CDPlayer - Setting up to run under windows 3.1 (I assume will work under 3.0) CDPlayer will run under windows 3.0 or later as a DOS application in a DOS window. The following steps will add CDplayer to your windows system. 1 Copy the file CDPLAYER.PIF to your windows directory. 2 Launch windows 3 Open the program group to which you are going to add CDPlayer, and ensure that it is selected. 4 Click on File and then New 5 Ensure that the Program item option is selected and click on OK 6 Enter the following: Description CDPlayer Command line CDPLAYER Working directory C:\CDPLAYER (ie directory holding program) Short cut key None (this is defined in the PIF as Alt P - once the program has been launched and minimized, pressing Alt P will open the window) 7 Click on Change Icon and accept OK to the warning box to select from the program manager 8 Click on the right arrow until the CD icon appears, about 10 times, and double click on the icon. Then click on OK. CDPlayer should now appear in the Program Group. 9 Launch CDPlayer by double clicking on the icon. 10 If you wish to change the font, click on Control-menu box and select Fonts. Select the font you wish to use (I use 7x12) and then click on OK. 11 Press Esc to exit CDPlayer and close the windows session to save the changes you have made. Paul Brace - 9 January 1993