CRYSTALS. This is the first in a series on the classification of Crystals as an "object of power". Entered \2.20.86 Updated \2.26.92 By: Turtle Heart Keeper of Ceremonial Bundles Otter Clan Ahnishinabeg Crystals of various types have been a part of the ritual, spirit, and mystery of humanity's psychological and psychic journey since the beginning. During the present age, the average person has been put into the position of being able to obtain this sort of material perhaps ten million times more easily than our distant ancestors. Examinations of the ceremonial, religious and political artifacts of the far ancient societies has turned up quite a few interesting crystal samples. Yet, now, as never before, the single quartz crystal has acheived a tremendous amount of attention and it is reasonable to assume that more individual people possess and desire to posses crystals than ever before in our history. We must admit that a big part of this energy at this time is due to the massive mining and processing of crystals going on at this time. Never before has it been so Easy to obtain this sort of material. It must be noted that the Spiritual Elders, those religious persons with the greatest accumulation of experience in the class of objects known as "power objects" which crystals belong, believe and state that the MINING and STRIPPING of the Mother earth's flesh to obtain "good crystals" is not in agreement with any existing tribal teachings concerning Crystals. To many ancient medicine people, the SOURCE of power materials was (and is) a very vital consideration......the OBJECT and the SOURCE of the object are EQUAL PARTS of a Sacred Process..... The power of HEALING must be balanced with sources of INTEGRITY for the instruments of healing. For any person seriously involved with CRYSTALS.....this aspect of the situation cannot be ignored. It must be mentioned at this juncture that millions upon millions of people would not know what a crystal is or was or might be. Even so, among present-day crystal lore, the present-day crystal owner probably knows also less than anyone who ever possesed a crystal from the ancient times. There is a lot of posturing. There is a lot of emotional faith. Yet, I could not say I am faulting the present situation--simply observing what must be realisticlly understood. The purpose of this file is to act as a gathering point for as much useful information we can obtain concerning this subject. PROCEDURE. [1]....DEFINING CLASS OF OBJECTS TO WHICH CRYSTALS BELONG. [2]....THE PHYSICAL/GEOLOGICAL FIGURES. [3]....THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL PICTURE. [4]....MATTERS CONNECTED WITH OBTAINING {HOW,WHERE,WHEN,WHY}. [5]....ASTROLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS. [6]....TAROT CONSIDERATIONS [7]....OCCULT CONSIDERATIONS [8]....NATIVE AMERICAN CONSIDERATIONS. [9]....SCIENTIFIC CONSIDERATIONS {MEDICAL,TECHNICAL} [10]...CLEARING, MAINTAINING PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES. [11]...EXERCISES TO BE CONDUCTED WITH. [12]...INTERNATIONAL SOURCES. [13]...MODERN METHODS OF OBTAINING CRYSTALS. Defining the CLASS of OBJECTS to which crystals belong: Generally, the present beliefs about crystals place them in a category which we call OBJECTS of POWER.....the POWER we refer to in this case we call PERSONAL POWER. Ultimately, this concept of Personal Power is a very SUBJECTIVE one. For myself, I have listened to various ideas and examples of this issue in the society in which I live. These observations have lead me to a multi-dimensional understanding of this concept. I summarize: 7 DECEMBER, 1986 These Crystals, we consider them people in their own right, or we could say Mani-do in their own right.....we, as human beings who claim to be in touch with the forces they represent might remember that to the life of these stone relations, all of our power and purpose, and that of our entire civilization, is barely a breath in their lifetimes. I think an awareness of this concept is quite important or should I say quite worth consideration. 01 June, 1992. The other side of the crytal coin is "abscence" of knowledge about crystals. There are many people who do not understand what a crystal is or how it is formed. I feel I just must reinterate that any class of power object is enhanced by a thorough and detailed knowledge of its nature and an intimate awareness of its nature. Conversely, any such object is diminished where these matters of consideration are absent. Support the Native American Computer project. Details on this project are in this issue. 1992: The Year of Columbus (500 Years in the Heartbreak Hotel) 71