Tile Set: Waterfwl Created by: Betty L. Zirkle I have created a tile set of waterfowl to the best of my ability. The Waterfowl are all ducks. Sometime in the future I hope to do a set on Song Birds. I use the color black for the background as it seems to be easier to see. You might also try the light grey. Tile List: 1. Mallard 10. Canvas Back 19. King Eider 2. Widgeon 11. Ring Necked 20. Common Eider 3. Shoveler 12. Greater Scaup 21. Spectacle Eider 4. Cinnammon Teal 13. Lesser Scaup 22. Old Squaw 5. Blue Wing Teal 14. Common Golden Eye 23. Scooter 6. Green Wing Teal 15. Barrows Golden Eye 24. Ruddy Duck 7. Black Duck 16. Bufflehead 25. Hooded Merganser 8. Gadwall 17. Harlequin 26. Red Breast Merganser 9. Pintail 18. Wood Duck 27. Masked Duck 28. Mallard 35. - 38. Bird Houses 29. Blue Wing Teal 39. - 42. Bird Eggs 30. Cinnammon Teal 31. Shoveler 32. Canvas Back 33. Bufflehead 34. Scaup I hope you enjoy this set of Waterfowl Tiles and would appreciate knowing if you do. You can leave a message for me on our local BBS Board: The Third Millennium, Sysop: Jim Fromm. The number for the Board is 208-664-2983. Good Duck Hunting .....