Nine Stars Service is happy to present the Harmonic Dials to all astrologers A brief description of harmonics and the available dials and their meanings can be found in the text below. We welcome any comments, questions and inquiries you may have. you can contact me by mail, phone or fax. The address and telephone number can be found on the order form at the end of this text file. HARMONIC DIALS You will enjoy and cherish these beautifully crafted, colorful, exact and precise Harmonic Dials made by Nine Stars Service. The dial is a tool that I think, should be in the possession of all who practice traditional, esoteric, sidereal, cosmobiology, and Uranian astrology. Beginners, novices, advanced, and professional astrologers will find them easy and practical to use. These colorful dials are printed with a silk screen using acrylic paint on a durable plexiglass and guaranteed to last a life time. The dials can be used over and over again by replacing the circular paper cutout under the rotating center dial. From one to three charts may be examined simultaneously with plenty of room to spare for inserting transits. A water soluble pen or china marker can easily be written on and wiped off the plexiglass. All kits contain a Harmonic Dial, 3 circular paper cutouts, a pen or marker, and an instruction booklet. HARMONICS Throughout the centuries the visual needs of varying societies have shifted the methods used to view astrological charts. No particular school of thought has dominion over the manner in which charts are laid out and viewed. There is only convention, and that convention has shifted often over the centuries. Harmonics can be described as the acoustical components of a musical tone. The musical tone being described is that of the natal chart laid out on a 360 degree circle. The acoustic components of a chart are infinite in number with some being more important than others. The most important harmonic components of a chart can be revealed when dividing the circle of the chart by two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine. The quality of the vibrations emanating from our tonal chart depends on the number and strength of its harmonic components. The harmonic content of a chart is what distinguishes it from the other instruments (charts) playing the same notes. Harmonic astrology applies the symbolism of ideal numbers toward the interpretation of the horoscope. One can gain valuable insight into the interpretation of astrological charts the more ones understanding of numbers increases. The late astrologer, John Addey states that each harmonic series is based upon the working of an ideal symbolic number. This ideal symbolic number immediately establishes every point in the series as of equal force and validity. The example he uses to explain this point centers on the wave. A wave does not appear in one place and die away in another. It is constant around the entire circle and only disappears when it is counteracted by another series also in effect. The harmonic dials provide its user with a unique method for portraying natal charts. This method makes for better viewing and understanding of the different aspects. A harmonic dial is a chart which allows its user to see a complex planetary pattern very easily. A different dial is used for each different set of aspects or tonal quality. These different sets of aspects easily group themselves into families. An example of this can be seen when viewing the 2nd, 4th, and 8th harmonics as the formation of a family or group. Each dial shows a particular number in action and allows the user to see how it operates within the birth chart as a whole. The dial literally brings into aspect all planets that resonate to the nature of that number and some of its family members. MIDPOINTS The use of dials in astrology has helped to illuminate the important significance of midpoints. An examination of contemporary astrological practice shows that midpoints offer one of the most powerful and clearly defined tools for astrology today. The theory behind midpoints can be defined in simple and basic terms, as the point exactly midway between any two planets. It is at the midpoint that the combined energies of the two planets come together. A third planet at the midpoint of two others will act as a factor that brings these energies together. It will also be the planet through which the other two will be expressed. A transit or progression to a midpoint can act as a trigger that releases the latent energy of the pair. This release of energy can be expressed as an event or an experience. The Part of Fortune and other Arabic parts use midpoints in their calculations. Alfred Witte was the first astrologer to really get a grip on the idea of midpoints and the planetary symmetries. He spent his life investigating the interpretation of such symmetries and patterns in relationships using a movable dial. The dial allowed Witte and his colleagues to identify quickly in any chart a whole series of symmetrical midpoints and sensitive points. These symmetrical midpoints and sensitive points banded the ideas and energies of the planets into unique patterns called planetary pictures. During his life Witte generalized his findings into an entirely new system of astrology which emphasized the paramount importance of such planetary pictures in understanding the chart of any moment. The real breakthrough for the ideas behind midpoints came in 1960, when Alfred G. Roosedale translated Rheinhold Ebertins book, The Combination Of Stellar Influences into English. The Combination Of Stellar Influences has been the key to bringing midpoints increasingly into the mainstream of English-speaking astrology. 