HINTS AND SOLUTIONS TO NAT'S WOLFENSTEIN 3D LEVELS GENERAL TIPS: Here are some general tips that will help you throughout the levels, and tips I have no better place to put. * Almost all (but not quite all) the treasure rooms in my levels are be- hind tapestries, paintings, signs, banners, eagles, Nazi wreaths and other decorations. I also hide pushable blocks in a regular wall between decorations and obvious other places such as at the end of a corridor. There are a few exceptions, however. * The best way to beat a host of guards or blue officers is to hide to the side of a door at a distance after you open it into the room with the bad guys and then point your gun at the door and shoot them one by one as they go through. * Be careful when entering a seemingly empty room. There may be guards hidden in the walls who will pop out when you go in. You can enter a wall that a guard has walked through. This can be useful for getting to secret treasure rooms... * Never waste ammo. Some levels have little to spare. You should try to use your knife when you can and your regular machine gun for guards and blue officers. Only in emergencies or levels with vast amounts of ammo, use the bullet-wasting huge gun. * If you encounter a huge guard it means one of the following. 1: You have encountered the one huge guard in the game you must destroy in level nine. 2: You went the wrong way or walked into a trap. Don't do it again. 3: You passed a huge guard you must be seen by and then must run from before you are destroyed. 4: You encountered a huge guard with a strategy you must use to get past unscathed. Try to deduce which one it is or a combination and act accordingly. * There is a secret level hidden in level one. Can you find it, collect all the treasure and leave without looking at the hints? Keep trying... * The most treasure is hidden in levels 9, 10, 1, and 7 in that order. They all have complicated secret areas guarding their riches. * Some levels have so many pushable blocks that it is impossible to col- lect 100% of the secret. Such levels are 3, 6 and 8. You should try for 50% instead. Even that is incredibly difficult. Levels 6 and 8 also have huge guards so I don't think it is possible to get 100% kill percentage. Go for 95% at least. In level 7, it is impossible to get more than 0% secret, 0% treasure and a small percentage of kill unless you play on the highest difficulty level. * It is even possible to do amazing feats such as killing ten blue offi- cers with a knife if you duck behind a wall and wait for them to come one by one. I had to do this once to 15 blue officers with 8% health on "I am death incarnate." * Save often. You'll be glad you did. Save one saved game at the begin- ning of each level as you get to it and one or two more for exploring it. Be sure to have more than one saved game, or you may save after do- ing something that made it impossible to win. * After opening a door, if you see no guards, fire your gun and back up, ready to kill any that were around the corner and were aroused by your shot. * If you in no way can beat the bad guys from the levels other than the huge guards, select an easier difficulty level and begin again. DON'T CHEAT! * Guards from other rooms may surprise you by coming in from all direc- tions and slaughtering you. Keep you eye on all the doors to make sure they don't open. * If you shoot a guard in a doorway, the door will remain open. This can be good or bad in your position. * ALL LEVELS ARE POSSIBLE AND HAVE BEEN WON BY MYSELF ON THE MOST DIFFI- CULT SETTING. THIS HINT FILE IS TO HELP PLAYERS PAST THE MANY DIFFICULT STRATEGY AREAS OF THE GAME. ONLY READ WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. NEVER GIVE UP! LEVEL 1: Level one was the first Wolfenstein 3D level I ever made. It has many secrets and treasure chambers although it is not too difficult to actually win. Level difficulty at the end refers to how hard I pre- dict the level is enemy-wise. The strategy difficulty is how hard the strategies are that you need to win the level and find its secrets. You start facing north. All directions in the hints are based on that. * There is a secret passage between the two eagles in the stone room to the east of the cell. In it, push the two leftmost northern blocks in the right order to receive an extra life. Push the right one first and then the left one to the side. * Collect the treasure from the wooden rooms to the north. There is also a secret passage behind a Hitler painting in one of the rooms. There is another secret passage on a plain wall inside the first secret room. It contains a machine gun. It will help you greatly if you are on a diffi- cult setting. * If you scour the large room filled with dogs with the central room in- side, you will find a small blue passage leading to the blue maze. * There is no specific strategy for the blue maze. Be careful of guards traveling through it. They may shoot you from the side or behind. Look for walls on the outside wall for an escape door. * There is another secret in the steel-plated room. Go through the door at the other end to find the golden key. Now return to the dog room. * Kill the bad guys and collect the treasure in the central rooms inside the dog room. Then proceed though either the northern or western door into a grey corridor. Push a banner out of the way and speed through the hallway beyond to the locked door. * In the room of armor, go to the opposite wall and push one block jut- ting out to the side, the one behind it back, and then one to the side. It will lead to a large secret area. * But if