COURSE : COLONIAL COUNTRY CLUB LOCATION : FORT WORTH, TEXAS SPECS : PAR 70 7098 YARDS JNUG DESIGN : ROBERT VASILIK JNSE DESIGN : MIKE VOS OBJECT DESIGN : Mike Vos, Phil McCloud, Scott Chesney, Gene Rodreguez III BACKGROUND : Phil McCloud Notice: This material is copywrited 8/92 by Mike Vos. This material is FREEWARE and CANNOT be sold, either for profit, or by distributors under the guise of charging for copy fees. (C) August 1992 - Mike Vos/ Cheese Shark. This course may be freely distributed in it's ORIGINAL form. You MUST get permission from the designer (Mike Vos) before distributing the changed course. If you make any changes for personal use, you do not need permission from the designer. Any comments or questions on this, or any other courses done by me, can be addressed to me on the following BBS systems Accolade - Ninja Exec-PC - Frank Rugby Compuserve - ID# 76474,3342 Mirage BBS - Mike Vos - (414) 656-0786