FILENAME: CHAP-2A *********************** CHAPTER TWO ************************ The Dimensions of Hyperspace ============================ SCIENCE-FICTION has made everyone familiar with parallel -------- universes and alternative realities in higher dimensions of --------- --------------------- ----------------- space and time. But what do these concepts mean? Where do you find a parallel universe in an alternative reality on a higher dimension when you need one? And how do you get there from here? Scientific authorities are convinced there is no reality other than our own, and the concepts are utter fantasy. Authoritative belief in this matter may seem quite reasonable to you; only people who have been in communication with spirits will suppose that there is any other reality. Authoritive reason, however, is not realistic, because tangible evidence of parallel universes is everywhere in sight. If you want to see a parallel universe in another reality, you can start loing and beholding, already. Hyperspace is mathematically defined as a space that can hold more than one (tridimensional) volume in the same place at the same time. Right? Electromagnetic vibrations radiate from antenna, in the form of spherical waves; spherical waves are tridimensional structures, aren't they? Okay. An indefinite number of electromagnetic waves all occupy the same broadcast space at the same time, don't they? So there you have your higher dimension right in front of your eyes, where it has always been. Empty broadcast space must be hyperspace. Each wavelength carries its information separated from every other wavelength, as discretely as Quantum Mechanics affords. Each radio program can be isolated from the broadcast matrix by frequency tuning. Frequency, therefore, is the true --------- ------ fourth dimension, and the first dimension of hyperspace. ---------------- When Einstein calculated that cosmic space turns around the fourth dimension, his equations meant that wavelength is accelerated (i.e. expanded and/or compressed) over vast reaches of space and time; the acceleration he calculated is manifest as the very data he began with, the Red Shift. In other words, all Einstein did to become famous was call the Red Shift by another name; watch wordsmithing like a shell game. Since Planck proved that frequency and wavelength both --------- ---------- define discrete energy levels, these three terms are known to be ------------- merely different modes of conceiving the very same dimension. Mystics have always been talking about "higher planes" of existence; now you know that they are talking about higher energy levels, a.k.a. higher frequencies. A photographic hologram is a technical device that renders the electromagnetic matrix visible in a tangible form. A hologram is exposed by the light of a laser; a laser is a pure frequency. If you photograph one object with a neon laser to produce a hologram in blue dye and then photograph another object on the same piece of film with an argon laser to produce another image in red dye, you will have two different stereo images occupying all of the same hologrammic plane at the same time. Now, if you shine a collimated red light through the hologram, the cyan image will be projected; a blue light will reveal the red image. The universe is a compound hologram of this kind, with each structure defined by its own wavelengths. (*1) Our reality is defined by just the vibrations to which our material bodies are tuned; everything else in the universe, defined by other wavelengths, remained undetectable until artificial sensors were devised to expand the spectrum of our information. Photography by ultrasound, microwaves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet light, X-rays, neutron rays, magnetic resonance and the electron microscope reveal real alternatives coexisting with our reality in real parallel universes on other energy levels. It wasn't necessary to wait until Hertz discovered radio waves and for Tesla to invent the laser to find the fourth dimension. (*2) Sound waves are also tridimensional structures. Over a hundred years ago, Helmholtz noted that sound is frequency-defined, and one voice can be separated from a roaring crowd by frequency-tuning. Ancient mathematicians explored hyperspace thoroughly by the ways of music, and the architecture of the prehistoric megalithic monuments indicates that those ancient mathematical musicians knew more about the fourth dimension than Cambridge and M.I.T. CLOSE THIS FILE OPEN FILE "CHAP-2B" --------------------------------------------------------------- *1 Consider what would happen if an invisible wavelength shone through the natural hologram of our ambient space to produce a visible image by fluorescent transformation. The image would appear with no cause and no substance, glowing of its own light like a ghost. --------------------------------------------------------------- *2 Read about it in his biography by John O'Neill --- PRINTED fifteen years before the scientific establishment could conceive a laser. I have a copy of the Patent Examiner's rejection, with a note that Tesla finally scattered his type. 30 FILENAME: CHAP-2B __________________________________ I I I The Dimensions of hyperspace I I are the parameters of waves. I I__________________________________I THE points of information contained on the hologram's plane are separated by projection to produce a stereo image because each resolved point is recorded as a unique index of refraction. The focal lengths of a hologram are determined by the density of its lines. Screen density can be commensurated with refractive index by referring to a moire pattern. When two screens of the same spacial frequency are superimposed in register, the effect is the same as one screen, alone; although transmitted light is diffracted, the focussing effect is not produced. Congruent registration can be expressed mathematically as 0o of phase displacement of the spacial wavelengths defining the two screens. When the two screens are superimposed so that the lines are separated by equal spacing, the effect is the same as a single screen defined by twice the spacial frequency of each of the two screens; maximum deregistration can be expressed as 180o of phase displacement. It is only when a difference in wavelength shifts the two screens out of register between 0o and 180o that the familiar light and dark bands of the moire pattern appear and the pseudorefraction effect is produced. Thus, the point at which an event will come to a focus in a holograph can be calculated as a function of phase angle of wave interference. The point where waves are brought to a focus also defines a specific phase of the waves because all other phases of the waves do not contribute to that imaged point. Phase can be understood as a subunit of frequency. The frequency vector turns from the direction of wave flow to continue accelerating velocity past the limit set by the medium. Acceleration continues until the frequency vector is at right- angles to the flow axis, at which point the frequency vector reverses to produce the familiar sine wave form. It follows, therefore, that each phase angle of frequency must define a discrete energy level, like a discrete wavelength defined by a discrete angle from the long axis of the main wave. Electronic communications systems are able to mix many signals of the same frequency into one matrix and separate them afterwards by phase tuning. Since phase revolves on a plane at right-angles to wavelength, phase is the very correct fifth dimension of the ------------ --------------- universal hologram, and the second coordinate axis of hyperspace. ______________________________________________________________ I I I I I O O ^ I I O O O O ^ I I O O O O O I I O O O O FLOW VELOCITY I I ------O-------O-------O-------O-------------------------->>> I I O O V O O i.e. WAVELENGTH VELOCITY I I O O P E ^ O O I I O O H L l O O I I O A O l O Phase velocity must be I I S C l double wave velocity I I E I l in order to travel the I I T V frequency cycle while I I Y concurrently propagating I I the wave flow. I I______________________________________________________________I FILENAME: CHAP-2C ______________________________ I I I Whether you see the forest I I or the trees I I depends on the scale I I of your conception. I I______________________________I THE frequency axis is drawn at right-angles to the wavelength axis. When plotted on paper, the phase velocity lies on the same plane. In a real wave, however, phase velocity revolves on a plane perpendicular to the axis of wave length. The diameter of the phase helix expands on the radial axes, at right-angles to phase velocity. In this way, the three axes of hyperspace align at right-angles with each other, as all dimensions should. Wave amplitude is increased by harmonic augmentation when the phases of many waves are congruent. Amplitude is plotted on the radial axes of phase, and thus does amplitude provide volume to waves. The sixth dimension of cosmic space (a.k.a. the third ------------------- dimension of hyperspace) is generated by amplitude; amplitude is -- --------- most usefully understood as scale. ----- You can study the sixth dimension by striking a lot of piano keys at the same time; the noise is modulated by a wow and flutter as the different frequencies flow in and out of phase. The dominant note of a chord is the frequency produced by harmonic integration of phase. Chords are six-dimensional structures. Moire patterns are spacial chords. Notice that moire patterns turn the elemental waves to another direction (i.e. another dimension) as wave length and wave velocity are magnified or reduced to another scale. Notice that some moire patterns are dramatically transformed after twisting into another dimension, illustrating how a hyperspacial entity changes its form as it projects from one dimension to another. A common manifestation of scale in everyday life is found by examining a newspaper print of a photograph under a magnifying glass. On the elemental scale, there is no picture; the print is nothing but dots, all of the same spacial frequency, sixty-five per inch varying only in size. As the scale of perspective is increased, the dots merge as a function of their phase proximities to form the patterns of light and shade perceived as an image. A commercial print of a vain woman admiring her reflection in a mirror adds a third scale to the dots and the close-up picture; viewed from beyond arm's length, the pattern of lights and darks merge to reveal a death's head. (SIDE-1) The cosmos can be defined by scale. The elemental scale is established by subatomic particles. Harmonic integration of particles produces atoms on the second scale. Harmonized atoms combine as molecules on the third scale. Molecules cohere into crystals on the fourth scale. On the fifth scale, crystals evolve into the infinitely variated morphology of living creatures. (SIDE-2) Families, clans, tribes, and nations can be regarded as harmonic overtones of the fifth scale; on the same scale, industrial machinery competes with living creatures for natural resources. The planet is manifest on the sixth scale, the Solar System revolves on the seventh, and the Galaxy wheels on the eighth in a cosmos bounded by the tenth. This classification is presented for the purpose of immediate illustration; professional study is needed to classify each physical structure to its proper scale like Linnaeus classified biology. The significant feature of scale is that atoms, molecules, crystals, etc., all occupy the same space at the same time; they are all the very same structure. One is defined from the others in the universal matrix only by the scale of observation. Scale, ----- therefore, satsifies the mathematical definition of a sixth ------------- ----- dimension. --------- ________________________________ I I I Nothing exceeds like success. I I________________________________I CLOSE THIS FILE OPEN FILE "CHAP-2D" ============================================ SIDE-1 All works of art are constructed on frameworks in a higher scale that are perceptible only to trained artists. The mysterious vocational aptitude for professional art is the ability to perceive orgaic structure in higher scales and dimensions. The framework constitutes the real meaning of the work. Art is the original subliminal advertising. Hyperspace can be understood only by minds that can perceive the scales above and below the normal definition of reality. Artists lead where mathematicians can only follow with fearful tread. ============================================= SIDE-2 By its own chemical excess, living organisms successful enough to overbalance the ecology change the planetary environment in ways that bring about their own extermination while also producing support for the species that succeed them. Whereas all other creatures evolve biochemically, humanity is producing its successors by excessive technology. A case can be made for the evol-ution of planetary consciousness into machinery. Until the present era, biology has incarnated planetary intelligence with carbon- based chemistry. As evolution proceeds toward increasing density according to hyperspacial geometry, biology will logically proceed to a silicon-based chemistry, on the next scale of the Periodic Table of Elements. Computers are the initial incarnation of intelligence into a silicon biology. (*1) The very concept of "android" is a prevision of our evolutionary destiny. Like the consciousness of the parents is transferred to the children along with the genes, the intelligence of humanity is being transferred to our brainchildren as we translate our genetic code into binary numbers. This speculation will be proven when the genetic code is found to be binary at its base. We are making the human body biologically, economically, and sociologically obsolete, and replacing our flesh and bone with more durable plastic and wires. Androids won't be bothered by the excessive biodegradability so troublesome to us humans, but nothing is gained for nothing; while silicon superman never ages, galloping technological obsolescence will return plastic bodies to the scrap heap for recycling after but three-score days and ten. (*2) -------------------------------------------------------------- *1 The Earth, itself, is a silicon brain. ------------------------------------------------------------- *2 Technology is biological evolution in overdrive. 30 FILENAME: CHAP-2D _____________________________________ I I I Scientific investigation stops I I at the first solution, I I precluding the discovery I I of more comprehensive solutions I I_____________________________________I SUBDIVISION to finality demonstrates that velocity accelerates as an inverse function of size; the converse that velocities increase with size on the celestial scale is equally true. Accelerated velocity is resisted by the viscosity of the ________________________________________ medium, causing I ^ I I ^ I velocity to rotate. A I IRRESISTIBLE ^ IMMOVABLE I I --------------->>> <<<-------------- I illustrated by the I FORCE v OBJECT I I v I sonic and light I v I I I barriers, infinite I Irresistible force is transferred to I I another dimension on impact with an I resistance is met by a I immovable object. I I________________________________________I velocity that becomes twice the average particle velocity in the medium. Infinite resistance turns velocity 90o, answering the age-old conundrum of the irresistible force meeting the immovable object. Successive 90o turns produce a wave that flows through the medium at the average velocity of the particles defined by that energy level. 