you don't go in, just proceed through the grey stone rooms and take the left door when there is a choice until you find the elevator. * If you do go in, take the ammo, go through the turning, dog-infested corridor, take the treasure in the rooms to the east (that's forward out of the corridor). and then proceed into the wooden area. * In it, you will find many pushable walls. To return a quicker route to the end of the level, push a certain block in a tiny room that opens a hole to an alternate path from the end. * Collect all the treasure. Then push a certain block to enter a blue area. Once inside, go through the corridor, push another block and col- lect the blue key. Now head back and push blocks until you find a steel plated room. Pushing a block in that will finally reveal the way to the hidden level. Level difficulty is 3. Level strategy difficulty is 3. LEVEL 2: Level 2 is the level most like a regular Wolfenstein 3D level. The walls are straight and it has a layout that could possibly be castle-like. The number of enemies in the level is considerably larger. You start out facing north. * There is food in the first door on the same wall to the right. Head east and then north to find a huge gun. Don't go farther without it. Collect the blue key by returning to the central room and taking the western door. * There is ammo in a secret room found in the dog room to the east. * Go through the southern door. The doors to your right lead to corri- dors with pushable blocks at the end. If you push one, you can go push the other from the side, revealing a different stash of goods. * If you go through the other door through the red brick area, remember that the yellow key is to be found in the area to the east or left as you came facing in. * With both keys, you can collect the treasure from a room to the east and south of the central room, but it is not essential and is guarded well. * Go north from the central room. Taking the first two doors left will take you out of the jail area and into rooms filled with steel plates. There is a great deal of treasure and health scattered in the jail area. Look in every room and try pushing cells on the walls. * In the steel area, it is hard to see doors. Be wary of enemies and proceed through. There is one more secret room in a small room somewhere in the steel area but it is hardly worth it. Level difficulty is 5. Level strategy difficulty is 2. LEVEL 3: This level takes its place as the one of the strangest. Parts of it are shaped more like a cave than a castle. This level seemed to give people much more trouble than any of the others before and it has more strategy in it. You begin facing north. * As you start out, there are small passages forward and to the right and left. Begin by killing the guards quickly and then turning left. * Explore the area. There is a first aid kit down a passage-way. When you have thoroughly explored it, go into the blue room with the passage to a room of steel plates. * The room is long and oblong. Keep to one wall. When you find a first aid kit, follow the wall nearby until you find a sign you can push. Con- tinue this until you find the right one, push it, and walk through. * Now you will see the way blocked by a barrier of blocks in a checker- board pattern. There are many combinations that will get you through. A sure way, though is to push the left-most pushable block, then the new left-most block again and continue until you are through. Don't push more blocks unless you are absolutely intent on getting as high a secret percentage as possible. You may accidentally block your path back. Later, you will encounter the same pattern. This time it is important always to push the right-most block. You may block the way to the key behind if you do it wrong. (Save first.) After you get the key, return to the beginning of the level. * Now take the door to the right of the beginning. (Just to be sure, it's the locked one.) You will then enter a wooden area inhabited solely by blue suits. To the left, you may find some treasure, but the best thing to do is proceed through the right doors, conserving shots on the blue officers and grab the blue key. Return to the beginning. * Now take the one remaining door. Pass through the red zone, killing the guards as you go, and enter the purple area. There is a first aid kit hidden in a corridor. Take it and find the exit elevator nearby. Level Difficulty is 8. Level strategy difficulty is 7. LEVEL 4: This level is a complicated web of rooms. Even I have troubles determining where I am. You begin facing east. * There is a stock-up right at the beginning of the level. Push the ele- vator and you will find health and ammo. Save it till later when you re- turn. * There are a few ways to determine where you are. There are three areas to the level. The blue area and the red area are inhabited only by blue officers and have no doors, only pushable blocks between rooms. The ma- jority of the space is grey brick. In it, there are three landmarks in the shape of a swastika. You begin in the first. Try to orient yourself from there. The other two each require a different key to open the doors leading from them. * Begin by exploring the area around the center swastika. There are oc- casional pushable blocks leading to small secrets. Position landmarks and memorize them so you can orient yourself. (Like remembering where the decorations of a room are placed so you know where you are if you return to it later.) Eventually you will find a key. Once you have, go to the center swastika and explore the opposite direction. Find the