24-Aug-92 (WS) Issued 1.02. Bug with CreateKeyXB (parsing the key expression) that would occur if making an EXE file from the environment. Would probably also occur if linking to other libraries if those libraries where place before BULLET.LIB on LINK's Libraries: prompt. Caused by using OFFSET DGROUP:kfKeyExpression--the DGROUP specifier was not intended since kfKeyExpression is used to compute the offset relative a dynamically allocated segment base, not DGROUPs base. Since LINK was making adjustments for DGROUP (some of it already having been used by those libraries appearing before) the key expression offset was not where it should have been (if BULLET.LIB was not first the first library specified)-- --the parser was parsing thin air, resulting in error 240. Fixed. CZ.COM changes: CZ.COM consolidated with CZXT.COM. CZ now bumps InDOS flag on popup for MT environments. Keypad-plus key functions as keypad-enter. Keypad-5 moves cursor to center of screen. The mouse is software reset at popup. Shareware release of C version of BULLET 1.02 (BLTC12.ZIP). BASIC version named BLTQ12.ZIP (formerly BULETQ10.ZIP). Only difference is the CZ.HLP file and the sample programs (or lack of in the case of BLTC12). Second shareware release for BLTQ12. First for BLTC12. (Archive extensions may vary.) --- 21-Aug-92 (chh) Issued 1.01b. Added single-record locking to LockDataXB (and unlocking, of course). Requires that AP.RecNo be set to record number to lock. To lock the entire data file set AP.RecNo=0. Better still, use LockXB when locking more than a single record. See LockDataXB in CZ for more. For most purposes the LockXB full-region locks is the best way to go. Added BB_RKL10.BAS showing single-record locks in action. Made some changes to CZ.HLP. Also added HLP2TXT.EXE to strip off the index data at the front of CZ.HLP. Makes it easier to import into WPs or even print directly. Creates CZ.TX!. About 5800 lines with 20 or so blank lines at the end (filler lines). --- 28-July-92. (chh) Issued 1.01a. In ReadKHXB the cache buffer needed to be invalidated since the cache buffer is invalid once control is released/made available to another process. Added !README2 text file explaining value (status=) returned from transaction-based routines. --- 24-July-92. (BJ) Issued 1.01 In PackRecordsXB, if the last physical record is the only record to be deleted, it won't. Fixed. In ReindexXB, the index cache buffer was not invalidated after reindex which means that a subsequent request may be satisfied from the invalid cache (causing spurious 224 errors from no longer existing data records). Fixed. CZ.HLP BULLET error 223 should be 224 (223 is the one reserved). Fixed. --- 23-July-92 () Added CZXT.COM for PCs and early XTs. Popup text does not appear on the early machines. Fixed. --- 22-July-92. (CH) In OpenKXB, an invalid xbHandle link will return a negative 222 (-222). Fixed. CZ.HLP lists OpenPack.xbHandle as OpenPack.XBlink. xbHandle will be used. --- 16-June-92. Issued 1.00.