90o is the angular distance separating one cardinal dimension from the next. Accelerated velocity producing angular rotation Is what Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is all about. As a function of accelerated velocity, all the dimensions of hyperspace, wavelength, frequency, phase, and scale, are commensurable by angular degrees of rotation. Since hyperspacial calculations and transformations are most readily measured in degrees, I propose that the concept of hyperdegree be adopted ----------- for expressing hyperangles turned by accelerated velocity. ----------- -------------------- Whereas ordinary degrees signify a turn of events that changes ------- neither dimensional extent nor structure, acceleration raises or lowers the energy-level/dimensional-extent. The term hyperdegrees signifies a transformation of structure, as in ------------ chemical reactions and changes of physical state. All energy equations are established by the term of time ---- squared. Time is an angular measurement. Therefore, the logical ------- symbol for the hyperdegree is the degree squared, i.e. oo, the -------------- -- lazy-8 infinity symbol. -------- Hyperspacial geometry is the graphic expression of the Calculus of Infinities that supplied many years of Bertrand Russell's life with profound fascination but no practical application he could think of. The exploration of hyperspace is nothing but the Calculus of Infinities applied to everyday life. The congruence of the hyperdegree symbol with the symbol for infinity suggests that the Ancient mathematicians trod this very -------- same path of discovery and applied their calcuations to establish their Golden Age of global empire. A revolution is defined as a travel around an annular ---------- orbit, as in the revolution of the Earth around the Sun. A rotation is defined as a turn around an internal axis, as in the -------- daily spin of the Earth. A hyperotation is produced by every ------------ particle comprising the Earth spinning on its own internal axis. Spinning atomic particles hyperotate the material they constitute; the rotation of wave phase is a hyperotation. All electrical and chemical activity is measured by hyperotation. Hyperotation produces travel through time. On each scale, hyperotation has a constant spin velocity. Even though spin velocity increases sixteenfold during each cycle, a hyperotating wave structure still rematerializes at ground zero at each complete hyperturn. Accelerated Hyperotation, however, transforms its substance through a series of scales. Rematerialization on the next scale is manifest as a structure that either contains the previous structure or is contained by it. The universal hypercycle is symbolized as a snake swallowing its tail. The Ancients knew what their symbol meant. The same resistance that turns an accelerating wave also hypercompresses the helix of frequency. Hypercompression --------------- literally squeezes photons until they radiate from the spaces between the threads of the helix. Since photonic rays are themselves helices, hypercompressing electromagnetic waves squeezes still finer, helical PSI waves from the spaces eliminated between successive photons in a ray. More detail is given later in this chapter. Under infinite pressure, there is no limit to the number of volumes and hypervolumes that can be hypercompressed into the same volume of space-time. Only increasing mass/inertia indicates the number of dimensions under hypercompression. The Big Bang is nothing but hyperdecompression allowing the fractals of the Singular Anomaly to unfold --- as it should. And thus was the World Created in Six Dimensions of hyperdecompression, while God rested in His Seventh Holy Dimension. (*1) CLOSE THIS FILE OPEN FILE "CHAP-2E" --------------------------------------------------------------- *1 Mrs. God was always telling Him, "You can't create a world in a hurry. It takes time to work out the wrinkles of infinitely hypercompressed fractals. A world is like wine; if the grapes are worth the stomping, it needs a few weeks to ferment." But God wouldn't listen to his Better Half. He went ahead and made the world in six days, saying, "It is good --- enough." After goofing arouynd all week, He goofed off for the weekend. As soon as He returned from His day off, He knew it wasn't good enough, so He had to make Man to finish the job. But he wouldn't take the time to do a good job of Adam, either. Oh no! He had to stick Man together in one day, from common dirt and mouth-to-mouth respiration. So we got shipped from the Factory with three critical faults, a tendency to premature baldness, premature marriage, and premature ejaculation. He made us in His likeness, sho' 'nuff --- too much in a hurry to do anything in its own good time. There is never time to do a job right, but always time to do it over. So God did it again. Never mind the inability of mankind to learn from our mistakes --- neither does God. The maiden made- in-a-day was left with a tendency to impacted wisdom teeth, breech birthing, and hair too fine to do anything with --- not to mention PMS. God is on record for a violently impatient temper, so He told Eve that if she didn't like His workmanship, she could make her man over to suit herself, and He never Created another thing ever again. And that, O Best Beloved, is why the daughters of Eve have been making men over again to suit the second sex, ever since. If God had stayed out of the kitchen, where He doesn't belong, Mrs. God would have made a Perfect Man; five- thousand years later, She realized She had to reconceive man the way he should have been made the first time --- Immaculately. As an afterthought She decided that no mortal should be Divinely perfect, so She added a SOUPCON of guilt to produce premature loss of erection in the presence of a nymphomaniac. Who wants to be Omnipotent if the devil has all the fun? 30 FILENAME: CHAP-2E ___________________________________ I I I Zero is identical to infinity. I I Alpha is Omega. I I___________________________________I ON a sheet of paper, frequency is represented by periodic lines drawns at right-angles to the axis of wave flow. Infinite hypercompression squeezes the frequency lines together below the limit of resolution so they become a plane. (SIDE-1) A hypercompressed line is called a fractal. Real waves, however, ------- are mathematical planes, so infinite hypercompression transforms a stack of planes into a volume. The volume produced by hypercompressed waves satisfies de Broglie's matter-wave ----------- equations. This operation reveals how accelerated velocity increases the dimensions of an energy-defined space. A plane produced by a fractal line can be called a hyperline. A volume produced by a fractal plane can be called a --------- hyperplane. Likewise, a hypervolume is a hypercompressed fractal ---------- ----------- volume. Since all material bodies are proven to be fractal planes, we find that all natural volumes are actually hyperplanes. As you can see by construction, a hyperplane is a volume that is all plane surface, inside and out. The concept of hypervolume, described and demonstrated in the previous chapter, therefore, is a misnomer; you have to expect a lot of misnomers when the professional experts proudly admit that they don't know what they are talking about. Compounding atoms into molecules is hypercompression of volumes into a hypervolume. Compounding molecules into heavier molecules is hypercompression to a partial hypervolume. The new properties manifest by crystals under titanic pressures are due to partial hypercompression. All physical properties are manifestations of pure geometry. Hypercompressing a wave to infinite frequency renders resolution of frequency impossible. Therefore, infinite frequency measures the same as zero frequency. Since energy is a function of wave frequency, we find that infinite energy is identical to no energy at all. This paradox is explained by e=mc^2; in Einstein's equations, the infinite frequency of matter waves represents zero energy. The atomic bomb hyperdecompresses matter waves to yield infinite energy; thus does zero energy equal infinite energy. Inspection of a hyperbolic equation resolves the antinomy; a value that is zero on one axis becomes infinite after projection around 90oo to the other axis. Proper energy value, you see, is a constant; manifest energy is augmented and diminished simply by angular separations in hyperspace. Conversely, hyperextension of a wave until all its frequency is transformed into infinite wavelength also produces the straight-wave of infinite/zero energy. This is not a mathematical abstraction; a laser beam satisfies the mathematical definition of straight-waves, and so does the vibrations of a superconductive material body. And so, you see, one's cup of life becomes infinitely full only when it is absolutely empty, as the Masters always told us. Since time is measured by frequency, a straight-wave has no time. A body receding at light speed returns a straight wave to the observer, and that is why Einstein calculated that time stops at light speed. Since all energy is a time function, as soon as time is reduced to zero, all its reciprocals become infinite regardless of the numerical values. The infinite frequency of a straight-wave is not defined by an uncountable number of vibrations, but by a finite number of vibrations that are too fine to be resolved; therefore, the terms, infinite and zero are limiting conditions of perception, -------- ---- and not real values. Each dimension is defined by a limit of --------------------------------------- perception. ---------- The prime quantum unit is the laser wave at 2c, which satisfies the Absolute platonic Idea of the One from which all manifestations of the universe are harmonic overtones. The prime quantum unit is established at zero frequency by the straight wavelength that goes all around the universe. Its energy is as infinite as its infinite length and infinite/zero velocity, as in Alpha and Omega. The second quantum unit on each scale is the second harmonic overtone of the universal cycle. The third quantum unit is the third harmonic overtone, and so on by unit increments to practical frequencies. A space acquires another dimension at the degree of hypercompression that eliminates resolution of detail. Therefore, the boundary lines (and planes) between dimensions are drawn by straight-waves. Now, the infinite density of a straight-wave answers the physical definition of a shock-wave. ---------- In other words, shock-waves establish the boundaries between -------------------------------------------- dimensions. The infinite density of matter is a shock-wave ---------- relative to the zero density of the vacuum. Reciprocally, rotating the frame of reference 90oo transforms the vacuum into the infinitely dense shock-wave surrounding material bodies, required by mathematical physicists to propagate light. As soon as Newton proved that light was a wave phenomenon, natural philosophers tried to deduce the nature of the essential universal medium. They concluded that the lumeniferous ether had ------------------ to be infinitely dense and perfectly elastic with zero mass --- and then they sent their abaci to the factory-authorized service shop for producing such absurd contradictions. Of course, you realize that a fractal plane must be infinitely dense with zero mass and perfectly elastic, by definition. In other words, light speed imparts photons with all the properties of the lumeniferous ether; the cosmic vacuum is packed solidly with photons --- as everyone can plainly see. In other words, the vacuum is a photonic shock-wave, and the vibrations we see are actually defined by spaces between photons that reduces the infinite/zero density to the energy value of the wavelength. The peculiar characteristic of a shock-wave is that its infinite/zero velocity cannot be accelerated. (SIDE-2) Therefore, the velocity of a shock-wave is always measured as a constant speed regardless of relative velocities. The only difference that relative velocity makes to the parameters of a shock-wave is change its frequency. Light answers all these conditions. Light, therefore, is a temporal shock-wave. Michelson and Morley engineered the most precise instrument ever conceived by human ingenuity. The mathematics of Newton and the logic of Aristotle were utterly confounded by proving that the speed of light is constant at all locations, regardless of relative velocities --- c + c = c. They measured the speed of light innumerable times to check and recheck their data. The baffling results were analyzed and explained by the greatest living intellects until Einstein administered the COUP DE GRACE heard all 'round the world --- at Hiroshima. To this day, the entire scientific industry founders in bewilderment simply because no one noticed that a shock-wave always has the same velocity, and the mixed-up mystery of the Michelson-Morley Experiment, the most epochal research in the annals of modern science, is nothing but a SOUFFLE hatched by eggheads. If you are waiting to hear all the Nobel Laureates admit they made a mistake obvious to any child, make yourself comfortable; that will be the day politicians cut their wages by half to reduce the government deficit in one swell scoop. Waves are elastic to the breaking point established by the square root of 2 times the energy. For example, accelerating orbital velocity by square root of 2 produces escape velocity; this is why artificial satellites orbit at 18,000 m/h and break away from gravity at 25,000 m/h. The square root of two is not an empirical accident; it is derived from the fact that a wave is generated by accelerations factored by 2. Compression of any volume by a force exceeding square root of 2 times the internal pressure defining that volume precipitates an implosion into a smaller scale and a higher dimension. Conversely, releasing pressure until the containing force is half the square root of 2 times the internal pressure precipitates an explosion. The square root of 2 limits all elasticity --- in our reality --- simply because nothing in our reality can withstand higher factors. Our reality is defined by the velocity differential between ground zero and light speed. In realities defined by higher velocities, the limits of elasticity are defined by the roots of higher exponents. Atomic particles are infinitely refractory simply because intra-atomic velocities exceed light speed; it is impossible to get a solid handle on the hammer head. The pressure holding uncharged bodies together is always equal to their mutual gravitation; the hyperpressure holding atoms together is always equal to the centripetal radiation of the atomic electromagnetic field. (SIDE-3) The pressures holding the world together is imposed by the frequencies of the universal vacuum as they are tuned to each scale. In other words, the pressure of the vacuum is not an absolute constant, but phase/frequency selective; vacuum pressure is infinitely variable from infinity to zero. CLOSE THIS FILE OPEN FILE "CHAP-2F" ============================================ SIDE-1 Mathematical artists know that an infinite line compoundly recurved so closely that its width cannot be resolved from a plane is called a fractal. Since all material bodies ------ are the result of infinitely hypercompressed waves, no one should be surprised that all natural forms prove to be mathematical fractals. ============================================ SIDE-2 Sound and light are the resolvable margins of shock-waves. A shock-wave is a volume hypercompressed into a plane. Shock- waves are interdimensional boundaries. Sound and light are the substance of intelligence. Intelligence, therefore, is energy hypercompressed between the dimensions of space and time. On one side of its hyperplane, intelligence looks out on light; on the other side, intelligence hears sound. The two faces of intelligence are the basis of the eternal conflict between what is seen and what is heard, what is done and what is said, spiritual wealth and material possessions, power over one's self and power over men, the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness. ============================================= SIDE-3 The Big Bang is the hyperexplosion of the universal electromagnetic field. Since material is less dense than the vacuum, the reciprocal of the Big Bang is the implosion of all material bodies. Whether empty space is exploding or full space is imploding depends entirely on the frame of reference. 