1st Harmonic - 360 degree Dial - The first harmonic dial represents the natal chart in its traditional mode as one of 360 degrees. The inner dial can focus attention on angles that are conjunctions, squares, trines and oppositions. It makes for a great aspectarian. 4th Harmonic - 90 degree Dial - The fourth harmonic is related to the consequences of our actions and their impact on the material or physical world. The angles brought to focus with a Fourth Harmonic dial are conjunctions, squares, oppositions, semi-squares, and sesqui-quadrates. These hard angles focus on concrete material results, end results, events, and the dynamic structure of things. The fourth harmonic dial is associated with will, effort, energy and its expression in the world. Challenges to life, behavior, and the understanding of what needs to be 'worked out' through action and doing, describe the fourth harmonic. 5th Harmonic - 72 degree Dial - The fifth harmonic relates to the idea of making, arranging, building, constructing, and forming. It provides a view of how we structure ourselves and approach life through the creation of order out of chaos, and the search for order and form. The division of the circle by five brings the quintile and bi-quintile angles into focus. The dominant planets and aspect patterns when viewed on a 5th Harmonic dial will give a picture of the characteristic way in which individuals will go about their work in the world. The 5th Harmonic dial displays the kind of planetary and dynamic ideas an individual consciously focuses upon. 6th Harmonic - 60 degree Dial - The sixth harmonic relates to the objective expression of life's joys, vitality, and the heart. It concerns the outward display of nature and its natural disposition through rhythmic activity. The number six is a repetitive number that shows our general capacity for routine and for work. Division of the circle by six provides angles of a soft and hard nature. The Sixth Harmonic dial brings to attention sextiles, trines, semi-sextiles, quincunxes, conjunctions, squares and oppositions. The sixth harmonic provides insight into activities and events of a repetitive nature. 9th Harmonic - 40 degree Dial - The ninth harmonic relates to those ideals that bring delight and moves or motivates the soul toward an individual's final goal. It ties into the vital Being and those ideas and ideals which will preoccupy us. A person's final goal may be glimpsed when reading the Ninth Harmonic dial as a representation of those ideals that bring delight and motivate the soul. The number nine intertwines with the myths and legends of the world, due to its association with wisdom, initiation, and spiritual knowledge. In Hindu astrology, the ninth harmonic shows those qualities looked for in an ideal partner. The Ninth Harmonic dial shows how one can spread joy and happiness to those around them. Dials Available At This Time: 1st Harmonic - 360 degree Dial Kit....Traditional view of the Natal Chart using proper signs and degrees; Great aspectarian. 4th Harmonic - 90 Dial Kit.....Challenges to life; behavior patterns; the dynamic structure of things; events; results. 5th Harmonic - 72 Dial Kit.....The application of knowledge and skills; Describes how we go about our work; ideas. 6th Harmonic - 60 Dial Kit.....The objective expression of joy; shows capacity for work and routine; health; rhythm. 9th Harmonic - 40 Dial Kit.....Represents those ideals that bring delight and motivate the soul; perfection; goal. ***************************************************************************** You can take advantage of our limited offer and save if you order your dial(s) before March 31,1993. 1 Dial.....$22.95 3 Dials....$62.50 5 Dials....$99.95 Orders may be for dials of the same harmonics or they can be mixed. We accept orders via phone, mail, or fax. We do ship C.O.D. ***************************************************************************** Name___________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________ City______________________________State_____Zip________ Phone__________________________________________________ Dials Qty Price 1st Harmonic - 360 Dial Kit...................|___|_________ 4th Harmonic - 90 Dial Kit....................|___|_________ 5th Harmonic - 72 Dial Kit...................|___|_________ 6th Harmonic - 60 Dial Kit...................|___|_________ 9th Harmonic - 40 Dial Kit...................|___|_________ Any 3 Dials (Specify Types) ___/___/___/......|___|_________ Any 3 Dials (Specify Types) ___/___/___/......|___|_________ Any 5 Dials (Specify Types) ___/___/___/......|___|_________ Any 5 Dials (Specify Types) ___/___/___/......|___|_________ Sub Total.........................................|_________ Shipping and handling.............................|_________ C.O.D. (Subject to a $4.00 charge)................|_________ Total Amount Due..................................|_________ For shipping and handling add $3.50 for every 5 dials. 1-5=$3.50 6-10=$7.00 1-15=$10.50 16 & over-$14.00 Send your check or money order to: Nine Stars Service * P.O.Box 4293 * Albuquerque, NM 87196 Voice & Fax - (505) 266-8011 For orders by fax, please fax the page with the order form on it. All inquiries are Welcome. You can write or call for a free brochure.