If only the PGA had started keeping complete stats in the 20's rather than the 80's! Since there were no numbers other than actual scores to help in creating this set of all-time golfing greats, I relied heavily on stories, anecdotes, and reputation. When I first mentioned that I might try this, Mark Willet asked where I was going to get my research material since stats from the past were non-existent. I told him I was going to dig out my old APBA golf game and shoot 100 rounds with their collection all-time greats. Luckily, that wasn't necessary. Roger Johnson and Dave Salamon did much of the playtesting, and their advice was invaluable. Much of what went in to creating the list was their input. Since they seemed to enjoy the playtesting, I hope others will enjoy playing a round or tournament with these players also. Thank you Roger and Dave! I was lucky enough to get my hands on several good books which talked at length about many of these players and their strengths and weaknesses. A real gem turned up at the public library - Fifty Years of American Golf by H.B. Martin. Published in 1936, it was able to give me much information regarding the stars of golf in the 20's and 30's - especially Walter Hagen & Bobby Jones. Since later publications seemed to want to gloss over much of the detail of players from this era, this book helped paint a more accurate and complete picture with first-hand accounts. The list of players could easily have been much lengthier. I kept it at 19 although that meant leaving out many fine players. At some point, I might do another longer list. Something that occurred to me as I was forming this list was that there were many great tournaments that involved players that didn't quite measure up to the truly greats over a career, but who excelled for a smaller period of time - sometimes only for a particular tournament. Therefore, I propose to the great course designers that if they are doing a recreation of a classic course, how about creating a matching members list to recreate a great tournament held on that course? For Cherry Hills, you could do a list of the top finishers in the historic 1960 U.S. Open that featured Palmer's charge to victory. For the Country Club, you could do a list featuring Francis Ouimet, Harry Vardon, and Ted Ray to recreate the great battle of the 1913 U.S. Open. This would be one more way to learn a little extra about the course's history. A few words about the computer players. After much debate, it was decided to make all players straight hitters of the ball, even though several players were known to favor drawing or fading the ball. This was because the computer players seemed to hook or slice unpredictably when set up to draw or fade. They did not use it to their advantage, but rather just hit frequent wild shots that ran up their scores. A feeble attempt was made to try and match players on-screen appearance to their actual, but this was really impossible given the apparel that some of these guys wore in their day. Too bad, because it would be fun to see more variety. In actual shotmaking abilities, I downplayed the variance between abilities since no statistical data was available. When a player had a reputation as a long driver (like Craig Wood) or an extremely accurate irons player (Tommy Armour), then I gave that player those strengths. Otherwise, I think it's important to believe that truly any one of these players could win a tournament on any given day if they were grouped together like this, so their skills are accordingly quite closely matched. If you have any comments or suggestions for future additions or lists, please feel free to contact me on Prodigy (TCMH59A) or by writing to me at 114 S.Skyline Dr., Mankato, MN 56001. I hope you have fun playing with these great players - and good luck in trying to beat them! (Last minute addition: I created file called GREATS.BAT that will rename your current members list file to MEMBERS.BAK, then rename GREATS.LST to MEMBERS.LST, and load the game. Then, when you quit the game, it will rename all files back to their original names. This way, you can just type "GREATS" from your game directory to load and use them without hassling with the REN command yourself.)