A selection from: Ceremonial Songs composed in relationship to The Year of Columbus (1492-1992) (1) Beginners Song, Ahnishinabeg Aneeg Mide-Wi-an. Tobacco Indian. Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light In our singing ceremonies: our clan visualizes blue light as the form which makes it easy for healing to enter the body. (as a practical matter) Singing water songs until the middle of the night, tonight. I sing about a blue light, which shines through the blue window of the soul in flight with its dreams and its songs and its art............and outside it is clear and wet. (is that all right?) ....and this Blue Line lays along the spine (you build it as you sing) and you let it settle there as if it were a stretch and breath.... and it protects the internal organs (until it is leaked away). I sang with a wooden rattle Mr. Gray Antelope gave to me some years ago. (2) =================Ghost Dance I will take the Stick I have in my dreams and I will touch the man who talks who talks his dog talk here. My medicine is the Sacred Spirit. How will the man with his dog-talk answer me? Now is the time the Dog-man will hear us.... all of us. (Now is the time) The Thunder is heavy, and we are talking to one another and the Rains are nearby. The Spirit is in my body I take my life from the Sky and we will talk to one another. Songs written by: Turtle Heart SUBSCRIBE to the EARTHSTONE PAPERS and receive free a seperate edition of the complete 28 Ceremonial Songs. See DETAILS under SUBSCRIPTIONS at the main menus.