^\06Barren Realms Elite ^\07v^\0E0.0960^\07 - ^\06BRE ^\07By Mehul Patel using Turbo Pascal 5.5 (Borland International) Home Site: ^\03The Solar Realm BBS ^\07Phone: ^\03(^\0B713^\03)^\0B855^\03-^\0B1665 ^\07Home Address: ^\0AMehul Patel 4851 Cairnsean Houston, TX 77084-2541 ^\0FThe Story: ^\07Many years after the collapse of the ^\0ASolar Realms^\07, new colonies were developed on planets around the world. Today, though, those colonies and empires have been destroyed. Technology advanced too far and too fast for the good of the planets and soon Nuclear Technology became too powerful. Now, the vast barren lands of the planet must be used to rebuild the great empires of the past. Without the powerful advantage of expanding into already settled territory, the rulers, such as you, could not expand easily. One great ruler, now known as the king, claimed the entire planet as his own. You have been given the official title of Baron in the king's land. As a baron, you have been given two regions of territory and 50 soldiers to defend it. You, as a dedicated member of the King's empire, must work to expand your realm. This time, though, the land is not built on. You must use the resources of the world, rivers, mountains, coastlines, plains, and more to build and expand your empire. The king grants his new barons time to expand without combat, but after a period of time, you will be on your own. You will have to battle other barons to expand your personal glory, and hopefully, be selected as the king's heir. But this task will not be easy. There are many other barons competing for the same goal - and they are all as strong as you. There is one other problem you may face throughout your realm's career. You may be forced to ally with other barons and fight under the name of the king to ward off invasions from other planets - or, you may invade those same planets. Now, not only must you make alliances and make war against other players, but, you will have to choose between war and peace, ally vs. enemy with many other planets (ie, other BBSes) from around the galaxy. Good luck, Baron of the Barren Realms. ^\0F The Game Itself: ^\07 As you enter the actual "Game" part of the game, the first menu you come to will be Diplomacy. This menu will allow you to select from various treaties and alliance pacts to offer other players. If accepted, during combat, your allies will come to the aid of your empire to various extents, but remember, you will also aid your allies and may jeopardize many of your forces. ^\0FTypes of Pacts:^\07 ^\0BPeace Treaty^\07 - Peace treaties, by some, are considered the most powerful type of treaty. Peace treaties, by order of the king, cannot be broken unless a formal declaration is made to the other realm, and will not be officially broken until the other realm receives this notification. Therefore, it can be a powerful tool of defense against possible enemies. ^\0BTrade Agreement^\07 - Trade agreements allow open trade between two empires, allowing both empires to profit off of earned tax money. ^\0BDefense Agreement^\07 - This is a simple agreement proclaiming that each empire will send a small amount of military defense to aid if the other is attacked. ^\0BProtective Alliance^\07 - This is an official alliance declaration, similar to the defense agreement, except the amount of military aid sent is increased. ^\0BSoldier Alliance^\07 - This is an alliance in which both empires will devote a large percentage of their soldiers to defending the other realm. ^\0BTank Defense Plan^\07 - This plan, is a long, elaborately drawn out plan detailing an alliance which devotes a large percentage of the Tank Robots to defending your ally. ^\0BFull Defense Alliance^\07 - This plan, the most balanced and powerful alliance, puts forth a large amount of all of your forces in defending an ally in need. ^\0FOther Options:^\07 ^\03Declare War^\07 - This is used to break an agreement with another empire. Although you can break most pacts by making attacks, etc, Peace Treaties can only be broken by Formal declarations of war. ^\03View Treaties^\07 - This option allows you to view relations with the other empires in the game. After the Treaties menu, you will see a status screen showing the condition of your empire. This includes Military Forces, Regions, Military and Populace morale, and various other items of varying importance. In the registered version, you will be then offered a chance to visit the bank. The Bank allows you to put your cash in safe keeping, away from the evils of the world, but also allows you to make