cor- rect locked door and proceed into the south-west swastika. * Now it is important to remember the exact features of your view at the center of the swastika from your branch. You will need it to orient yourself later. Explore each of the other branches until you find the entrance to the blue area. * The blue area is full of blue suits and is very difficult. Save often. After pushing a block into a room, hide behind it and shoot the enemy or enemies. If you continue this strategy with success, you will find the other key. There is some treasure worth getting beyond the room full of armor, if you want to brave a few extra blue officers. * Here comes a hard part. You must use what you remember to travel back to the original swastika and then find the other set of locked doors to the third one. Make sure it isn't the old one by checking to see where the decorations are. Now exit a different arm and continue until you find a door leading to the red zone. * Now that you are in the red zone, there is no reason to go back. There are many paths in the red area that lead to the end. Save before pushing blocks. They may be stuck in the middle or my lead you right into an am- bush. Hardy souls can collect ammo and treasure by pushing blocks into treasure rooms. * The ending is behind two elevator doors and many regular ones. Once inside you will have nothing more to fear from the enemies. Save your game (Don't wait until level 5.) Level difficulty is 14. Level strategy difficulty is 9. LEVEL 5: Level five is one I consider very interesting. I had a lot of trouble being stalked by the bad guys in this level instead of stalking them. The route out of the level once you have both keys is also inter- esting, as well as long. You start out facing north. * You begin this level with the guns of four guards pointed at your head, with four others coming as well in a confusing block filled room. Now you know why you should have saved in level 4 if you didn't. Shoot quickly as you run forward, killing the guard ahead of you as you get out of view of the others. Run till you hit a wall, then turn right to a dead end. Turn and shoot the guards one by one as they come in to view. Be careful. They may shoot you from around the corner. A more daring, but a usually better working strategy is to go to the dead end, kill a guard, then run across, collecting his ammo to the opposite side before the other guards catch on, turn, shoot the next guy and repeat the proc- ess. In any case, you must dispose of the guards before you open any doors. * Now find the elevator into the level and take a door on that wall. You Should be in a grey area connecting to a purple one. Explore it, killing all the officers and guards inside. Be extra careful. They are likely to form gangs and pop into the room you are in from all sides. The best way to prevent this is to watch all the doors and save your game in a room with only one which is safely closed. Try to outsmart the gangs by get- ting in a position that gives you an advantage like sneaking up behind them and killing them all with a heavy-duty gun when they merge together in one room. Try to conserve ammo! * After all the enemies are dead, look for health kits and pocket the blue key found somewhere in the grey area. Go to the red central room and realign yourself with the elevator. This time take a right-hand door into a blue jail area. There is some secret health behind a block at the end of the corridor. The left hand side has some treasure worth getting. But it is vital to collect the gold key a few rooms to the right from the hallway. Return to the red room in front of the elevator. * Now take the right one of the northern doors ahead of you. (There should be piles of bad guys nearby if you took my advice.) You can con- quer a few rooms and get a line of ammo between two rows of armor. If you died in the level or needed more ammo before, you could get this at the beginning of the level instead. * Now take the left northern door to the other side of the armor. On the left wall is a locked door leading to the next part of the level. There is nothing really strategically tough about the wooden area. There may be a little treasure in it, but mostly you should just proceed through it. Pass through the small steel rooms filled with dogs and the blue area. * Now you should be in a grey area once again. Quickly run down the cor- ridor and turn. You will see many corridors leading off to the right. Some or all of those, depending on the difficulty will have officers at the end. They get shorter the farther away they are, so run past very fast, killing only a couple. Now try to conserve energy in the purple area beyond. Don't take too long or the officers will catch up from be- hind. Find the elevator and escape! Level difficulty is 18. Level strategy difficulty is 13. LEVEL 6: Level 6 and level 9 have the most strategy in them, but level 6 is the one with the hardest puzzles of all the levels and it contains many huge guards. All of them are in places you must travel through so the hardest part of the level is figuring how to get past the huge guards in the first place. Each part has a different strategy. You start out facing north. * Save your game. Be sure to save it under a different name. * Go forward. You will find yourself in a room split room with two halves on each side of a line of wells. If you turn right, you will come to a door that opens to reveal four huge guards. What you perhaps can't see is the gold key behind the last one that you must get. Note the po- sitions of the doors on the side walls and