Cthulhu Tile Set Richard Wyckoff These tiles are based on designs from a book called The Necronomicon, which is the ultimate magical tome in the works of H.P. Lovecraft. The version that these symbols came out of is a mass-market paperback that is some occultist's idea of how the book would have looked, had it been real. The 3 main suits are all numbered in the upper right corner, and consist of a circle, of a different color for each suit, and a symbol inside the circle. The 3 dragons are the ankh, the swastika, and the inverted crucifix. The winds, seasons, and trees suits are represented by 1) a group of circles with letters in the upper right hand corner, and 4-color backgrounds; 2) a group with a knife, a hat, a robe, and a pentagram with burning candles; and 3) four tiles with the word KUTULU across the top, and parts of the elder sign.