Howdy Folks, November 21th, 1992 Okay here's the new version with Fossil Driver Support. I may do a maintenance version (1.42) fairly soon to clean up a few loose ends. After that I am going on Hiatus and expect to see version 2.00 around late summer 93. I have changed the file formats used in version 1.31 and below. To Convert a 1.26 thru 1.31 universe to the new format see CONVERT.DOC. Otherwise follow these steps to start a fresh universe: 1. Setting up fresh A. Create a directory for Ultimate Universe. B. Unzip the UU141 into the directory. C. Run CONFIG C1. Play close attention to the first page of Config. Some of it may need to be configured for your system. C2. Flip through the rest of the pages. If you don't understand what an option is for leave it alone until some later date when you are more familiar with the game. The preset settings are fine for playing. D. Run DDOC. This creates a file called DEVICE.DOC. E. Make DEVICE.DOC, UUHELP.EXE, UUHELP.HTD, UUHELP.HTI and AUUVER.TXT available for download. F. If you are a Registered User decide how many dimensions you want and make a copy of CONFIG.UU for each dimension like so: COPY CONFIG.UU CONFIG.Ux where x is a number from 1 to 9. The dimensions can be customized by typing CONFIG x using the same 'x' as before. G. Initialize the Game by typing: MDAILY RESET H. Check IMPORT.BAT and modify it for your system. If you change the Upload Protocol alter IMPORT.MSG to reflect that. I. If you are a Registered User check EXPORT.BAT and EXPORT.MSG as well. J. See SYSOP.DOC for instructions on hooking Ultimate Universe up to your BBS. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ My BBS number is 508-693-7396. If you have a problem, question or idea, feel free to leave a message. Play Hard! Garth Bigelow