restore. * This is the hardest puzzle in the game. Unless you are really stuck, don't go on. If you want a hint, here it is: The answer involves walking through the main door, through a side door, back into the room from the other side door, taking the key and returning, without the guards even seeing you! If you do read the solution steps, only read one at a time. * Here is the complete solution: At the beginning of the level, there are two corridors branching off going left and right. Push the block at the end of the right one. * Now push one of the blocks from the blue jail cell through the path made by dead bodies. (Dead bodies are one of the few things you can walk over, but you can't push blocks through.) * Open the door. If you walk in, you would see you are on the other side of one of the doors to the right as you enter the deadly corridor. Now quickly push the block in front of the door and then through it. * Go to the room of wells. Turn left this time and fight through all the rooms without pushing any blocks until you find a tiny room with two small wall formations symmetrically inside. Kill the enemies as you go. * You must push all but one of the walls away, without blocking your path back. Now repeat the trick by opening the door, and pushing a block in front and then through. This may not work if there are the bodies of enemies blocking the way. Kill them in the close half of the room. * Almost there. You should have smooth sailing now, but if you are STILL stuck, here is the final step. Enter the corridor filled with huge guards from the normal door, so that you are facing them. What? Where did that block come from? You pushed it through the right door, remem- ber. Now push it one more time. It will go back with some weird visual effects revealing the left door. Go through it and out to the key and then return. The huge guards are completely trapped and can't possibly see you. Also, you may have noticed you can no longer walk through those doors you pushed blocks through. Just a bug, I guess. I have no idea why it happens. * If you got this far before reading a hint, you should be proud. If you just solved the last puzzle on your own you should be proud. If you have had many hints already, try to go through this next difficult puzzle with no hints. * Here is a hint before your solution: To solve this one, you must trig- ger all three huge guards and use all three of the doors to the area. There are three pushable blocks in the center passage that must be used as well. * You'll notice that if you go down one side of the purple room, you will come face to face with three huge guards, behind which lies the exit. If you run down there and back quickly on both sides, you will trigger all three guards with minimal injury. This should help you out somewhere... * Go into the room split in half by wells. Turn left and enter a room with a locked door and another regular one coming out. If you killed any bad guys on the same line across the room as the door, start over and be sure not to next time. Go to the tapestry on the wall and push it back. Don't push the one behind it. Go to the beginning. Save your game. * Go to the left passage. You will find that it if you push it now, it is the one behind the tapestry you just pushed away, pushed the opposite way. Push it until it is two or three spaces from the door, so one more push would put it there. If it doesn't work, restore. * Now, run down the passage and to the end of the purple room, trigger- ing two of the guards. Now run as fast as you can to the door, escape and push the block so the huge guards can't follow you through. Repeat the process on the other side from the next room. * Now you have three guards trapped in an area that you unfortunately have to go into. Try to get farther before reading more. Save your game again. * Speed down the center passage, and push out the blocks on either side and the block at the end. If your timing is right, all three guards should be trapped between your block in front of both doors and the block you pushed out on that side. * Now there is nothing left to do but push blocks through to the next part. *You can find some health behind a blood-covered purple wall in the next room. Take the southern (left) door into a grey room. * There is only one thing specially hard about the grey maze. At one point you will come to a dead end you can walk through. There are two near each other. One can only be walked through on the top two difficul- ties. Take the ammo and health and leave. * There is a lot of ammo in the grey maze if you search enough. * In the steel plate area, the main tactic is to be sure not to block your path. All the blocks are pushable. You can tell the boundary of the area because it has signs on it sometimes and its blocks are not push- able. * The correct route lies along the right border of the maze. If you are going for high kill and secret ratios, it is hard to find every room and kill the blue officer, and harder to push most of the blocks. * Take the northern door from the purple room this time. Don't go a step further once you are completely through. SAVE YOUR GAME NOW! * Now go forward. You are in a blue jail with two small jail buildings inside the big area. Unfortunately, the main inhabitants of the jail are huge guards. As soon as you step forward, one fires at you. Run to the left. Go past the door and forward till you trigger the huge guard there. * Now, pass through the first jail room, killing the dogs quickly. As you come out the other side, you should have lured the two huge guards away. Now go north