B-BALL Game Commands - the following commands can be used during a game: During the substitution mode you can use: ctrl-f to turn off/on the restriction for the maximum number of shots allowed for a player in a single game (his fatigue factor) During the game mode at the ">" prompt you can use: color to access the change screen colors menu sound to turn off/on the beep sound when a player hits a shot auto to turn on automatic computer passing in the manual game mode ctrl-s to turn off automatic computer passing and to change a team being played by the computer with pauses between possessions to a team that is played manually speed to turn off/on the pause in the manual game mode scroll t to call time out for substitutions and defensive assignments 20 20 second time out - one substitution, defensive assignments d to change defensive assignments - use after the opponent scores slow slowest scrolling of the game text medium slows down the scrolling of the game text fast speed up the scrolling of the game text (this is the default) quit abort the program rules to change the "3 to make 2 bonus" or "No Foul Out" rules Press any key to continue...