I'll start this off by first giving credit to Bob Polin, as I used his Pebble Beach background on Paradise Lost. While it may not be a perfect blend for my objects and course, it's certainly better than I could have done at this time. If I ever get a graphic package I feel comfortable with I may update some aspects of the course. Until then, I hope this course is bearable. Should you notice any problems with the playablity here, please drop me a note on Prodigy (TGKD19A). Now, for a little bit about the course. First, it is fantasy all the way. No attempt has been made to copy any course, so if you think you're playing somewhere, wake up, you're in Paradise Lost. The course plays a par 70, which makes it a little tougher than most, but hopefully not to difficult. I hope you enjoy your stay in Paradise, but if not let me know. I'm always open to criticism, constructive or otherwise. Alan Johnson Country Boy