STAR TREK TILE SET FOR MAH JONGG GAME ====================================================================== Tiles drawn by Nick Marinelli June, 1991 I have been a Star Trek fan for many years, and when I encountered Mah Jongg, I figured that there had to be a set of tiles relating to the show already done. Well, I was quite surprised to find that it had not yet been done. So, using my handy IBM PS/2, I got down to work. The tile ideas were fairly simple to come up with. However, drawing them was another thing altogether. It has taken me the better part of 2 months to get these tiles finished, and even with that amount of time, some of the tiles are not what I had hoped for. I hope you will enjoy them anyway, as I had a lot of fun designing and drawing them. Here is a list of the tiles: 1. Star Fleet Badge 22. Klingon Symbol 2. Command Star symbol 23. Borg Ship 3. Galileo Shuttlecraft 24. Doomsday Ship 4. Next Generation Enterprise 25. Tribble 5. Movie Enterprise 26. Command Uniform Top 6. Klingon Warship 27. Sciences Uniform Top 7. Romulan Warship 28. Engineering Uniform Top 8. Communicator 29. Space Station K-7 9. Tricorder 30. Geordie's VISOR 10. Phaser II 31. Enterprise Bridge 11. Next Generation Phaser II 32. Nomad 12. IDIC Symbol 33. Spock's Bridge Station 13. Vulcan Hand Salute 34. Transporter Room 14. Vulcan Ear 35. Space -----| 15. Medical Hypo-syringe 36. The | 16. 3 Dimensional Chess 37. Final | 17. Sciences Symbol 38. Frontier |Wild- 18. Engineering Symbol 39. To Boldly Go |cards 19. Vulcan Harp 40. Where No Man | 20. Guardian of Forever 41. Has Gone | 21. Kutluch 42. Before -----|