and trigger the guard up there. Go in the opposite direction and trigger that guard as well. Run into the larger jail room. * In the second room inside, there are huge guards trapped behind pil- lars near the doors. This makes it hard to exit the room without behind shot to death. * You can collect an extra life if push the blocks on the wall opposite the northern door in the right combination. * Now you have a choice. You can either go north through the door and push the block out and then run right and turn the corner, or you can just run, open the other door in the room, duck back as the huge guard shoots, and run through. Either way you must get out on the other side of the jail room. * Run right, or south and turn the corner. With luck, the huge guard will be nowhere in sight. If he is, hide behind the wall and wait till he is almost there. Then save your game and bolt past him as fast as you can (It's tough.) * Open a door and push some blocks from the room you enter back on it so the huge guard won't pursue you. Over that hurdle! * There's a huge gun, some treasure and ammo in a secret passage and a secret room inside that one. It can be found by pushing the blocks in the blue room you should be in. * Through a door is block that can be pushed. It will open a way to the beginning of the level. If you didn't block off the doors from those huge guards before, they will be lurking around and you won't be able to get past. * Through a locked door in the beginning area, you find enough health to heal your wounds. * In the blue room, the final door takes you on the other side of the wells into the red zone. * The rooms in the red zone are divided by objects that block your path. (But not the bullets of enemies.) Be careful as you search for the ele- vator that leads out. Save again or at the beginning of level 7. Level difficulty 31. Level strategy difficulty is 37. LEVEL 7: Level 7 is a bit of a break from the last level as is pretty easy compared to level 6. It has interesting parts to it however, and it is unlike any other level I have made in that it is mostly wide and open. You begin facing north. * Go around collecting ammo. As soon as you pass a block of stone wall, dogs will be released. Be ready to fight. * There is a huge gun in the room west from the beginning. Be careful. Officers will jump out of the walls as you come in. Kill them first. * All the central rooms in the level have something in the walls. Shoot first and then blow them away as they come out. If you walk in, you will be ambushed. * Collect the two keys from two of the rooms. Now go towards the steel wall. Follow it until you see grey stone with a locked door. Going through there a short distance will take you to the elevator. * If, and only if you have already won on an easy level and you try the hardest, there is a secret area in the level. Try to find it. * To start, go to the room with the blue officers and the huge gun. Walk to the far wall, turn directly to the right and walk until you go through the wall. On other settings, that officer isn't there so you can't walk through it because nobody else did. * Now push the block behind it while inside. Open the door to the long corridor. Save your game. * Now fire your gun. Tons of guards should pop out of the walls, 20 or 30 at least. Switch to your huge gun, and run your fastest straight for- ward firing constantly. If you do it right, you will kill them all with- out getting hurt and not lose much ammo in the process from getting it as you go. If you are low on ammo at the start, use a machine gun in- stead. * Travel through the tiny purple maze and gun down the dogs. Take the ammo. You can shoot the dogs on the other side of the barriers if you want to save trouble later. * Now save your game and open the door to the purple-walled room. Fire your gun. If nothing happens, run in and then out. Eventually, 14 blue officers should pop out of the wall and shoot wildly. Run back and use the strategy of going back to the side and shooting them as they come out the door. Don't let even one escape. Collect the ammo. * There's a secret passage behind a sign on the steel wall. It leads to great rewards and a second elevator. Level difficulty is 13. Level strategy difficulty is 7. Level difficulty with secrets is 24. Level strategy difficulty with secrets is 23. LEVEL 8: Level 8 is unique in the fact that all the walls are what usu- ally are decorations. The level has many complicated sections. You begin facing north. * Secrets in this level are usually regular blocks in a wall of decora- tions. There are few but look carefully anyway. * From the beginning, head east. Proceed through the elevator rooms and the walls made of prison cells until you find the yellow key. There is also some treasure. * Be sure to collect the treasure, health and ammo that can be found in the many peculiar rooms to the west of the beginning. They are guarded well. * Save your game before heading north. Be sure you are done with the en- tire area before you open the door. When you do, run forward, triggering the huge guards to the side, and through the door at the other end. Re- peat this process in the next room. * You will now see yourself in a huge room filled with a maze of dead bodies. You can walk over them, but blocks can't be pushed over them. Push a nearest block through the maze so it blocks the door and seals the huge guards behind. * Push the other block into position so one more push would block the northern door, the one to the left as you enter the room. * Go through it. In the purple room with the key, run and