Mah Jongg Tile Set Description Tile Set Name: LOGOS.TIL Subject: Various Company/Product Logos Created by: Tom Conway Description: After getting a hold of the TileMakr I brainstormed to try to come up with a theme for making some tiles. After looking through the past few months of TIME and LIFE magazines I came up with the idea of using the logos that various companies employ to get us to remember their products. The tiles I came up with, although not perfect by any means, should be pretty recognizable for the most part. One that you may not recognize is the big blue M (#3) which is the logo for the accounting firm I work for: McGladrey & Pullen (my payback to the company for sneaking in some Mahjongg time during working hours!). I hope you enjoy the tiles as much as I enjoyed making them!! The logos included in this set are as follows: 1) John Deere (please excuse the artwork) 2) McDonalds 3) McGladrey & Pullen 4) Isuzu 5) AT&T 6) Chevron 7) General Motors 8) Delta Airlines 9) Sony 10) Union 76 11) Chrysler 12) The Travelers 13) Greyhound (again, please excuse the artwork) 14) Kodak 15) BMW 16) CitiCorp 17) IBM 18) Honda 19) General Electric 20) Junior Achievement 21) Ralston-Purina 22) Raid 23) Pepsi 24) Warner Bros 25) Shell Oil 26) Oldsmobile 27) Hewlett Packard 28) Mercedes-Benz 29) Mitsubishi 30) Realtors 31) United Parcel Service 32) Burger King 33) Black & Decker 34) VISA 35) Walt Disney World 39) Time Life Books Tiles rejected but still in the .TIL file for your enjoyment (or substitution): 43) MasterCard I had a problem making it easy to recognize with only the colored circles, so I tried putting in some abbreviations - needless to say the space just wasn't there to make it look as good as I wanted. 44) Novell Although the network administrator at my office loved this one, I didn't know if it would be recognized easily enough by the non-computer crowd. 45) Ma Bell Got replaced by AT&T (#5) 46) ABC (TV network) I was originally going to do tiles 39-42 as the three major networks and something like PBS for the final one, but then my wife called out and said it was time for bed, so... 47) Olympics It didn't seem to fit the theme for company logos. [I apologize for any logos that aren't quite on the mark as far as the artwork goes; art never was my strong point.]