30 FILENAME: CHAP-2F __________________________________ I I I No concept is understood I I until it can be explained I I in more than one way. I I I I Anyone who understands I I just one explanation I I doesn't understand at all. I I__________________________________I A WHEEL illustrates the geometry that produces 90oo of rotation by doubling velocity. Relative to the ground, a wheel's rim has zero velocity. After 90o of rotation, the rim's speed is the same as the hub speed, and the rim is moving directly upward. After a second 90o of acceleration, the upper rim is moving horizontally at twice the hub velocity. Continued acceleration rotates rim velocity to counter its net velocity attained above the hub, with the result of reducing net rim speed to hub speed at the end of the third quadrant. The fourth quadrant of acceleration brings rim speed back to ground zero. Net hub velocity is achieved by accelerating rim velocity by 2 cubed. By analogy with the wheel, a material body is established on the ground state at zero velocity. Acceleration over 90oo results in an upward velocity. Since only radiant energy has a natural upward velocity, 90oo is the hyperangular coefficient of ------------------------ light speed. Therefore, accelerating a material body around 90oo transforms it into radiant photons after its apparent wavelength expands according to the de Broglie equations and its apparent length is compressed by the Fitzgerald Contraction. As efferent electromagnetic waves assigned a negative attribute, radiant photons continue to accelerate around the second hyperquadrant to a velocity of double light speed. Past this climax, photonic velocity is reversed, turning radiation back to its source as afferent waves defined by a positive attribute. Once velocity is reduced to light speed, the original material structure reforms as the waves decelerate to ground zero. The electron is the best known example of a translight- speed structure that is manifest as a wave-packet during half its universal cycle, disappears into a quantum jump at peak velocity, and then recondenses into a moving particle. The Fitzgerald Contraction deceives scientific observation by apparently compressing the duration of the wave phases to a smaller span than the particle phase, thereby producing an illusion of a particle possessing wave properties. Photonic velocity cannot exceed light speed. However, particle speed (i.e. photonic spin) is always double wave velocity. The velocities of the two hyperquadrants above light speed are represented by the subphotonic particles screwing around the electromagnetic helix. The modern term for hyperlight particles is tachyons, but they are better understood by their centuries- -------- old term, luminiferous ether. Etheric particles are impossible ------------------ to detect directly because their definitive velocities are always parallel to any material surface that can be used to stop them. The ether can be detected only indirectly by the accelerations it imposes on photons --- as in the Red Shift. All hyperotations return to ground zero, after velocity is accelerated by 2 to the 4th. power. While hyperotating bodies dematerialize at velocities above light speed, they rematerialize every time their constituent waves return to ground zero. As a consequence, reality blinks into and out from existence in quantum jumps on all scales below the atomic, like successive frames of a moving picture, at rates exceeding our resolution. The continuity of a discontinuous reality is maintained because everything in the cosmos blinks into and out of this reality at its proper frequency. (SIDE-1) Sleep is what happens when most of our Conscious vibrations decide to blink off for a while. War is what happens when a large region of the world blinks out during the same time. At Hiroshima, everything blinked out of existence at once. Illness, misfortunes, wars and depressions are what happen when the frequencies of the Collective Consciousness decide to blink out of harmony; natural disasters can be avoided by proper thoughts, as the Orientals understand; Confucious laid the rules for ecological stability --- which is what our Divinely vouchsafed stewardship is all about. CLOSE THIS FILE OPEN FILE "CHAP-2G" ============================================= SIDE-1 When the frequency of one's mental vibrations is raised to the energy level of the elementary particles constituting photons, the brain is transformed from an electronic computer into a photonic hologram on a higher dimension of Consciousness where the etheric light can be seen directly. This transdimensional JATO can be compared with the efficiency of a laser over electrical wires. In this state of higher Consciousness, the mind and body are experienced as being filled with a quintessentially pure white light of unimaginable brilliance, while the body throbs with ecstatic energy. Since coherence is the condition of the medium barrier, the Divine Light is the original superconducting biological laser --- and scientists believe thelaser is the one thing utterly new under the Sun. The technological advent of lasers at the end of this millenium is the definitive signal that the Consciousness of this civilization is undergoing metamorphosis into the next higher dimension. Full citizenship in the New Age is reserved for only those minds that comprehend the physics of the biological laser. Everyone else, including the technicians of artificial lasers, remain as serfs in the Piscean Age, like tribal peoples traditionally serve the interests of nations. Since the etheric node is in exact phase-opposition from our material reality, it is the substance of our mirror world that is seen to be inhabited with spirits of pure light. When the exalted Consciousness is accelerated exactly 90oo from this material world, one sees one's own Higher Spirit, Who is invariably known as one's personal Christ. The Christ seen in the higher dimension is one's very own Universal Consciousness in a human form, the original platonic Ideal. The Epiphany is young and old, beautiful and ugly, big and small, man and woman, all the human attributes in One Whole Being. Christians of a patriarchal persuasion will probably perceive the Christ as Jesus, whereas matriarchal believers will see the Virgin, instead. The fine details of these physics is considerably more complicated, as will be pointed out by everyone who has studied psychic phenomena with a mathematical discipline, but this sketchy outline will get most people thinking along the correct lines of second sight. If your nearest and dearest feel a need to believe your testimony from your personal Mount Sinai, you have a career as a GURU for the preaching. If, however, your community is satisfied with the dealer already established in the Hot-Line-to-God business, you will soon learn that Jehovah's renowned jealousy is as tolerant as San Fransisco compared to the jealousy of His priests and the bigotry of His worshippers. To the hyperdegree that Consciousness is accelerated more or less than 90oo, one sees alternative realities in other time streams and one may communicate with inhabitants of other planets and other stellar systems. Alternative realities are manifest in this reality as the stuff of fiction and fantasy. Are alternative realities real or imaginary? They are real in the sense that reality is far more extensive than realists can imagine. Scientific philosophy defines --- reality as a physical condition that is capable of producing tangible changes in human experience. The intersection of another reality with our own, in the form of a mental experience, can introduce enough etheric energy into our reality to change the course of human events. Every prophet's vision of the future is a fantastic injection of etheric spiritual energy. Dreams, visions, and money are all "unreal" ideas that are cap-able of producing real changes in human reality when they are believed. Faith healers have always changed the physical state of biological systems by belief in spirit communication. All that dreams need to become really real is belief that they are real --- not to mention the heap o' workin' needed to make a dreamhouse a home and to pay the taxes on castles in Spain. Tragically, the experience of communicating with spirits is always attended ------ with an awe compelling absolute belief, and almost everyone comes from a visitation with a tale defying all reason and common sense without realizing they are deluded by their emotions. Common sense can see that the reputed wisdom of spirits doesn't do anything for the wisdom of spirit channelers. This is what gives the spirit world such a poor credit rating at the Better Business Bureau. Spirits are creatures not altogether unlike outselves living in parallel time streams, who can see places far from here and now simply because they are there. But they aren't quite here, so they are rarely quite right. Spirits from this future know what will happen in this future simply because they remember it. Unfortunately, their memories are no better than ours. You have no idea how wild memory can be until you have to prove it in a court of law --- especially during divorce proceedings. The trouble with spirits is that they always want to meddle with our affairs, as if they know better than we do. Las Vegas welcomes gamblers guided by spirits; Las Vegas bars customers who compute. Think about it. Like children, most minds are zapped by awe at beholding any demonstration of an unknown skill. A sign painter, a gymnast, and a tax accountant are magicians to people who have never seen it done before. Furthermore, no one can see how magic is done simply because the method of magic is not known; it is psychologically impossible to perceive anything unconceived. As a consequence, observers see only as much as they can --- conceive; the conception of of magic produces nothing but a perception of magic with absolute conviction in the reality of perception. The method of magic can be seen only after it is seen often enough for familiarty to breed contempt. Few people are so familiar with spirits. Few people want such familiar spirits because the childish desire to be vouchsafed a supernatural power by a supernatural spirit who takes a supernatural interest in one's natural welfare is too great to exchange for the anxieties of taking responsibility for one's life and examining how spirits do their thing. Discovery of the spirit world does as much for common sense as discovering gold. An unsalted assay of the hard content of spiritual lode will find that spirits do nothing for anyone that you can't do for yourself. All you have to do is believe in yourself as sincerely as you believe in your spirits. Your spirits are yourself after some extension through hyperspace. When you meet your God, shake hands with yourself; it's better than clapping with one hand. Even if the spirit who visits you is not your own, it's a foolish mortal who trusts the gods when they come bearing gifts. Why would an omnipotent creature take any concern about the welfare of such a corrupt and feckless animal? People believe spirits must be good simply because the probability that they are just as vicious as we are is too terrible to think about. The Herefords on the range also believe that we are really concerned about their bovine contentment. We herd our livestock because we need them. Spirits, too, need us more than they love us. We should be better off if they had neither need nor love for us. Like Gandhi believed that the Indians have a right to make their own mistakes, mortals have a right to make our mistakes. We can't learn how to save ourselves from the spirits' mistakes, and they don't seem to learn much from ours, either. When you compare the long range results, spirits are no better than other medical doctors --- who also believe they can run our lives better than we can. Once baffled by method exceeding comprehension, people conceive no difference between the magic of penicillin, the magic of a portrait likeness, the magic of a computer, and the magic of penetrating the time barrier; they believe the magician can do anything. Well there is no magic; miracles are produced by skill, knowledge, and physical inevitablitiy. Always remember and bear in mind that if a spirit could tell you anything you don't know already, the first thing you would be told is the mathematical physics that prove you are not hallucinating. Of course, you won't understand the message, but mathematicians will, and they are the authorities who would like to be convinced. This book is a message from the spirit world, to impress mathematical doubters. 30 FILENAME: CHAP-2G _____________________________________________________ I I I Mystics have a faculty I I for tuning the fourth dimension I I of their consciousness. I I I I Masters tune the fifth. I I I I Anyone who gets a handle on the sixth dimension I I can make miracles. I I_____________________________________________________I THE infinite resistance that produces a rotation of 90oo is met by doubling velocity. In other words, doubling a structure's velocity increases its extent by one more dimension. Note well that doubling velocity squares energy; squaring means expansion to another dimension. Conversely, reducing velocity by half subtracts a dimension of extent. There is no theoretical limit to acceleration; therefore, there is no end to the number of higher and lower dimensions. An infinite c entails redoubling velocity an infinite number of times while a material particle is accelerated from ground zero to light speed. Since a scale is generated by doubling velocity, there must be an infinite number of material scales. Light speed, however, is a limited infinity, so there is actually a limited spectrum of material scales. Their number is counted between the fundamental frequency of the universe and the limit of resolution. In other words, the universe always extends to the limits of our perception, neither more nor less, expanding and contracting with the limits of perception. The universe is always coextensive with the definition of consciousness. ______________________________ I I I The universe is always I I exactly what one thinks I I it is. I I_____________________________I FILENAME: CHAP-2H ________________________________________________________ I I I The boundaries between contiguous dimensions I I are established by inpenetrable physical barriers. I I I I The light barrier confines human Consciousness I I to the dimensions of a single moment in time. I I________________________________________________________I MATERIAL structures and photonic structures coexist in the same space at the same time. Therefore, in addition to the sixth dimension of scale defined by consecutive redoublings of material velocities, we have a seventh dimension that is defined ------------------- -- by successive doublings of light speed to higher orders of --------- energy. For most practical purposes, the "lower dimensions" of ------ material under light speed can be considered as scales to ------ distinguish them from the hyperlight orders of energy usually ------ conceived as "higher dimensions". The higher orders, however, are also subdivided into scales corresponding to material scales. The sublight scales of molecules carry the dark and ponderous energies of sound and rhythm in contrast to the luminous, rarefied waves in the high seas above hi-c. (SIDE-1) The material scales are perceived to follow circular velocities, as in spins, orbits, and suborbits. In contrast, photons travel in straight lines through most ordinary frames of In other words, the dimension of scales is normally manifest