FIDOQ SETUP NOTES FOR USE WITH QSO In setting up FIDOQ to move QWK<-->REP packets, there are a few things that are less than obvious in the documentation. In order to do a QWK<-->REP conversion, set up your 2 BBS systems. The conferences in BBS # 1 are set up to cross reference conferences in BBS #2 (in the REP conference parameter). Likewise, conferences set up in BBS # 2 are set up to cross reference conferences in BBS # 1. Likewise, on the BBS setup screen, the top portion of the screen is for BBS # 1 - the lower portion of the screen is for BBS # 2. On the second BBS setup screen, these are reversed - the top part is for BBS # 2, and the lower portion is for BBS # 1. The default setup for PKZIP is to use maximum compression (PKZIP -EX). This MAY or MAY NOT work with QSO! You have two options: Set up a second archiver type, and specify the IMPLODE option (PKZIP -EI), or change the PKZIP archiver (# 1) to PKZIP -EI. When you call the QWK2REP program, you can also have it convert names using the /TT option on the command line. For example, the City 2 City net that we have joined has quite a few messages addressed to SYSOP. You are then flagged for these messages when you log onto YOUR BBS! To get around this, use the following: QWK2REP /TT:SYSOP=FIRST;LAST The will convert messages TO: SYSOP to FIRST;LAST - a nice way around this problem. This program is shareware, and I hope you will register it with the author. I am not associated with FIDOQ in any way, other than being a registered user, and seeing the value of this program to other TBBS SysOps, I have uploaded it here to the TBBS Support Board. We are now using FIDOQ to connect our TBBS system to a QWK based net (City 2 City), and once you have the program set up, you should be all set. You will have to set up suitable scripts for use with a terminal program to actually move the mail. FIDOQ simply handles the mail conversion for you. If you have any questions regarding our installation of FIDOQ, please leave a message on the Support Board to GARY WALSH. Enjoy! Tom Haavisto - OnLine Now