZIP Yes 5656 03-19-92
macro to print smaple sheets of the
***scalable*** fonts in your printer
driver--useful for such font programs as
Publisher's Powerpak, Morefonts, Facelift,
etc. Can print all the fonts or a selection.
Small bug fixes in this version.
HEBREWWP.ZIP Yes 1141 02-18-92 Wordperfect Hebrew module. Pre-release info.
HPFORM.ZIP Yes 3071 07-05-91
File on how to outsmart WordPerfect when you
use an HP LJ with unusual size forms. Makes
it so you don't have to manually calculuate
line and page margins.
INSMUSIC.ZIP Yes 162513 09-04-91
EPS format of musical instruments for
KIDS9.ZIP Yes 73039 11-22-91 Kids Pics For Wordperfect.
LTRHEAD1.ZIP Yes 178948 02-15-92
Word Perfect 5.1 macros/letter head/graphics
MALT20.ZIP Yes 44401 03-02-92
MALT (More Alt-Keys for the Perfects): a TSR
that adds 90 new keys to WordPerfect and
other members of the Perfect family for
running Alt-like macros by using CapsLock +
Key. New library feature in Version 2.0.
MALT uses a mere 512 bytes of RAM, can be
unloaded from memory, and does not interfere
with the normal operation of CapsLock.
MEMO204.ZIP Yes 13661 02-29-92
WP Macro to create, retrieve, & view company
memos (Ver 2.04).
MENU20.ZIP Yes 10846 02-18-92
WP Macro to create Menu of Macros (Ver
MORFONT.ZIP Yes 8346 01-08-92
Troubleshooting tips and info on using the
3rd party program MOREFONTS with Wordperfect.
OVER2.ZIP Yes 237452 02-09-92
Over_LAZ is a collection of over 75 printer
overlay files for WordPerfect 5.0 or later
and an HP LaserJet compatible printer.
Over_LAZ are provided for standard office
forms (interoffice memo, FAX transmittal
etc) as well as rubber stamps (draft, etc)
and borders. Expands to 1.2 meg bytes.
Shareware from Herne Data Systems Ltd.
PAN2124C.ZIP Yes 5891 08-14-92
This file is a wordperfect
print driver for the panasonic
kxp2123 or kxp2124 color printer.
if you do not have the color
option installed you may still use
the driver however do not use
color. this file should be
compatable with wordperfect for
windows and wordperfect 5.1. for
support contact sam watson
PCAPS2.ZIP Yes 112790 02-23-92
Excellent macro/graphic system for inserting
keycaps into WordPerfect 5.1 documents.
Documentation writers take note. Shareware.
PCWSL22C.ZIP Yes 138585 03-15-92 PC-Write Standard Level 2.0 Conversion.
PRINTTBL.ZIP Yes 16361 09-25-91
Troubleshooting tips for using printers or
printing problems when using WordPerfect.
From WP BBS.
PROPOS.ZIP Yes 42194 12-27-91 Proposal Templates, ASCII and Wordperfect.
QWRITE10.ZIP Yes 156345 07-18-92
Q-Write v1.0: low-end word
processor with many high-end
features including mail merge,
cut/paste & import/export
features. q&d software development
REMEMB10.ZIP Yes 11780 07-03-92
Remember v1.0: once these W4W
macros are installed, everytime
you start W4W, they restore all
files that were loaded when you
left W4W the last time, the cursor
position w/in every file & the dir
that you used for File Open (and
Picture Insert etc.); also allows
you to force W4W to open
full-screen, arrange all files on
screen (same as "WindowArrange
All") & allows interactive setting
of all options via Menu.
REVPRINT.ZIP Yes 898 03-30-92
Word Perfect macro that will print a
document last page first, first page last.
SEARCHWP.ZIP Yes 1646 12-29-91
Search a Wordperfect directory for up to 5
words and generates report.
SLEEK23.ZIP Yes 12414 05-05-92
SLEEK v2.3: file
reformatter/word wrap util that
will remove all EOLs within
paragraphs (CR/LF); gives you the
option to wordwrap from the
10-60000 column; great for WYSIWYG
word processors.
SPELLEM.ZIP Yes 42280 07-20-92
Improves WordPerfect's spell
checking and word lookup
features..Works in DOS and Windows
platform...It's a must for all
WP51 & WPWIN users.
TABRMV10.ZIP Yes 6577 02-06-92
Remove tabs from text file. Permits
specification of tab width.
VADA.ZIP Yes 148559 01-23-92
Korean Wordprocessor Downloaded From Usenet
Site in Korea. Three Korean Fonts + English.
WDMSTR72.ZIP Yes 203079 06-24-92
WordMaster v1.72 Word Processor
& text editor. Very well done,
with many professional features.
WP51.COM No 5280 09-19-92
Wordperfcet version 5.1 video driver for
Sigma View monitor
WP51CAPS.ZIP Yes 70568 01-10-92
WPG graphics for WordPerfect -- Letters A-Z
in Linotext typeface. Both black letters on
a white background and white letters on a
black background are included. Created using
WP51SUP.ZIP Yes 24096 02-27-92
WP document interface toolkit v1.0: Access/
modify/create WP5.1 documents from Clipper,
MS-C or BC/BC++ (small model).
WPBKLT20.ZIP Yes 65618 06-24-92 Wordperfect 5.1 macro to make booklets.
WPDRAW34.ZIP Yes 40997 11-13-91 Good drawing program for Word Perfect !!!
WPFAKE.ZIP Yes 15040 03-24-92
Short Program That Loads
Wordperfect Blue Screen But Only
Types What You Loaded Not What
Typist Types.
WPLA53.ZIP Yes 111214 07-17-92 Word Perfect 4029 IBM Laser Printer Driver
WPM251A.ZIP Yes 251049 05-24-92
"Fenimore's WP5.1 Macro Suite"
Macro Collection.
WPMDX112.ZIP Yes 29825 07-24-92
Extracts macro descriptions
from WordPerfect 5.1 DOS macros.
Creates a list of sorted filenames
followed by their descriptions.
Output can be sent to the screen,
file or printer.
WPSBK2.ZIP Yes 59747 05-07-92
Release 2 of the wps backup
shareware utility can find the
desktop directory even after an alt-f1
WP_3_92.ZIP Yes 2035 03-15-92 Describes changes in new release of WP 5.1.
WRTPAC1.ZIP Yes 49780 12-29-91 Writer's productivity package templates WP5.
WSENDKY.ZIP Yes 4943 04-06-92
Official Patch from WSI for Wordstar 7.0 to
change the HOME and END keys to make the
cursor go to the beginning and end of the
line, rather than top and bottom of the
page. -unzip and then execute homend.exe to
extract replacement overlay file for your
Wordstar Directory.
WS_WP.ZIP Yes 11562 04-28-92
Easily converts mail merge
files from Wordstar format to Word
Perfect merge list.