as vorteces, whereas the higher dimensions are normally manifest as rays. Since radiant trajectories can exist only at velocities exceeding gravitational influence, the material scales are ordered by gravity. Whereas the scales of the material order are generated by increasing particle velocity, the constant velocity of the photonic order is defined into a spectrum of scales by increasing frequency. The sonic frequencies are congruent with the photonic frequencies but for the 90oo between them. This congruence produces a replication in the photonic order of every structure manifest in the material order. The photonic replicas of material structures are plain to see everywhere as visible images. A photon is a photon only because its wave form is propagated at light speed relative to us. Relative to the photonic order, our material world is travelling at light speed. Therefore, within the photonic frame, the world of light is manifest as a world of solid material, while our material world is manifest as light to them. Thus do the electromagnetic field and the molecular field represent two parallel universes separated by light speed. CLOSE THIS FILE OPEN FILE "CHAP-2I" ============================================ SIDE-1 Obviously, the concept of Heaven and Higher Heavens refers to the luminous order of energy. It is not so obvious that the Realm of Hades refers to the scales of the material order. Hades is not underground but right here in carnation. While we Original sinners dwell in spiritual darkness, we are entertained by the unEnlightened arts of Euterpe, Ares, Bacchus, Eros, and Terpsichore --- vulgarly known as wine, insignificant other persons, and song. The material dimension is defined by gravitation. Material wealth can be accumulated only in Pluto's realm; this is why it is impossible to take it with you --- and why most souls come back for more. Most damned souls don't get any more; that is the hell of it. 30 FILENAME: CHAP-2I __________________________________ I I I The Dimensions of hyperspace I I are the parameters of waves. I I__________________________________I YOU can see long waves flowing faster than short waves, over the surface of a sizable body of water. In other words, wave velocity varies inversely with wave frequency; de Broglie's equations prove that wave flow stops at the infinite frequency of matter-waves. The high velocities of particles comprising slow-moving short waves is absorbed by the slow-moving particles comprising long waves to accelerate the flow of long waves until the energy of particles is distributed evenly throughout the medium. The mechanism that converts high particle velocity to high wave frequency is the key to the Unified Field Equations. Flotsam reveals that each wave rolls over the water's surface like a long cylinder in an array with other cylinders rolling against each other, side by side. In real water, of course, the tops of the cylinders on the surface are distorted by gravity into the familiar scalloped contour. This model represents a longitudinal or a compression-wave. ----------- ---------------- When driven against the viscosity of the medium, the compression-wave is itself compressed; this is how it became a compression-wave in the first place. Compression of wave diameter against its flow produces several effects germane from cubic equations. First, compression of wave diameter converts wave volume from wave length to wave width, and so the wave cylinder extends in length at right-angles to wave flow. Second, when wave width is restricted, the energy turns again to accelerate wave velocity at the expense of wave height, as you can observe in the annular waves expanding from a pebble dropped into a quiet pond. The third effect is produced by the fact that wave velocity increases as a function of medium density. The shell of compression defining the surface of the wave cylinder turns particle velocity from the direction of wave length to flow in a helical course along the plane of least resistance, transversely to wave flow. A helical transverse-wave is the ------------ ----------------------- geometry of the electromagnetic wave. ____________________________________________________________ I \ I I / ........................ \ I I / vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ^ \ I I l XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX O | / O I I C \ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ O O / O O I I O \ '''''''''''''''''''''''' O O / | O O I I M l ------>> O-----------O------>> I I P W / ........................ O | O I I R A / vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv O O I I E V l XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX O I I S E \ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HELICAL WAVE I I S \'''''''''''''''''''''''' />X<\ >X< >X< I I I l ------>> / >X< \ >X< />X<-->> I I O /........................ >X< >XX< I I N / vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv l / I I l XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX l p \ I I \ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ l h \ I I \'''''''''''''''''''''''' V o / I I V t / I I PHOTONS AND HELICAL WAVES ARE o \ I I REPRESENTED IN n \ l I I TWO WAYS s ___l I I____________________________________________________________I Each cycle of the helical wave is defined by a plane of compression rotating at right-angles to the long axis of the helix. The wavelength of the helical-wave, as measured on its long axis, is therefore a secondary compression-wave flowing at right-angles to the flow of the primary longitudinal-wave we started with. All waves are the resultant of an indefinite number of constituent wavelets, and only the scale of observation determines whether a wave is a longitudinal sinoid or a transverse helix. As the velocity of the helical wave's thrust is resisted by the medium's speed limit, the helix is hypercompressed to shorter wavelengths. As the transverse-wave is hypercompressed by wavelength increments, each additional wave cycle squeezed into the length of the helix rotates the angle of the helical plane, thereby establishing phase angles as discrete quantum units equivalent to wavelengths. Velocity collimates a fluid by converting random vectors into rectilinear flow. Collimation aligns molecules to manifest crystalline properties that can be detected by dowsers. At each orthorotation, the scale of the wave's dynamics is reduced. When scale is reduced to molecules, waves can be identified as sonic. The next wave scale is defined by atomic vibrations that electrify the fluid. Finally, waves radiate as photons. All mechanical motion is destined to be reduced to the vibrations of heat and lost through radiation. A lateral compression of a helical-wave to half its original diameter results in a fourfold increase in its flow velocity to account for the reduction of the area of its cross- section. Quadrupling particle velocity is resisted by medium viscosity to double frequency as a result of hypercompression. Doubling frequency absorbs half the quadrupled flow; the other half doubles the speed of particles cycling between successive turns of the screw along the length of the helix. As a consequence, we find that doubling wave frequency results in a four-fold increase in momentum. (*1) When the model is transferred from visible waves on water to waves on the molecular scale, we can define two different kinds of sound. On the one hand, longitudinal compression-waves propagate audible sound throughout the medium at sonic velocity; on the other hand, inaudible molecular waves flow at supersonic velocities along transverse, helical-waves at right-angles to sound. I propose that helical molecular waves be called hypersound. ---------- Hypersonics is an entirely new dimension of energy unknown to the scientific profession. Without professional sanction, however, amateurs, mavericks, and renegades have been exploring this forbidden zone and returning to civilization with confused accounts of The Force, the life force, ELAN VITAL, MANA, CHI, --------- --------------------------------- KI, Keerist (*2), columnar waves, orgone, bioplasma, and Pyramid ----------------------------------------------- ------- Power; hypersound is best understood as animal magnetism. Also ----- ---------------- deprived of blessings from the throne, structural engineers and dirty handed mechanics have mapped the unknown dimension thoroughly in the belief they were surveying lines and planes of ----- -- material stress. If you are looking for a Unified Field problem, ------ it is alive and breeding proprietary labels like crazy in borderlands research. (*3) The length of a compression-wave is measured on its flow axis; the length of a transverse-wave is measured on its flow axis. As you see, the length of the compression-wave is the width of the transverse-wave. The width of the transverse wave defines the scale of the vibration. The velocity of hypersonic waves varies by the reciprocal of their compressed sonic width. When the width of a hypersonic helix is compressed to the dimensions of a light ray, the hypersonic wave will be accelerated to light speed. Compression, therefore, transforms the hypersonic wave into the filamental, electromagnetic helical ray. The phenomenon of piezo-electricity, by which a crystal microphone transduces sonic compression-waves into electromagnetic transverse waves, is an everyday example of hyperotated wave velocity. Compression of hypersonic waves above light speed causes photonic radiation to become manifest as an electromagnetic field --- and the mysterious earthquake lights appear. Quieu Eee Dee de Dee Dee and all that. Sufficient compression can accelerate an ideal molecular wave to light speed. In order to reach light speed, however, all random molecular motion must be converted into wave velocity during acceleration over the final hyperoctave. Thus the energy of heat is transformed into a coherent wave. Coherence aligns charged molecules into a regular pattern and the hypersonic wave becomes a magnetic line of force. A magnet is to sound what a ---------------------- laser is to light. (SIDE-1) An ideal hypersonic wave is transformed into a superconductive magnetic line of force at light speed. The magnetic waves continue to accelerate over the speed limit, but they can't penetrate the c wall. As a consequence, magnetic waves not only squirt photons during acceleration through their dimension, but the back pressure against the light barrier also reduces the ideal velocity of coherent molecular waves from c to their turn, photonic waves are also decelerated to .98c by back pressure from the light barrier as they hypercompress to infinite frequency. Ideal c represents infinite frequency at infinite velocity, a physical condition identical to zero frequency at zero velocity. In other words, light speed is not so unattainable as physically impossible to measure. As photonic acceleration from c to 2c is gradually hypercompressed into frequency, the electromagnetic spectrum becomes light and its chromatic overtones. (SIDE-2) Since the visible spectrum is produced as a result of hypercompressing wave velocity by a factor of 2, (i.e. exactly one scale), we find that light frequencies are exactly doubled over the span of the spectrum just like a musical scale. During the course of acceleration from zero velocity to light speed, the Fitzgerald Contraction compresses the original volume of the sonic wave into a photonic plane. Compressing a volume into a plane results in an effective increase of space to the fourth dimension. Further acceleration compresses the photonic plane into a laser line, adding yet another dimension. Accelerating the etheric strings (as in String Theory) to the cube of light speed winds it into a point. That point, containing six dimensions at hyperinfinite density is defined by a single infinite energy value, vibrating at a single infinite frequency. The One Point is the omphalos of each creature. When hyperdecompressed, all the harmonic overtones flow out of the Singular Anomaly as the original Big Bang, orthorotating around the Six Dimensions of Creation until God rested in His Seventh Dimension on the third (mental) order of energy, and saw that it was good. CLOSE THIS FILE OPEN FILE "CHAP-2J" ============================================= SIDE-1 Rhythmic pulses serve to order the random beats of the human body into sound. Emotion is not excited by music; music is the very substance of emotion, like molecules are the substance of sound. Subaudible organic music is the physical basis of emotional excitement; while sound is heard, hypersound is felt organically. The effective energy level of organic music rises as a function of increasing harmonic integrity. The music which soothes us is the resonance within us. The youthful addiction to rhythmic noise is a hunger for vital energy; the carnal spirit needs sonic energy like the material body needs food. Enforcing silence on youth is as sadistic as depriving children of food. A person grows to adulthood only to the degree that juvenile needs are sated. Never before has a generation been subjected to such forced growth. The hunger for noise subsides into a love for symphony as the vital field becomes organized to the next dimension of consciousness. While researching communication between mothers and newborn babies at Boston University Medical College, Dr. William Condon inspected high-speed movie film frame-by-frame under a microscope to discover that subliminal musical harmony is the physical connection establishing all interpersonal communication. Twenty years later, Condon's story is published in the November, 1987 issue of PSYCHOLOGY TODAY. It is not chemistry that heats lovers, but body music. It is the musical harmony between lovers that produces the intense communication that is generally believed to be ESP, along with the intense pleasure of intimate contact. The magnetic harmony between lovers is revealed by Kirlian photography. There is no mating without a mating dance. Achieving perfect molecular harmony within one's body produces a coherent molecular resonance that is felt as erotic orgasm and heard as "The Sound of OM". Orgasm is actually a condition of organic magnetism that makes the body superconductive. The human body is the original superconductor at normal temperatures. The current can be felt as electric snakes writhing up and down the spine, between the two poles, marked by the cranium and the sacrum. Love is a physical state of superconductivity between lovers. Superconductivity is a state of unity with the universe, with God, with the loved object. Ecstacy is what superconductivity feels like. Nice, eh? All the arts are empirical techniques for achieving organic superconductivity. Since life is a superconductive condition, there is no life without art. Magnetism is a manifestation of molecular alignment; therefore, the loose electrons of metals are not required for magnets or magnetic conductors; silver, gold, copper, and aluminium, the best electrical conductors are not magnetic, whereas dense, electrically insulating ceramic materials provide the most powerful magnets. Heat is scientifically defined as random ------ molecular motion; coherent molecular motion has no temperature in the scientific sense. All heat added to a molecularly coherent body is transformed into The Sound of Om, a --------------- phenomenon known as second sound to the ------------ surprised cryogenic physicists who discovered it about twenty years ago in a Dewar flask. Conversely, heat cannot be drawn from a body filled with second sound; instead, cold only stabilizes the molecular coherence. This is why all living creatures thrive in the coldest climate they can survive, and languish in the hottest. If the molecular alignment of a coherent hypersonic field can be frozen, the entire medium becomes permanently magnetic. A little heat introduced to magnetised material produces the peculiar