loans, when in need, and invest in the king. These investments generally will net you a profit, but they take time, so be careful as to how much you invest. Next, you must fill your realm's monetary needs. Every year, you must pay to maintain your army and regions. Often, the king will ask for taxes, and, as a loyal member of the king's realm, you will generally do so or face the consequences. Depending on your empire's condition, you may also have to pay to improve morale and support in your realm. After completing the monetary needs, you must feed your empire. Since they pay such high taxes and do as you say (generally), they do require that you pay and feed them (they also give you all the food they produce). Soldiers, being hungry and underfed all the time (supposedly), require VAST amounts of food compared to the general populace (rumor has it that the soldiers use the food as target practice). If you happen to not have enough food, you may buy (or sell) to the planetary food market *IF* they happen to have any available food. Not feeding or paying your realm can lead to riots, revolts, civil wars, and more in your empire. After the food market, if your realm is advanced in the ways of covert operations (ie, you have some agents), you will come to the Covert Operations menu. There are various, devious, evil, cruel, mean, violent things you can do to your enemies... ^\0FCovert Operations^\07 ^\09Send Spy^\07 - Allows you to attempt to get military information on another realm. This operation takes place immediately. ^\09Stir Revolts^\07 - One of your very dedicated (or bribed) agents will go into the other realm and do propaganda like "Hey! Your emperor put my brother in jail because he was walking down the street at 12:41AM!", etc. and help stir revolts in the enemy empire. ^\09Set Up^\07 - This cool covert op will send one of your other clumsy (or stealthy) agents to go try to set two empires up by telling their leaders that they are officially declaring war on each other. Generally, a clumsy agent is sent in because it improves chances of the king hating the other empire. Another reason is that if he's caught, you lose a bad agent rather than a good one. ^\09Support Dissensions^\07 - This operation will send another, more dignified, agent to the enemy using propaganda, such as "Your food supply is going to be decrease to only 3 megatons per year! You can only eat 9 pounds of food per meal instead of 38.5! Flee this army!" ^\09Demoralize Forces^\07 - This operation will use a high tech jet (hey, why can't you use those in combat?) to drop tons of drugs and alcohol into the enemy army camps. This will demoralize the enemy forces if they find them, but your powerful high tech jet may get caught and shot down. ^\09Spy on Relations^\07 - This will send a spy (who is REALLY REALLY good at changing faces) to go to another empire up to 25 times (pretending to be from a different realm each time) and ask the baron to clarify their relations. You generally send good agents in this kind of mission because a clumsy one might forget to change faces or something. ^\09Bomb Enemy Targets^\07 - This will send a spy on a suicide mission (except he might not die) to plant a bomb in random enemy targets. If successful, you'll find out what was blown up (he goes back and looks), but if he fails, the enemy generally tests the strength of the bomb on the agent. ^\09Bribery^\07 - A very powerful, but expensive, in Covert Oping! You get to send one of your very persuasive agents to pay off an enemy agent ALOT of money and after that, he will give you helpful information on enemy stats which allows you to have a higher covert op success rate! ^\09Expose Enemy Ops^\07 - The most expensive, but possibly the ultimate, Covert operation. This operation puts you in communication with one of your bribed agents to do even MORE work for you. For the high price asked, he will give your enemy an almost 100% failure rate in their covert ops against you for 24 hours. This can be very beneficial as it gives you 100% immunity from the enemy intelligence. It also is guaranteed 100% - no chance of failure. Now the only problem is, can you afford it? After you are through doing your dasterdly deeds in the Covert ops area, you will move on to the bank if the game is registered, and if not, you will go to the Main Spending Menu! (Go Shopping!) ^\0FMain Menu Options:^\07 ^\0CSystem Menu^\07 - Cool menu that lets you check out all sorts of things of the game. Mostly self explanatory. ^\0CSell/Buy^\07 - This lets to switch to Sell (or to Buy if you're in sell) Menu so you can get rid of those expensive to maintain things to gain a little cash. ^\0CSoldiers^\07 - The backbone of your army. They eat your food, require money, and are generally more populated than Jets, Missile Bases, and Tanks. These "clones" all go around shooting each other, bashing each other, etc, etc. just like normal wars. You should maintain a nice Soldier defense. ^\0CJets^\07 - These airborne maniac forces are not the high tech ones used in the world of espionage, but they do they're job pretty well. They are OFFENSIVE only weapons as in defense, it takes too long to prepare and load them for immediate combat. They are a very nice offensive device and can generally be a big plus for an offensive against a fellow baron. ^\0CMissile Bases^\07 - These Anti-Air (And Anti-Land) Missile Pads are a very effective Stationary defense for any empire. They use a new advanced technology of rock pellets, as well as moldy food, as ammo and launch them at super high speeds which can easily knock out the jets. They also can blow a hole through a soldier if hit, and a couple of hits can take out the wheels of the advanced AT-3 Tanks. Nice defenses to keep at any time. ^\0CCommanders^\07 - These guys are the Non clones of of the backbone of your army. They each can command 50 clone troops and are required for combat. They generally are pretty nice guys too! (they listen to you!) ^\0CHeadquarters^\07 - Your personal (but not private) headquarters. This is where most of your decisions take place and nearby is your central covert agency. For some reason, the closer to completion (up to 100%) this base is, the more effectively tanks fight. Your research teams are still trying to learn WHY this is true... ^\0CRegion Buying - You can buy the following types of regions: ^\04Coastal^\07 - The shorelines of your world (and all other worlds!) makes a great tourist attraction. Blocking off this area and expanding it to amusement parks, etc, provides a nice amount of money for your empire. BUT, these attractions generally have many problems when your popular support is low. ^\04Mountains^\07 - The mountains of any world are filled with vast resources just waiting to be mined^\07 - and YOU can take advantage of that opportunity and mine the mountains. Mining brings you a very solid, steady income although it is smaller than other sources of income. ^\04Desert^\07 - The deserts of the planet are filled with...well, DESERT! You may ask "What can I do with DESERT land?" The presence of sunlight in these deserts allows for great amounts of solar power generation. The amount of profits from these generators depends completely on the weather. If the weather is good, you can profit a great deal more than even Tourist areas, but if it's poor (no sun) you will barely profit enough to ensure survival. ^\04Industry^\07 - Your industrial power is your military creation. The factories are your alternative to buying military equipment. And, in times of need, extra resources can be used to produce extra cash. These are a valuable tool for any empire. ^\04Rivers^\07 - The rivers are an interesting type of terrain to own. They are an excellent hydro-power supply and can provide vast amounts of income but every few years your populace shuts down the hydroplants to go fishing. These years, you only receive mild amounts of food for your empire. Nevertheless, the income of these rivers can sometimes be enough to offset the disadvantages. ^\04Agriculture^\07 - The agricultural land in the empire is the basis of food in your empire. You have to keep enough of these to keep your empire going. Although you COULD rely on a large food market, it can be a very dangerous thing to do in case the market is empty one day... ^\04Urban^\07 - Urban areas are a place to develop a high population and allow more CASH (COOL!) for you to spend other places. But be careful: A large population needs large amounts of food! ^\0CCovert Agents^\07 - This is where you buy those clumsy, smart, and sometimes even qualified, agents that do your dasterdly deeds for your empire. You may wish to buy large quantities at once because as your agency grows, it could become very costly to buy new agents. ^\0CTanks^\07 - The new AT-3 Tanks are the military might of the army. Armed with Anti-Aircraft fast fire guns, Three Twin Turret Rapid Fire Guns, and a whole arsenal of missiles and special weapons, this is the most expensive, but deadliest offensive and defensive weapon you can buy. A large army of AT-3s can prove to be VERY beneficial in combat. A disadvantage of these weapons