FONTLOOK! FONTLOOK! FONTLOOK! FONTLOOK! FONTLOOK! FONTLOOK! FONTLOOK! Technical Manual and User Documentation Version 1.0 - 19-JUL-92 - 1.0 Apology This Visual Basic app is based on code that appeared on BBS's somewhat earlier. I borrowed the tricks for generating the font list and color list that are used (the only hard part I found was getting the index for color), but everything else I take the blame for. Isn't Visual Basic the greatest thing ever? 2.0 Hype FontLook! enables you to view all your installed screen fonts in sizes from 9 to 96 points. You can type in your own text to see how it'll look, or use the ANSI character set or a short sentence that's included. It features a resizeable text area with scroll bars that you can type in. I like comparing fonts at the larger point sizes (but then I'm easy to amuse). 3.0 Features The features are pretty much self explanatory, just futz around. 4.0 System Requirements You need the file vbrun100.dll in your windows directory and some screen fonts. Almost anything else is helpful, I guess. 5.0 Fees This is free software. Enjoy! Pass it along to your friends. I made it to work just the way I want it to work; if you like it, too, then great! I did it as a passtime to fritter away the hours between contracts. Better than moping and brooding. Know anyone with a job available? 6.0 Terms and Conditions I can't think of anything this software is good for other than viewing screen fonts, and I won't even be held to that, so I make no claims about its fitness for any purpose. I don't think this software is merchantable, and neither should you. You use it completely at your own risk and I will not be liable for anything. 7.0 Technical Support There is none. 8.0 Explanation of Numbering Scheme I started with one and continued upwards, incrementing. 9.0 Contacts If you want, give me a call at (617) 322-3416 or send mail on CServ to 72077,160 or write me at 171 Linden Ave., Malden MA 02148 Source code is available if you want it. 10.0 Salutation Cheers! - Len Dobrowski \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\