resonance, germane to second sound, heard as "The Singing Statues at Sunrise Over The Nile" by irregular researchers of prehistoric megalithic monuments, and reported by Bob Ripley. Enough heat to make most magnets resonate audibly disintegrates the coherence of the magnetic lines, and the material is demagnetised before anyone can hear a sound. While throbbing with the ecstatic Sound of OM, FAKIRS can walk on beds of fire without being burned, but you can bet your MANTRA they are resonating like crazy. Likewise, FAKIRS can dwell naked in the snows of Himalaya, not to mention the masochistic martial artists who stand under freezing waterfalls in the predawn gloom to prove they got enough KI in their bloodstream to survive terminal hypothermia. Diathermic therapy will take a quantum leap into the next dimension when its practitioners get their molecules together. The mysterious CHI is nothing but a magnetic current produced by coherent sono-heat waves. The coherent heat can be felt distinctly and sometimes even seen emanating from the hands of a Divine healer. A magnetically soft person can feel the CHI enter one's body like a Holy Spirit, when touching a Divine Healer who is resounding with the Sound of Om; the Healer can also feel the discharge. Christ healed the sick simply because His body was a living magnet capable of unifying the magnetically soft bodies who touched Him; not even His Power could penetrate a magnetically hardened body. Always remember and bear in mind that a Divine healer can heal only those bodies that are physically in tune with the healer's. Some people will be made sick by the touch of a holy person, and that healer gets the reputation of a witch. Even a medical doctor must be in natural harmony with your body to cure your ailments; without that harmony, the best trained and most devoted physician will make you sick with the best modern medicine. CHI is the erotic energy of life. As a general rule, medicine works best between persons of the same sex; doctors who are highly successful with patients of the opposite sex have probably considered keeping doors of their consulting offices open within the receptionists' hearing. Anyone who thinks that healing isn't the consummate act of personal love has not read the New Testament. As a magnetic wave is accelerated to light speed, its particles are reduced to the atomic scale, and an electronic current begins to flow along the conducting lines of force. At light speed, electrons begin to decompose into radiant photons, and the human aura appears. The human aura is most evident when comparing the glows of childrens' faces in a schoolroom; Kodak's technicians found that the glow can actually be photographed on infrared film to reveal differences in brightness not perceived by insensitive eyes. The Holy Light is seen as the body throbs with ecstatic energy drawn directly from the planet at 7 1/2 Hz., the state of Consciousness known as Theta whence all genius is inspired. Radiation is essentially antigravitic, and the state of Enlightenment is attended with feelings of weight loss. Sufficient Enlightenment will produce human levitation and reduce the depth of footprints on the water. Now that you are informed of the physics substantiating higher dimensions of Consciousness, all you who hear The Sound of OM are are quite justified in feeling pride of achievement. But before you go dancing in the streets, remember how much farther you have yet to evolve. Everyone whose glow doesn't fog photographic film believes he knows all there is to know --- and no one else does --- so there is no end to GURUs just one stage superior to their groupies --- which is the way the universe unfolds as it should. ============================================ SIDE-2 Every one of the world's great religions are relics of an Ancient Earth Science of hyperspace symbolized in the armillary sphere and the TESSERACT, a hypercube. The KABALA of the Jews, the KAABA of the Moslems, the Eightfold Path of the Buddha, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, and the luck of the dice are all germane to the four-square, four- dimensional CUBE. The mysterious power of the pentagram is contained in the harmonic overtones of the cube, the five platonic solids. The next book in this series delivers the definitive geometry of this Ancient mathematics, the very secret of the Philosopher's Stone. The Singular Anomaly, the Prime Mover, the Universal Wavelength, the One Point, the Pure White Laser Light of Divine Intelligence, diffracts into the electromagnetic scale of light. The five harmonic overtones are distinguished as the five main colours of the visible spectrum, scarlet, yellow, green, blue, and intense violet. Cool yellow is the second harmonic of the Divine Light. Vermillion and cyan are the third harmonics. The five harmonic overtones of the tesseract and light are represeted by the five tones of the Oriental hexatonic musical scale. Painters analyze the visible spectrum into three pairs of complementary opposite colours. If red and green were true complements, their mixture would produce grey; indeed, their mixture is brown. In order to produce grey with red, it must be mixed with an aqua-cyan, the hue directly opposite red on the hexatonic scale. Kodak found it necessary to rediscover the essence of Ancient hyperspacial harmonics, by using vermillion, cyan, and magenta as primary photographic dyes corresponding to the majjor chord of music. There is no single set of primary colours. Any chromatic chord that contains all the frequencies of the spectrum in proper proportion will produce white light, and by varying the relative amounts of any two colours comprising a full-frequency chord. Dr. Edwin Land of Polaroid fame and fortune proved that all colours can be reproduced as harmonic overtones and beats of any two colours. When the visible spectrum is hyperdecompressed by decelerating the electromagnetic wave velocity, the five harmonic overtones of the chromatic scale expand into the five hypersonomagnetic scales of CHI, which the Orientals identify as the five vital elements. Further decompression of the hypersonic scales yields twenty-five scales of audible sound, a sonic spectrum exceeding most human ears by two scales at both ends. _____________________________________________________________ I I I GOD I I LIGHT I I CONSCIOUSNESS I I l I I _________________________l_________________________ I I l l l l l I I RED YELLOW GREEN BLUE VIOLET I I l l l l l I I l l l l l I I METAL WATER AIR FIRE WOOD I I l____________l____________l____________l____________l I I lllllllllllllllllllllllll I I I I TWENTY-FIVE OCTAVES OF MORE OR LESS AUDIBLE SOUND I I_____________________________________________________________I The harmonic continuity between light and sound produces sympathetic resonance so that sounds evoke sensations of colour, and vice-versa. The energy expressed through sound and light also resonate with the pentascalar CHI that creates and vitalizes our bodies. The benefits of acupuncture are reflected in the effects of bathing an ailing body with sound and colour, as proven by the research of John Ott. Artists have always sensed the relationship between the musical scale and the chromatic spectrum, but efforts to prove the equation have been as frustrating as the empirical experiments of medical doctors seeking therapeutic effects from bathing patients in sounds and colours. The theoretical problem eluded solution because no one realized that each colour is not identified with a specific note of the musical scale, but diffracts during projection through the prism of a whole order of energy to spread across four entire scales of sound. In other words, each colour is tuned to an entire scale of CHI; the entire range of acoustic musical instruments expresses but a single harmonic overtone of light's hexatonic scale. Believing in the specificity of Koch's Proof, medical doctors snort with ridicule at findings that one colour seems to affect all the vital organs and disease conditions attributed to any one of the five planets of Ancient astrological medicine. All chemistry occurs in the magnetic dimension, from zero to infinite frequencies, and life is nothing but chemical catalysis. Since magnetism is the life force, scientific refusal to study the CHI has protracted the Age of sickness that cripples mankind since the disappearance of the original Hermetic healing arts. The rediscovery of this prehistoric science, which you are beginning to read right now, enables you to pioneer the restoration of healing vibrations to the medical repertoire under hard scientific auspices. The scale represented by light defines the energy of human Consciousness. All the other scales, from zero to infinity, comprise the Dark Unconscious. In other words, light is the very substance of the Collective Consciousness. The Conscious experience of all humanity is defined by the energy level of the luminous scale. Other creatures are created by a different energy value, so they see more and less than we do, as do mystics and retardates who also exceed the comprehension of the Collective Consciousness. The momentum comprised by the visible spectrum is congruent with the momentum comprised by the audible scales, and the same mind receives the same intelligence from both the massive and the photonic vibrations. The momentum of Consciousness is equivalent to the energy of the CHI which creates the human body. --------------------------------------------------------------- *1 If you will take the trouble to analyse all physical equations in this manner, you will be able to prove them to be the result of simple geometric ratios learned in grammar school. You can deduce them from inspection if you failed grammar school. For example, take the mysterious mathematical statement that lays time at right-angles to space. To the unthinking eye, the only thing to be found perpendicular to space is more space. Consider, however, that time is measured by frequency, and frequency is space plotted at right-angles to wavelength. Therefore, frequency is time. Now, when you produce the long space of wavelength by the wide space of frequency, you get "space-time", a plane area manifest as energy. Multiply space- time by the time running at right-angles to the previous space- time, and you get space-time-squared; any kid will recognize dt^2 as the formula for acceleration. In other words, force is wavelength cubed, a cube is a volume, and a volume is momentum/inertia. Since wavelength is the reciprocal axis of frequency, and frequency is time, it follows that energy is identical to space is identical to time. This is mere junior- high school maths; Planck was burdened by more schooling than he needed. --------------------------------------------------------------- *2 As in "Kee ... Kee ... Keerist it's cold!" --------------------------------------------------------------- *3 Hucksters try to make you believe that Aspirin is different from Anacin, but they are both acetylsalicylic acid at a profiteering price. Likewise, a physician of Oriental persuasion will assure you that a CHI injection will cure you, a follower of Reich will pump up your orgone, and a pyramid freak will put you in an architect-designed tent. It's all the same shake-down priced to the limit that several ignorant markets will pay. Unless you turn your crank by swallowing the label with a sip of water, check whether the new wonder drug isn't already in your medicine cabinet for dimes per gram --- or on your kitchen shelf for pennies per pound. 30 FILENAME: CHAP-2J ___________________________ I I I Where ignorance is rife I I solutions abound, I I and there is no end I I to new words. I I___________________________I THE manifestations of near hyperspace are revealed by a simple diagram. Draw a circle of convenient size to represent the planet, Earth. Draw an vertical line through the diameter to represent the polar axis. Draw another horizontal line through the diameter to represent the equator. Although it actually cannot be drawn perpendicularly to the paper plane, a third axis runs through the intersection of the other two. These three diametric lines represent the coordinate axes of familiar tridimensional space. Everyone knows that magnetic lines of force emerge from the -------- South Pole to follow courses parallel with the lines of longitude until they re-enter the Earth at the North Pole. These lines of force are helices of hypersonic energy at the hyperoctave bordering light speed. Like the turning of the watery wave cylinder carries flotsam slowly in the direction of wave flow, a flow along the latitudes crosses the serried, cylindrical, magnetic lines of force, at right-angles. Electrical engineers call the second vector, electric. -------- Interplanetary debris tends to drift on the electric flow toward equatorial orbits around the Earth. Although the Moon is the only visible evidence of the transmagnetic drift, the phenomenon is amply evident in the planetary orbits around the Sun. Since the velocity of the equatorial current varies inversely with radius, each planetary body settles into the line of least resistance after continuous midcourse corrections until it drifts with the very orbital current that is going the same way at the same speed. The dynamics of the annular gravitic orbits are most clearly revealed in the rings of Saturn. The equatorial drift of bodies in a field was explained by Newton as the resultant of centripetal gravitation and centrifugal force. Einstein made the concept of centripetal gravity unnecessary by conceiving orbital velocity as a function of space instead of a resultant of forces. By exercising more genius than the problem needed, both of them overshot their objective with explanations that obscure more than they reveal. The gravitational orbit is simply a current flowing in an annular standing-wave on the stellar scale of the electric vector. After establishing the longitudinal vectors of universal field energy as magnetic lines of force, and the latitudinal vectors as electro-gravitational lines of force, there is but one orthogonal axis remaining, the radial vectors. The radial vectors flowing to and from all directions of outer space to the centre of the Earth corresponds to Newton's original conception of the centripetal gravitic vector balanced by centrifugal force. The radial vector is known to electrical engineers as the electromotive force in America, the Fleming Force in Britain, ------------------- ------------- the Poynting Vector and the Lorentz Force in Europe, according --------------- ------------- to national pride. The centrifugal phase of the radial vector is manifest as radiant electromagnetic waves; the centripetal phase is manifest as gravitic pressure. (*1) Recapitulation brings the continuous conversion of a sonic wave into a single overview with the electromagnetic wave. When the acceleration of the original sonic compression-wave is resisted by the medium, the resultant turns 90oo to flow along a helical hypersonic wave as scale is reduced to molecular dimensions. When the magnetic acceleration is resisted, the magnetic line of force precipitates around a third 90oo to a still finer scale and emits radiant photons. A photon is a unit measuring the energy of a cycle of etheric particles revolving in a helical electromagnetic wave. The photonic frequencies tuned to nuclear dimensions are manifest as gravity; the photonic frequencies tuned to electronic-atomic dimensions are manifest as the familiar electromagnetic wave. The electromotive force is tuned to molecular dimensions, making the electromotive force material selective. Whereas the latitudinal drift varies as a inverse function of radius, maintaining constant momentum, the radial pressure is accelerated as a direct function of field density increasing centripetally by the inverse square of radius. The latitudinal orbits contract when radiation exceeds irradiation and the orbits expand when irradiation exceeds radiation so that the total unified field momentum remains constant. You have just described three electromagnetic vectors around the Earth, the radial vector of gravito-radiation, the longitudinal magnetic vector, and the latitudinal electric vector. The significant fact of these three vectors is that they are each aligned at right-angles to the other two, and they are each defined by specific velocity. The mathematical parameters of three real hyperspacial dimensions are satisfied by these three tangible fields of energy. As you know, the magnetic dimension, the electric dimension, and the photonic dimension each extend in three dimensions. Four-dimensional hyperspace is complicated by the mathematical fact that each dimension of the fourth dimension is tridimensional; After 90oo of rotation, each trispacial dimension is defined from the others in the same space, by scale. But then, the coexistence of plural tridimensional spaces is what hyperspace is all about, isn't it? Whereas the three dimensions of empty hyperspace are manifest as the three fields comprehended within the familiar concept of electromagnetic energy, the three dimensions of full, material space are defined by another three fields of energy, the sonic, the hypersonic, and the magnetic. Magnetic waves in material are 90oo from magnetic waves in the surrounding field; the two extremes of the magnetic scale are distinguished as sonomagnetic and electromagnetic, respectively. If each dimensional axis represents a field , and each field extends in three dimensions, kits, cats, sacks, and wives, how many are going to Saint Ives? I mean, we got eighteen dimensions, already, in the familiar space we thought we knew. CLOSE THIS FILE OPEN FILE "CHAP-2K" --------------------------------------------------------------- *1 As an electrical engineer, Whamond realized the congruence of the electromotive force with gravity before I did. Other physicists have come to the same insight before both of us. The moral is that all the right ideas are old and still ignored. 