Mah Jongg Tile Set Description Tile Set Name: USAFANDY.TIL Subject: U. S. Air Force Rank, Insignia and Recruit. Created by: Don Anderson (No relation to Nels as far as I know) Sysop: The Remote Phoenix BBS Niceville, Florida 904-678-5156 (Verification Required) SIGnet 26:1904/1, FIDOnet 1:366/48, EGGnet 99:9003/1 USR Dual Standard Description: The tiles in this set contain images of United States Air Force rank and a little insignia. A couple of others thrown in were included to help complete the set. Acknowlegement: Thank you Nels for the wonderful program. The TILE MAKER was a delightful addition to an already great piece of software. Although I do not play Mahjongg, I am thouroughly fascinated by your creations. I have created this set, and will share it in hopes to further support your hard work. Hats off to you! A "Little" USAFANDY.TIL info: Time of creation: 9 hours. (TILES) (TILES) E1 = Airman Basic O1 = 2nd Lieutenant E2 = Airman O2 = 1st Lieutenant E3 = Airman First Class O3 = Captain E4 = Senior Airman (SRA) O4 = Major E4 = Sergeant O5 = Lt. Colonel E5 = Staff Sergeant O6 = Colonel E6 = Technical Sergeant O7 = General E7 = Master Sergeant E8 = Senior Master Sergeant E9 = Chief Master Sergeant (TILES) Stars : Various Levels of General rank. Bars : Go U.S. Air Force U.S. W/O circle : Officer collar brass U.S. With circle : Enlisted collar brass Ribbons : A few awards and decorations ===(*)=== : Aircraft marking A Great Way Of Life : Actually it is!! AIRMEN : Name tag Why USAF theme? Well, I wanted to take a look at the TILE MAKER and see it in action. Couldn't think of anything off the top of my head, so I decided to look at a few of the other tile sets for an Idea. I am a sysop, and have many tile sets available right here on my own bbs. Great work to those of you who have created sets! I'm in the military, and saw the NAVY and MARINE set, so decided what better way to come up with an idea than something I know "quite" a bit about. Also, get a chance to help "fill the void" of the missing sets for branches of the service not represented at the time of my endeavor. The set is a bit noncommissioned officer slanted, due to the fact that I'm an Air Force N.C.O. (noncommissioned officer). DISCLAIMER: If other Air Force sets are available, I do sincerely apologize for choosing a theme that has already been used. I chose this theme strictly for the purpose of evaluating another great piece of software by Nels Anderson. No artist am I, so I did use other shapes without permission to get me going. This tile set is in no way whatsoever connected to, endorsed by, or in any other way related to the United States Government, or the United States Air Force. This set was not created to bother, harass, or commit any illegal act. The intent of this tile set is strictly for the sole purpose of the enjoyment of "Mahjongg" by Nels Anderson. I take no credit whatsoever for this tile set. ALL credit goes to Nels Anderson. I will not accept any monies for this creation, all monies should be sent directly to Nels Anderson. If sharing this set, or distributing it, please include this document for my peace of mind. Any comments on Mahjongg or the Tile Maker should be directed to Nels Anderson. Feel free to use, abuse, or change this set. Please don't distribute with this document after you've edited it for your needs. Comments to me are accepted on my bbs via user status or NET mail. Number and addresses are at the beginning of this document. ***** Support your shareware authors: Register! ***** Nels, Thanks again for your hard work and efforts. It is authors like you who make shareware, and the further development of softwares a continual success. Don Anderson The Remote Phoenix BBS