grab it. As soon as you do, two huge guards attack. Flee as fast as you can. When you get to the body maze room, seal it behind you. Go through the one remaining door. * There's a lot of ammo and a huge gun hidden to the right as you enter the "steel with signs" room. * You can find plenty of treasure and the like if you look in some dead- end rooms. * It's a long trek to the end of the level along the border of it. You know when you have proceeded to the next area when the wall decoration changes. When you get to the passage of darkness, you are about half way from the enemy maze to the elevator. Conserve energy and life as much as you can. Level difficulty is 32. Level strategy difficulty is 26. LEVEL 9: Level 9 is the final level, other than the secret one. It also has a great abundance of strategy and strange things you must do throughout the level. You begin facing north. * The first door is far from normal. See what you can do with it. Mean- while, proceed through and collect all the treasure lying around. If you enter the diamond shaped room surrounded by the corridor you will be ob- structed by the huge guards. * You can walk through one side of the door slot and collect treasure. * Push the other door slot twice and enter a steel area. It is almost symmetrical, however, be sure to push only blocks on the right side. Eventually, after enough blocks have been pushed, you can proceed. Now if you push blocks on the other side from this direction, it will open a path to a treasure room. * There is yet another treasure room inside that one. Push a block... * Beyond the door in the steel area, you will see a room with 4 doors. One leads to a great stash of health that will help you in the battle. One leads back. The other two have blue officers inside. They are immune to bullets and will be triggered if you open the door or they may just jump out. Once they move, you can kill them. * In the diamond corridor back near the beginning, push a Hitler paint- ing to reveal a stash of ammo. Push more inside to reveal a huge gun if you lost yours previously. * Now prepare for battle. The center diamond room is full of blue offi- cers and 3 huge guards. However, the huge guards are positioned so that one sees you at first and the others see you as soon as you step in the doorway. So shoot the officers first and then back up. It is best to al- most kill the huge guard, go for more life and ammo and then return, killing him as he comes out the door. Otherwise you will be seen and shot while collecting the key. Leave the other huge guards where they are. * It should now be simple to unlock the locked door and escape Castle Wolfenstein. But is there more? Yes, indeed. The greatest treasure room of all the levels. Can you find it without any help? * Well, here's how you do it. Start by saving as you look towards the horizon. Now creep cautiously forward to the left wall as soon as you can. Save, then inch forward and move sideways. There is a maze of win- ning triggers, small, but hard to navigate through. When you get on the same row as the banners, save again. * Now push the left banner away. You will now have to conquer a super- hard red zone, at least on the difficult levels. You will eventually come across a blue key. Pick it up and escape with your life. * Push the right banner away. If you want 2 extra lives and 50 ammo (who wouldn't), push it again and push the blocks nearby until you get the right combination. * Now go through the door to the scattered blue area, filled with pil- lars and scattered walls. All the walls can be pushed but it is less confusing if you go as far as you can without pushing blocks and push them only when you need to. * Now, the hardest part. Conquering 10-20 blue officers in a corridor. Only the true experts will survive on the toughest level. * There is only a small area left to conquer before you collect more riches than ever before, but I will let you explore that yourself. Level difficulty is 21. Level strategy difficulty is 18. Level difficulty with treasure collection is 47. Level strategy difficulty with treasure collection is 41. LEVEL 10: Level 10 is the biggest challenge of all. If anyone else ever wins this level on the most difficult setting, they have earned a rank of expert. Since this level is secret and the last, I will give no solu- tions, only a few hints. * The level is divided into two equal parts, the labyrinth and the wooden area. * The labyrinth has many inlets and outlets. There are also huge guards lurking down its corridors, but they can be avoided if you take the right path. * If you can find but one door every game in the labyrinth, all the oth- ers can be found by following the right or left wall. * Blue officers are the sole inhabitants of the wooden area, don't waste shots. It can be fatal. * There are two huge treasure rooms that hold the level's treasure. You must find them and the proper key to each. * Look inside an elevator if you find it. One is a false lead and is filled with a pillar. * The wooden area must be approached in the right order or you will run out of health and ammo too soon. * Look for the way out in a room with green barrels. Level difficulty is 28. Level strategy difficulty is 17. Level difficulty with treasure collection is 49. Level strategy difficulty with treasure collection is 26. Well, I hope you enjoy my levels. If you ever win all the levels in one game on the hardest difficulty level, send your score and time taken to complete the escape. Watch for my next set of expert Wolfenstein 3D lev- els I am designing and will upload before Spring.