30 FILENAME: CHAP-2K ___________________________________________________________ I I I All truths must produce their own self-contradictions. I I I I Perfect consistency is the mark of perfect falsehood. I I___________________________________________________________I EVERYONE believes that his own convictions and ways of living represent the greatest achievement of the human race, and all other people, ideas, and customs are more or less inferior; most errants, however can be corrected --- even if they must be slaughtered in order to make them realize their mistakes. In the unlikelihood that future generations may somehow manage to recover from the obvious corruption of our own children, who are tragically unable to benefit from the way we were raised --- not to mention the way we raised them --- any late course corrections in human evolution are so far in the future that we need not bother ourselves by our responsibility to make our own corrections while we may still benefit from enlightenment. In this wise, we fondly believe that we can trust our savants as the most intelligent men who ever lived. Well, they aren't. Unlike earlier philosophers who could only answer their calling with a vast memory, the qualifications of modern scientists are no better than their ability to log into data banks combined with ambition for tenure. Like the public school system, now drawing its staff from C- graduates, all trades deteriorate as they acquire popularity, establishment, and money. Modern scientists are probably the stupidist horde that ever climbed its way to the top of mountainous facts by academic degrees. It is generally believed past generations were incapable of our technological achievements because they lacked the resources, the technology, and the intelligence. Well, they lacked no reources for science, and they had all the technology, they needed for small scale sophistication. Hang gliders and sail planes were quite within the resources of the Ancient Egyptians --- and they were probably flown. The Mesopotamians were quite capable of constructing and using electrical engines --- and they probably did. The Ancient Greeks could not have failed to grind reflecting telescopes to discover Uranus and Neptune --- these planets are reported in ancient inscriptions. The Incas practised surgery beyond our capabilities until the last century. Their architecture exceeded the comprehension of all modern engineering authorities. The modern population is not informed of our backward position in the human race because our leaders are dedicated to holding us down in the slavery of ignorance by making us believe that we know more than anyone else who ever lived. It is altogether too difficult to rule men with minds of their own --- not to mention self-willed women and precocious children --- if, indeed, it is even possible to rule a self-realized person. In order to maintain their sovereignty over the minds of mankind, the priests made unsanctified literacy a capital offence against the gods. When the gods proved unoffended by noble warriors who learned to read, capital punishment for literacy was downloaded onto the HOI POLLOI who were not trained and armed in the arts of military persuasion that vouchsafed rights unsupported by the gods. When the heirarchy realized that its lifestyle depended on trade and trade depended upon accountants, only women, slaves and other beasts remained to suffer capital punishment for the crime of learning more than their betters. Eventually, the MCPs realized that a lot of learning need not be a dangerous thing if the learning were false, so they burned the Ancient libraries and replaced the knowledge of many civilizations with political propaganda. Now, that reading is politically safe, reading is compulsory, and only writing is suppressed; the capital offense is questioning the truth of authorized publications. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN published historical research proving that Sir Isaac Newton falsified his data to establish his Theory of Gravity; bookkeepers are known to be clever cooks. MOTHER JONES and ATLANTIC MONTHLY published historical documents proving that Freud withheld his facts in order to establish his pansexual theory; even Freud admitted it in his later life, and by his own psychoanalytical principles, Freud is proven to be obsessed with a vindictive ambition. We find that all the fundamental concepts of reality ruling the minds of modern men are established by deliberate lies! --- unless Lenin was the saint whom Diogenes sought. Apparently, Einstein is the only good apple in a rotten barrel. Einstein, however, is notoriously beyond human comprehension; an incomprehensible lie is a contradiction of terms --- and so is an incomprehensible truth. Einstein's probity notwithstanding, his psychiatric profile resembles Freud's, if not quite Caesar, and Caesar was an ambitious man. No one ever gets on top of the world's dog pile without rampant ambition; just ask an Olympic athlete to tell you about it. If there ever was a modest leader, it had to be Moses, who is on record for begging his brother to be his front man; maybe Moses knew that his audience was likely to cast criticisms honed to kill. Truth is the first casualty of love, war, and ambition. CLOSE THIS FILE OPEN FILE "CHAP-2L" 30 FILENAME: CHAP-2L __________________________________________ I I I A Conscious knowledge I I of universal structure I I is prerequisite I I to a Conscious knowledge I I of the true way I I to find harmony with nature. I I I I Without true knowledge I I of physical reality, I I your most brilliant guide, I I your intellect I I can only lead you the wrong way. I I__________________________________________I AMERICANS read about the suppression of scientific truth in the Communist Bloc; the Communists read about the suppression of scientific truth in America. If you believe scientific facts are not censored in America, then what were government officers doing when they forced their way into the studios of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to stop a report while it was still on the air,of industrial pollution in the Great Lakes region? If you are normal, you will say it didn't happen, it couldn't happen in a free country --- there can't be any Jews in our boxcars --- simply because you weren't tuned in at the time. Well, I was tuned in so I believe it; it was the C.B.C.'s finest hour. The American press reports that UFOs are censored in the USSR. People living behind the Iron Curtain send me popular publications explaining more technical facts about antigravity than you can find in American professional journals. Politics is censored in Communist countries; science is censored in the Free World. The law was passed during the Roosevelt Administration to keep the Manhattan Project secret, and it is still in force. Under the covert Inquisition prevailing, every honest scientist is scared out of his wits. The perils of exposing one's family, abandoning one's friends --- if you can, before they abandon you --- and defying established authority, renders every sane soothsayer incapable of getting his act together --- with footnotes demanded, yet. The mental blocks that prohibit everyone from thinking at all are only partially broken by the rational genius. Just as normal embarrassment produces unbelievable circumlocutions, the emotional conflict between inculcated beliefs and present realities riddle the documentations of new truths with obvious errors. Established critics couldn't survive without the errors. (*1) The consequence of the state of the public mind is that most of the people claiming revolutionary discoveries don't know where they are at. Certifiable psychotics are the most capable of defending their discoveries without inhibition in the professional arena, simply because they have nothing to lose; despite their claims to fame, they are rejected mainly because of the peculiar short-sight that identifies their psychosis, and whatever radical truths they present are ignored because of their offensive manner. You don't have to be paranoid to get into this business; the company you gives complete on-the-job training. Every upward step of science is borne on the bodies of fallen martyrs to truth, and the step is taken only when the pile of bodies grows so high that no one can see without climbing over the corpses of unsung heroes. Unless people EN MASSE can criticise the prevaiing wisdom by secret ballot, honest witnesses to the truth can only step forward one at a time. One at a time they are shot down, and nothing changes. The advent of personal computer networks affords the first chance for honest witnesses to deliver their testimony all at once, raising a target too vast to be shot down one by one. The forces of reaction will certainly retrench, but until they do, heretics will be able to correct our delusions ourselves, in free public discussion. Ships were not clad in metal until modern times because people believed false teachings about the physics of flotation. Few people attempted to build aircraft until a free country let it happen, simply because authorities taught false facts about the physics of air; anyone who did fly was burned as a witch. Even while the Soviets were launching suborbital rockets, Western authorities were proclaiming false physical laws proving the impossibility of reaching the Moon; anyone who studied Soviet research aroused Senator McCarthy's interest. Flying Saucers are deemed nonexistent because the prevailing beliefs about gravity make antigravity engines logically impossible; the same belief also renders the Unified Field Equations insoluble. (*2) If the prevailing beliefs about gravity were of a nature that made antigravity engines as feasible as nuclear power, we should have to suppose that all the eye witnesses are not lying or hallucinating, and all the photographs are not fabricated, wouldn't we? Now everyone will say they were honest mistakes. They are not honest mistakes; they are the most dishonest lies intended to maintain the status quo. Social status quo is maintained by the same neurotic blindness to truth that maintains personal status; although Unconscious, the prevarications are nevertheless motivated and deliberate, as every shrink proves daily. The true facts are everywhere in evidence, as you have just seen for yourself. The truth is denied and obstructed in every which way by parties determined to hold their power over the minds of men; they won't let anyone else learn anything they don't know until they master it themselves. And then they claim discovery for themselves so that no one will suspect that all truth does not arrive from the top. Most people are more than willing to cede responsibility for their lives to authorities. CLOSE THIS FILE OPEN FILE "CHAP-2M" --------------------------------------------------------------- *1 Schrodinger, for example, calculated as you have just followed, to the realization that each electron requires three dimensions of space. The proposition that there are three discrete dimensions for every electron in the cosmos was hooted down with ridicule, and the patently false Bohr model was established, instead. Schrodinger was too rattled to remember what he already knew --- as well as everyone else --- that only one more dimension is necessary to contain any number of trispaces; if he did remember, no one gave him a second chance. The science game is a race for Atalanta's hand; each contender is condemned to death by one slip and there are no second chances. Bohr could hardly be expected to trash his life's work and claim to fame to point out Schrodinger's obvious omission, and his friends were as helpful as Benedict Arnold, Vidkun Quisling, and Marshall Petain; only the Japanese can be expected to commit suicide for the sake of honour. --------------------------------------------------------------- *2 Einstein had the solution in his hands. If he published the solution, however, he would have become a target like Velikovsky. Whatever Einstein's honesty, he was no Pauling, willing to risk being stripped of his first Nobel Prize as Shockley was. Remember, the young Saint Albert had nothing to lose and everything to gain by outliving the critics of Relativity; he had to outlive them or die young, so he made his long lifespan worth his while. He had everything to lose and nothing to gain by trying to outlive the critics of his Unified Field Theory --- he was too old, already. I can question the integrity of any political idol with impunity, Gorbachev, Reagan, Thatcher, Chairman Mao, Jane Fonda (whose image I love, passionately) --- even my queen (I am a stout royalist) --- and at least half the people will praise me. But point at the muddy feet of deceased scientific heroes --- wow --- better I should sell photographs of the Ayahtolla in Tehran. It shows who our real gods are, doesn't it. 30 FILENAME: CHAP-2M ___________________________________________________________ I I I All truths must produce their own self-contradictions. I I I I Perfect consistency is the mark of perfect falsehood. I I___________________________________________________________I Now that I have dumped my spleen and gall bladder to this creen, we are properly grounded to consider the truth about gravity; Newton is on trial for scientific perjury in America's most auspicious forum, remember. In order to understand antigravity engines are actually being built here and now, you must learn the truth about gravity. So we shall turn off the hyperspacial pike for a scenic tour of the fatal apple. When Ben Franklin realized there were two kinds of electric charge, he differentiated them as positive and -------- negative. Modern physicists have decided that Franklin got the -------- terms mixed like the Prisoner of Zenda; it really doesn't matter. It matters a great deal, however, whether gravity sucks or blows. When Newton made his original