VGA Planets is a graphical multi-player play by turn war game which simulates combat in space between galactic empires. The game emphasizes mining, colonization and the construction of starships. The players compete against each other economically and militarily on a galactic scale. The game system allows players to construct their own starships by selecting various components and placing them on a given hull type. The game can be played on one computer alone, but it was really designed to be a BBS or net game. The game can be played on any BBS that supports file transfers, with or without the sysop's help. The game can be compared to a 11 player chess game, only all the moves take place simultaneously. The game can be played on any IBM compatible with VGA and a hard drive. This version runs on 286 and faster machines. The Host program don't need a graphics card, only a hard drive and a 286 or faster machine. I also have a XT version for older machines, it's slower but it works. I wrote the XT version for XT BBS machines. If you need a copy of the XT version send $5 for the shareware version and $10 for the registered version. Be sure to tell me that you need "THE XT VERSION". Tim Wisseman PO BOX 204 North Fork Ca 93643 Voice: (209) 877-2320 Internet Email: