Thank you for downloading ORBWARS V3.1 If you liked this game and would like me to write more games then send the small registration fee of 5$ to: Orb Wars Registration 620 W. Main Manchester, MI 49158 And if you have a Sound blaster or Sound blaster pro then send me a disk (or an extra 5$) along with the registration fee and you will get sound card support... And if you send 25$ you can have the source code to this game (written in C++) Story: The scummy Voltrath's have taken over several planets in three different galaxies and are mining them for the minerals needed to make the V-bomb the ultimate weapon of destruction. Flying your Schzion Fighter armed with Planet Buster's you must destroy as many planets as you can without getting killed by the Voltrath's Comet Fighters... Instructions: To start the game type MT. Once you have entered the game hit 1 for a one player game or 2 for a 2 player vs game. In the 1 player game you manuever your ship using the keys: E (counterclockwise turn) R (Clockwise turn) T (Thrust) G (fire Gun) In a 2 player game player 1 uses the keys noted above and player 2 uses the arrow keys to turn, shoot, and thrust. The players try to shoot each other with thier guns and avoid thier opponents. The Player who gets hit 10 times first loses. Scoring: Shooting a planet gives you 10 points for the first one 20 points for the second one 30 points for the third one and so on Shooting a comet warrior gives you 50 points each. P.S. A graphics program called Smalstep is also included if you want the source code for it send 3$ to the address noted above