calculations, he knew well that the hypothetical force he called gravity could be proven by the centripetal pressure of an etheric vortex, whereas the concept of mutual attraction across empty space is utterly impossible to demonstrate. Nevertheless, he published the false alternative, and everyone has been parroting the mistake ever since without regard for stultifying common sense. (*1) Gravitation is the centripetal pressure of all the photons in the cosmos flowing into vortical centres. Gravitic centres are located by phase and frequency, and the material which gravitates to each field centre in the cosmos is selected by phase/frequency tuning. As a consequence, all planets and stars are not created of the same kinds of material in the same recipe. Phase tuning is a function of particle velocity/momentum; the geometry describing the phase/frequency tuning of gravitic field centres yields the very same results as the established equations based on mistaken or limited concepts. Newton's equations are practically true for all the wrong reasons; more than one invention has worked for the wrong reason and the most useful medicines are poisonous in large doses. Now, if you wonder why only the centripetal phase of the radial electromagnetic wave produces a gravitic acceleration, it is because all the matter in this cosmos is defined by vibrating in tune with the centripetal phase of the ambient electromagnetic radiation; all matter tuned to the centrifugal phase can be regarded as antimatter, and it has long gone over the event horizon to its proper antigravitic centres in the hyperspacial antipodes. When seen from the converse perspective, all the material gravitating in our part of the cosmos has antigravitated from the opposite hemihypersphere. A third view sees radiation from here condensing into gravitating material in the hyperantipodes, and radiation from there condensing into gravitating material at this side of the universe, to keep the universe unfolding as it should. Gravity accelerates all bodies equally because gravitic pressure is produced only by photons tuned to massive, nuclear particles. Nuclear particles are as minute in atomic space as stars relative to galactic space; the infinitesmally fine gravitic photons penetrate all material bodies like breeze through a fishnet to strike every nuclear particle with about the same accelerating force. Moreover, all protons and neutrons have the same dimensions, so all matter is accelerated equally by gravitic pressure. A sufficiently massive body, however, will stop enough gravitic waves to cast a gravitic shadow in the lee. It is the gravitic shadow cast by the Moon that allows the tides to rise, not any inexplicable attraction from the Moon. Pressure and suction are reciprocals, like ohms and mhos. The equations of the gravitic pressure and the gravitic attraction are identical; "gravitic attraction" is a perversion of terms like "voltage suction". The main obstacle to professional comprehension of Unified Field Equations is the orders of magnitude between the physical forces. The electromagnetic field is a thousand times more powerful than the gravitic force simply because it is so much more restricted in range. (SIDE-1) A field is an elastic structure. An elastic field is condensed by its very power. An infinitely strong field can only be infinitesmally minute, and that is why nuclear fields are subatomic in range. When a gravitic field becomes sufficiently massive, it implodes to the density of a stellar electromagnetic field. And when an electromagnetic field becomes massive enough, it collapses to the density of a nuclear field. When a star finally stops collapsing into a Black Hole, all that remains in this cosmos is an atom. Conversely, the electromagnetic field surrounding the atomic nucleus is all that remains of the subcritically dense outer regions after nuclear implosion, and the gravitic field is the subcritically dense outer regions remaining after atomic implosion. Consequenctly, all the vestigial atoms of all the Black Holes are fated to gravitate together and repeat the process in an endless universal cycle that supports a steady state concurrent with an equally steady Big Bang. In trispace, there can be only one Big Bang from a single centre; in hyperspace, every place is the centre of the universe, and the Big Bang explodes/implodes from every point in the universe simultaneously --- which is just the way they see it tonight from Mount Palomar. (*3) You can figure it out for yourself. If all the bodies in the cosmos are exploding with accelerating velocity, as the Big Bangers blow, and if the universe is curved around a fourth dimension, as Einstein proved, then all the galaxies exploding from the Big Bang must also be imploding into a humungous Black Hole in the hyperspacial antipodes, to keep the universe unfolding and refolding as it should. Any acceleration of any planet in the Solar System produces an acceleration of all planets, to maintain the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum. The Law is based on the basic conception of science, that nothing can be created from nothing nor annihilated; all mathematics is based on the absolute constancy of number after transformations. The problem ignored by astrophysicists is how does one planet know what the others are doing so that it can adjust it's velocity in just measure? No force has been postulated to connect the planets across the empty, interorbital spaces with the rigidity necessary to transmit momentum from one to the other. The same problem is answered in particle physics by postulating fine particles emitted from an accelerated particle, and these particles all manage to radiate directly to the other particles in the system, without any attenuation over distance. When astrophysicists apply the particle concepts to cosmic bodies, they come up with a concept of an accelerating Moon emitting gravitic particles that are all received by the Earth. Well, anyone who believes that will believe anything; we are better off with a Prime Mover to keep the universe unfolding as it should. Calculating planets and particles to be concentrations of energy within a Solar etheric vortex answers the problem with a simple demonstration in a calibrated tub of water. Sucking or blowing angular momentum at any point in a vortex produces the very same acceleration of all the other regions of the vortex that mathematicians calculate for planets subjected to force. Likewise, creating or annihilating a subvortex of a vortex will sometimes cause another subvortex to be created or annihilated at a considerable distance as angular velocity is transferred by the water molecules. A model vortex reveals the fluid mechanics of the mysterious wormholes of hyperspace. CLOSE THIS FILE OPEN FILE "CHAP-2N" ============================================ SIDE-1 Whamond deduced that bodies are held together by the Magnus Force, the low pressure produced by the high spin velocity of the constituent particles. The Magnus Force eliminates the lateral vectors manifest as explosive pressure by transforming them into linear velocity. Spin momentum is the energy of mass, and mass is a function of gravitic cohesion. As a planet's mass grows by accretion, so does its angular momentum, producing a low-pressure vortex in the ether that draws nearby and slow moving bodies on gravitic trajectories. When a body is accelerated in a field, its spin momentum is converted into linear velocity according to the de Broglie equations, and the internal pressure rises relative to the surrounding fluid, like the relative low-pressure outside of a car's open window. At the point when internal pressure equals surrounding pressure, Roche calculated that the body disintegrates from gravitic stress. Most popular astronomical literature credits Saturn's rings to a minor satellite that fell or was pushed within the gravitic orbit defined by a velocity exceeding the Roche Limit. Although there is ample evidence of cosmic catastrophe in the Solar System, scientific principles prefer explanations requiring the least adventitious postulations. (*2) In this wise, it is curious that astrophysical reporters fail to notice that atmospheres, like all other physical fields, are condensed proportionately to the strength of their gravitic primaries. The Giant Planets hug their atmospheres closer to their solid surfaces, relative to the minimal radius of stable orbit, than the Minor Planets. Therefore, the minimum altitude at which a body can orbit the Earth must be within enough atmosphere to collapse the trajectory. In comparison, the minimal orbital altitude of the Giant Planets is beyond the range of their atmospheres. As a result, interplanetary debris, too fine to cohere into a planetoid at orbital velocity, can remain in stable orbit long enough to form enduring rings. Since steady-state physics makes rings around the Giant Planets inevitable, the curious fact remaining unanswered is why Saturn got more ring material than all the others put together. This is the point to begin supposing cosmic catastrophe. As it happens, the entire planet is so light that it may be supposed the Saturnian orbit is especially attractive to light molecules. When an atom absorbs energy, its electronic velocity accelerates, causing its electrons to move away from the atomic nucleus to a larger, excited orbits. When an atom loses energy, its electrons fall into a smaller orbit. As an orbit shrinks, its angular momentum increases its velocity, Since an atomic electron is already travelling close to light speed, the slightest orbital acceleration pushes it over the speed limit, and it begins to disintegrate into photons, emitting radiant energy. A similar disintegration is manifest by atomic particles under artificial acceleration; the emitted photons are called synchroton radiation. -------------------- Before a Black Hole can trap light in its infinite gravitational vortex, it must first accelerate all the matter it "sucks", to light speed. Therefore, it is physically impossible for a Black Hole to be black; it must be surrounded by a shell of radiating material as bright as a quasar. The shell of ------ radiating particles is defined by the radius where particles reach light speed; that radius can be of stellar dimensions. In fact, all that we can actually see of any star is the atmosphere of particles accelerated to the radiant dimension where they disintegrate into plasma. There must be a dark crystal of the heaviest metals spinning in the core of every star, like the nucleus of an atom under its shining plasmic atmosphere. If a quasar emits more light than an entire galaxy, we may suppose that an entire galaxy can collapse into a Black Hole. It is presumed that a disturbance of the angular momentum of one planet is distributed evenly throughout the Solar System, so that smaller bodies will manifest a greater acceleration than the large bodies. If the astrophysical beliefs prevailed in the atomic field, however. a disturbance of one particle would be distributed evenly throughout all atomic particles. That is not the way it happens. A disturbance of a defined particle produces effects only in other particles at the same or at harmonic energy levels; this is why a given shock produces the same particles, consistently. The reason for unequal distribution of shock is two-thirds well known, and one-third disbelieved; it is the denied third that does the work, and the owrk is mysterious because it is denied. You see, just as harmonically related frequencies resonate sympathetically, regardless of wavelength and momentum, and harmonically related wavelengths resonate sympathetically regardless of frequency and momentum, so do harmonically related momenta resonate sympathetically regardless of wavelength and frequency. Therefore a disturbance of any planetary body is balanced by disturbances of only the other planetary bodies harmonically related. Harmony is the effect of phase congruence. Harmonic relationships between different frequencies are revealed by the angles of spin axes. The angle of spin corresponds to the phase angle of a wave, making phase/spin angle identical to energy level/wavelength/frequency. Since phase angle is also established by momentum, momentum is equated with frequency, and interdimensional harmony rules over hyperspace. Frequencies at 90oo of angular separations are at octave intervals. Therefore, planets manifesting the same axial alignments are related like musical octaves. Spin axes at 60oo of separation are harmonized on the third overtone and its octaves. Planets spinning perpendicularly to the plane of their orbits reveal the one dimension between the material body and its radiant field. Observing the way a gyroscope wobbles when force is imposed, you can see how the spin axis of a planet will tilt from its proper perpendicular alignment with its orbital plane. Therefore, we have reason to suppose that the Earth, Mars, and Uranus are subjects to an unknown force of either adventitious or developing nature. Whatever the reason, these planets violate the right- angle rule between body and field; as a result, the denizens of these planets are in between the dimensions of this Solar reality --- neither all here, nor quite there. A cosmic near-collision may have driven Neptune from its natural orbit at the outer limit of the Solar System, where Pluto remains as its lost satellite. Jupiter holds more angular momentum than all the rest of the Solar planets combined, so its inertia would resist the disturbance of Neptune, and planetary harmonics would engage the second- largest planet to support the Jovian resistance. Since Uranus is the smallest planet between the disturbed giants, it appears to have been scrunched inwards to the second root of the orbital harmonics where its axis must be turned nearly parallel to its plane of revolution. The following book of this series in hyperspacial geometry explains that the second root measures the location of the next dimension projecting into this world. The quadimensional energy of electricity is defined at the second root; electrical meridians are found at the second root of living organisms. Uranus must function as the gate conducting universal energies to us from higher dimensions. It surpasses coincidence that astrologers assign electrical influence to Uranus. If the Minor Planets were located according to Bode's Law of Planetary Harmonics, we should be located in the present Martian orbit. Instead, the Moon forms a double planetary system with the Earth, and we are scrunched with Venus between the Mercurian and Martian orbits, at the third harmonic, corresponding to the nearly 30o axial dislocation of both Earth and Mars. Ginsberg notices that the dislocation of all the planets from ideal orbits at scalar intervals is justified by their concordance with the universal PHI ratio. Since spin velocity is a function of vortex condensation, spin must increase as a function of mass. Venus therefore, should have the same day as we do. Instead, its day is locked into the Terran year, like the Moon's day is locked into its year. Venus, Terra, and Luna are phase-locked into a triple planetary system ruled by our planet. The curious fact is that all the Venusian spin momentum appears to be taken by the Earth. It is more likely, however, that Velikovsky is right; the rotational momentum of Venus is taken by Mars. The mass of Mars, after all, should have a proper day lasting at least a week. This exchange of energy is a probable result of collision between the Minor Planets under the special conditions that are also seen to occur in motor vehicle accidents which stops one car dead while the other spins out. The common feature of Mars, Moon, and Earth is one --- count 'em --- one hemisphere pocked with meteor craters, evidence that the three planets were struck by the same swarm at the same time at the same momentum at the same angle of impact to leave the two bigger planets spinning at the same velocity. Perhaps the Moon was also driven to a Terran day before she transferred her spin to us. Or perhaps the Lunar spin was reversed by impact on her trailing side, and loss of her rotational momentum was the cause of driving our satellite from its own Solar orbit into ours. The near congruence of spin axis and daily period unite Mars and Earth into a harmony unique in the Solar System, beyond the imagination of the most devoted astrologer. The harmonic relationship of the Venusian day with the Terran orbit combined with the perpendicular Venusian axis makes Venus the go-between exchanging Solar field energy from Jupiter to Earth, just as the fondest astrologer would imagine; Mars and Moon draw their Jovian energies through us. Velikovsky formulated his theory of worlds in collision by his encyclopedic learning of history and psychopathology; he was a shrink by trade. Not knowing anything about history or psychology, normal or ab, it was natural that astronomers, physicists, and mathematicians were unconvinced by Velikovsky's argument. Since softheads won't swallow the hard stuff, either, Velikovsky's medical colleagues supported him like Welfare --- which was less than the support Tesla received from his friends. --------------------------------------------------------------- *1 Newton's genius is vitiated by the same kind of groupies that Jesus got, but Sir Isaac deserved his followers. Critical students try a teacher's patience. Uncritical students try his integrity. --------------------------------------------------------------- *2 I mean, Creationism is rejected on principle simply because it requires that God be supposed; a God Who can do anything, by definition, is the ultimate postulate, obviating any more. It is quite simply impossible for science to coexist with an Ultimate Postulate. --------------------------------------------------------------- *3 Just as every point in the universe is its centre, so is every point in the universe at its own antipodes, resulting in a steady state explosion/implosion. There is no difference between a universal atomic implosion and a universal intergalactic explosion; the two conditions are mathematically congruent. The Big Bang is favoured over the Big Bust simply because human pride won't countenance any diminution of human stature. 