is the expense and high maintainence cost which can eat away your funds. ^\0CCarriers^\07 - As jets are lightning quick and light weight, they have a disadvantage in fuel capacity. In order to balance this, carriers are needed to transport and refuel the jets as necessary. One transport can store up to 100 jets. These are required for battle with jets. OK...You're done with your shopping spree now...Onwards to Combat! ^\0FTypes of Attacks:^\07 ^\0ERegular^\07 - This is the standard attack the enemy and steal all the regions you can and then leave. Wow. ^\0ENuclear Strike^\07 - Nuclear weapons, being very rare, are an expensive thing to buy. But of course, you can always find one waiting. Due to the fact that the amount of nuke power you need depends on the size of the empire you wish to hit, so does the cost. Nukes, if used properly, can cripple an enemy very severly. Nuclear missiles can corrode a nice percentage of an enemy's land. ^\0EChemical Warfare^\07 - Similar to nuclear strikes, except these weapons hurt the land (to a smaller degree), but kill millions of civilians and affect the morale and popular support of the empire. ^\0EBiological Warfare^\07 - Also like nuclear strikes, except Biological attacks do not affect the land. Instead, they invade not only the populated towns, but also training camps and kill LOTS of clone soldiers! (Research teams are still working on figuring out HOW bio attacks can kill robot clone soldiers...Oh well^\07 - You have slow research!) ^\0EPirate Raids^\07 - Sick of the pirate scum that always raid your empire? Well, get back at them! Blow them to pieces! Destroy them! Enjoy! Ok...So you did your attacking for the year...Now comes the trading. What kinds of stuff do you want to send? demand? Who to send to? All of this is up to you. You decide entirely what you do. Good luck! Now...If you're playing the InterPlanetary Version, you'll come to the Interplanetary Operations menu. These the options: ^\0CSend Recon^\07 - Reconning is automatically done by BRE IP, but if you for some reason want a more up-to-date recon, you're welcome to select this! ^\0CTerrorist Operations^\07 - These can be highly beneficial in any assault. Combining the forces of espionage and terrorism, you can do heavy damages to your enemy right before sending the final devastating attack. There are many different options, but all of them are self-explanatory! (Yes, they can explain themselves to you!) ^\0CCreate InterPlanetary Attack Force^\07 - This will set up a new attack force to be sent to either an entire planet or a single Barony. You can set when the attack leaves and before that time, anybody on your planet can join in the attack. Returns will be divided according to the amount of forces you each put in. ^\0CJoin InterPlanetary Attack Force^\07 - This lets to join any of the attack parties waiting to leave! (neato, huh?) ^\0CCreate Strike Force^\07 - This allows you to send your own strike force to a single player on another planet. You get twice as many returns if you send the attack yourself, but you can't attack an entire planet. (Too bad!) ^\0CSend Message^\07 - Hmm...I wonder...Maybe sends a message? ^\0CBombing Operations^\07 ^\04Bomb Enemy Food Market^\07 - Gives you a chance to bomb the main food market of another planet. Many of these, combined with enough of a military offensive, could put many a barons through civil war due to lacks of food! ^\04Bomb Enemy Banks^\07 - This will blow holes in banks around the planet and destroy up to 30% of the coins on the entire planet - the barons' and the king's! ^\0CGooie Kablooie^\07 - The Gooie Kablooie is the ultimate weapon of destruction. Only one can be created at a time, and it takes a great deal of funding by all members of the BBS. Once funded (funding depends on the size of the target), the Gooie Kablooie will begin construction. Once construction is complete (a few days), it will be launched to meet it's target. Immediately upon arrival, 10% of the regions on the planet will be destroyed instantaneously. Every day of it's existance after the first day, another 5% will be destroyed, up to a max of 5 days at which time it will self-destruct. The only way to destroy this "thing", is to keep battling it with Jets until destroyed. The destruction of this weapon requires the cooperation of the entire planet, as the amount of jets required is enormous, and the damage irreversible. Done with trading (or InterPlanetary Ops)? Ok...Now to messages. Write some messages! Start some conversations! Chat a little! Talk..ANYTHING! Enjoy! Enjoy the game!