*** Paradox-like Picture Parsing *** The enclosed C++ files PARAPICT.CPP and PARAPICT.HPP define a class which you can use to provide Paradox-like input pictures in your application. I have also enclosed TESTPIC.CPP, which demonstrates how to use this class using standard gets/puts. These pictures implement all the picture characters found in Paradox. There are, however, a few subtle differences in how things work. The most two significant differences are: 1. An option in an alternative choice is selected as soon as any character matches the picture. For example, ###RED###,###GRE###,###YEL###,###BLU### Would not function the same as in Paradox. With this library, the first alternate would always be selected, because the first character typed matches the # of the first one. To achieve the same effect, you would use: ###{RED,GRE,YEL,BLU}### I don't think this restriction limits the capability, although it does make it a little less easy to use. 2. Literals are only filled in when preceded by a non-special match character. For example, the picture: {20,40}W When you type the 2, the 20 is filled in, but not the W (since it is not preceded. This is somewhat annoying, I know. Perhaps I will fix it someday, or perhaps someone else will (it's not a bug, it intrinsic in a design shortcut or two). I hope you enjoy these files. Please drop me a line (although you are not required to) if you use them, extend them or find any problems. Ken Vogel CIS 74007,564 FIS, Inc. 44 Playstead Rd Newton, MA 02158