Originally written for the JN Unlimited Golf version (3/1/92): I liked the houses and cart paths on my last course, Pebble Beach, so much that I decided to do another course with even more houses. I was thinking about land plots and backgrounds and those of Yatz's Cape Fear when I saw a map of the San Francisco Bay Area. Eureka! The night before I was even dreaming of the Forty-Niners playing a night game in a power failure. Hence, Candlestick Park is in the background, and the downhill second shot on the 15th hole is highway 101 going downhill and south to Candlestick. For JN Signature Edition: The entire background has been redrawn. The colors of the hills reflect those of spring in the Bay Area: not as green as in winter and not as yellow as in summer. Most of the objects have also been redone. However, their placement on the course remains essentially the same. A few changes were made to the holes to accomodate the differences in ball flight and roll between the two versions of JN Golf. Where there is a long carry over water (14th & 17th holes), more land has been added in front of the green. A few fairways were flattened, so a ball landing in the middle would not roll sideways into the rough. Thanks to Gene Rodriguez III, as I cut sections of his background mountains from Royal SK, recolored them and pasted them onto my background. I hope you enjoy your rounds in my home area, and in case you want to try my previous two JNSE efforts, they are BPPEBBSE (Pebble Beach) and BPFORESE (BP Forest). Bob Polin 8/29/92 2101 Carlmont Dr. #306 Belmont, CA 94002 Prodigy: SMBR15A