30 FILENAME: CHAP-2N ________________________________________________ I I I Humanity is determined I I to follow every possible wrong way I I to its dead end I I before accepting the right way. I I I I And then humanity will leave the right way I I to retrace the wrong ways I I just in case a mistake was overlooked. I I_______________________________________________ I ORBITAL velocities accelerating by an inverse exponent of radius must exceed light speed within the empty space of the atom; this is why the quantum jumps. Outside the atom, energy increases by the square of velocity. The atom, however, is a unit of material. The energy contained in a material body increases by the cube of its radius. Therefore, momentum increases by the cube of velocity when acceleration exceeds light speed to generate another dimension. Velocity within nuclear space is four to eight times the speed of light, a momentum sufficient to concentrate energy to e=mc^4. When light speed is multiplied by itself again and again, it is no wonder that the energy of the nuclear force concentrates gravity a million times. An article of scientific faith holds that all the physical laws proven in the Solar System hold true throughout the universe. Hyperspacial geometry finds that scientific faith is misconceived. Radiation does not attenuate as a function of distance in linear space; e.g., a beam or a pipeline. Attenuation is obviously arithmetical in plane space. The void of cosmic space extends in three dimensions above our material world. It is these three dimensions which determine that radiant energy attenuates by the inverse square law. Since doubling velocity adds another dimension, the interior of the atom holds four dimensions of empty space under infinite compression; in quadspace, radiation attenuates by the inverse cube of radius. Within the nucleus, there are five dimensions of empty space squeezed into the same place at the same time by hyperinfinite pressure; the nuclear field attenuates by the inverse fourth power of radius. Nuclear particles are six dimensions of full space hypercompressed into pure mass; within massive space, energy attentuates by the inverse fifth power of radius. Our reality is confined within the space where radiation attenuates according to the inverse square law, neither more nor less. Even one more dimension violates all the tridimensional logic of estalished scientific laws. The nuclear radius seen from our space is not a line, but a cube compressed and folded into a fractal string of quintspace. When an atom is smashed, the interior ultraspace explodes with hyperdecompression. A common example of hyperdecompression is found in chemical explosions; several particles/bodies that were pressured into the same place at the same time expand into different places at the same time. Like pulling filmy silken flags out of empty hat, there is no end to them. CLOSE THIS FILE OPEN FILE "CHAP-2O" 30 FILENAME: CHAP-2O ___________________________________________ I I I It is not the genius I I who lays the cornerstones of science I I who gets the credit, I I but the authoritative technicians I I who set the capstones in high places I I for all to admire. I I___________________________________________I DRAW another circle with the polar and equatorial axes; as before, you will have to imagine the third axis. Now, by mathematical definition, the fourth axis, representing the first dimension of hyperspace, must be drawn at right-angles to the other three. The greatest genius that ever lived have cogitated 'til their lampwicks dried, trying to figure out how to draw a fourth coordinate axis at right-angles to the other three. Every professor will assure you it cannot be done; the impossiblity of the fourth axis is so self-evident that no further proof is even conceivable. None of Euclid's axioms is so obviously true. Nevertheless, the fourth axis is so visible that only the victims of excessive schooling can fail to see it. Since the advent of spherical geometry, the impossible fourth axis has been in planer sight than "The Purloined Letter". Just look at a sphere and what do you see? You see the surface, don't you? Can't you see that the surface crosses the three cardinal axes at right-angles to them all? The solutions to the impossible fourth Cartesian axis is obvious to everyone who can read a road map. Curves, you see, are relative. If trispace curves around the fourth dimension, as Einstein proved, then the fourth dimension must also curve around trispace. We have already established that all surfaces are four- dimensional; the entire surface of the sphere is the fourth coordinate axis of hyperspace. After crossing the interdimensionsal boundary into hyperspace, the line representing the fourth axis acquires another dimension to be expressed as a plane. The fourth axis represents energy level. Energy level is defined by wavelength and frequency. Since wavelength and frequency are aligned at right-angles to each other, energy level is a plane. Thus the fourth axis must be a plane. The solution to the riddle that would have baffled Odysseus is self-evident to immediate inspection. Energy levels are represented by the wave lengths of the latitudes. Notice that the lengths of the latitudes increase by an inverse exponent between the Pole and the Equator; this exponent is answered by the ratio 1:2:3:4:5:6:7: to field limit. Phase is wave acceleration. Acceleration is represented by a mathematical curve. Therefore, the fifth dimension of phase is represented by the curve that longitude imposes on latitude. Since phase is wavelength continued around 90oo, the fourth dimension of energy level is represented by the two axes of latitude and longitude. Notice how the curve of longitude correlates with wave length, expressing phase angle as a function of frequency. The angle of the longitude relative to the polar axis also represents the angle of wave axes manifest as charge; in turn, ------ charge is the correlative of acceleration. The global grid not only serves to plot points in hyperspace, but also tells you what the points mean at each coordinate location. The radii define the sixth dimension of amplitude/scale. Since the fourth orthogonal axis is the spherical plane, the fifth orthogonal axis is the spherical volume. Since the planar axis incorporates the two dimensions of wave energy, the volumar axis incorporates the three dimensions of scalar energy, amplitude, velocity, and acceleration, comprising mass. This spherical map is the Unified Field Equations represented as a graphic model that organizes all the proliferating subatomic particles into a continuous structure. Rest mass is established on the Prime Meridian. Scale expands on the radius. Linear velocity is plotted south from the North Pole; net spin velocity is plotted ambilaterally from the Prime Meridian. The angle of the spin axis is a function of momentum, so spin angle corresponds to latitude. Since light speed is the coefficient of 90oo, c is represented by the equator and by both 90oo meridians. The South Pole and the Date Line both represent both 2c and zero v. Because zero velocity is represented by both the Poles and both Prime Meridian and Date Line, all these locations are located in exactly the same location in our trispace. By distorting the hyperspherical map to bring all points defined by zero velocity to the same location, you produce a field torus squeezed into a figure 8; the Ancient symbol for infinity is an ideogram of the universal hypersphere. On this map, massive particles are found in the Northern Hemisphere; massless particles exist in the Southern Hemisphere. Mass has hyperinfinite density beyond the 90o longitudes. A crystal is located on the North Polar axis. A neutron is positioned closer to the centre on the same axis. Radicals are found on both sides of the Prime Meridian toward the 90o meridian and above 45o of Latitude. The proton oscillates on the meridian at 90o East, according to its rectilinear velocity; the antiproton is at 90o West. The photon is found on the Equator at the Date Line. The electron is 90o West and south of the Equator, diametrically opposite the proton; the positron is 90o East. Apparent resolution increases along with scale on the radii, making room to locate all the atoms, ions, and molecules, according to their mass/energy. Atomic positions on this Unified Field Graphic Equation reveals the harmonic relationships favouring chemical reactions and catalysis. The most exciting discoveries will be made by following the extension of living molecules through the graphic model, from the atomic scale to the individual genes. The harmonic principles of catalysis reveals the means for developing nuclear energy at low temperatures and alchemy. Since the hyperspacial grid defines all masses, charges, and velocities within its global organization, all particles known and unknown can be plotted by phase angle and their harmonic relationships exposed. How 'bout that, Dr. Young? I expect most readers to shake their heads at such a strange graph, and doubt that such a simple model can possibly be true. It's truth is self-evident and incontrovertible upon immediate inspection, from the critical point of view. You see, all particles are defined by their energy level --- right? All particles are part and parcel of the atomic field --- right? Well, then, I have done nothing but calibrate the atomic field into a tridimensional graph and plotted each particle in its proper position. If I had made any abstruse mathematical calculations, I should certainly be wrong, but I didn't. I did nothing, imagined nothing, calculated nothing, equated nothing. I have only unfolded the structure that is there. My mathematics are the same as the school girl who makes her own dresses. The solution to the Unified Field problem, that has defied a century of the world's greatest intellect backed by national treasuries has been literally as plain as day --- and that is why you can be sure it is true. Professional physicists will agree that I've done nothing, and return to their Greek calculations; that is what SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN did after watching the Wright Brothers fly --- orthodox Americans were the last to know. The first golden-haired undergraduate who calibrates the hyperspacial axes, fills out this form correctly, and gets his paper published in a hard-core scientific journal will be hailed as the Einstein of the next century --- after defending his claim for twenty years. Scientific genius is a young man's game; survival depends entirely on outliving the opposition. 30 FILENAME: CHAP-2P _________________________________________________ I I I Time is three dimensions of pure electricity. I I_________________________________________________I THE dimensions of hyperspace are the coordinate parameters of waves. Waves are the elemental units of energy. Energy is manifest only as movement. There is no movement without time. Therefore energy is a mode of perceiving time; energy is time. (*1) Hyperspace is three dimensions of time. Wave frequency ---- -------------- defines the intervals of time, wave phase defines the instants --------- ---------- -------- of time, wave amplitude defines the span of time. Tripping -------------- ---- through hyperspace is time-travel. As units of energy, all measurements of time have electrical correspondents, a fact becoming recognized now that time has become a critical factor in microelectronic engineering. Frequency corresponds to electrical amperage. --------- -------- Resistance to the flow of energy is a function of phase differential, and voltage is the reciprocal of resistance; phase, therefore, corresponds to electrical voltage. Amplitude ----- ------- --------- is the product of frequency and phase, so the third dimension of hyperspace corresponds to wattage. Electric currents are the ------- essential time streams. All distance in space and time represents an energy differential. The temporal difference is measured by voltage, the spacial distance is measured by amperage, the distance in scale is measured by wattage. A single electrical charge, therefore, defines every event in the hyperspacial universe. The gods of myth are electrical engineers. The Ark of the Covenent is an electrical engine. Hyperspacial travel is implemented by tuning the electrical state of the starship. The compass of a starship is an atomic clock, the helm is variable resistor, the lighthouses are celestial clocks (e.g. the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge), the course is plotted by a volt-amp meter, and natural electrical currents flowing throughout the universe carry starships like jet streams through hyperspacial windows. Kronus, the Lord of Time is the Chief Electrical Inspector in charge of universal wiring, installing service, billing, and cutting off deadbeats. ===================== END OF CHAPTER TWO ==================== The foundation is laid for a complete theory of time travel in terms of electrical engineering, explaining how Flying Saucers are engineered, constructed, piloted, and navigated. Those who have seen Flying Saucers will know that it is really happening the way you are reading it here. ====================== END OF DISC BOOK ===================== *1 Einstein stopped at the first step; the complete phrase is "space-time-mind (dis)continuum" of energy. Space is tridimensional, time is tridimensional, and mind is tridimensional. Each of the temporal dimensions comprises three spacial dimensions, making time nine-dimensional. Each of the mental dimensions comprises three dimensions of time, past, present and future. 30