ÛÛ²±° Smile °±²ÛÛÛ All SMILEIN.* files should be maintained in the same directory to run. This file should run o.k. with your color graphic monitor, it might require VGA, I'm not sure. It was written for my VGA monitor, let me know if you have any problems please. :-) I need the practice checking out the programming for different monitors. This file was created just for fun with QB4.5, and the Graphics Factory. It's yours to keep, do with it as you may. Delete it, use it, pass it around, whatever... QuickBasic, QBasic are trademarks of Microsoft The Graphics Factory is Copyright (c) James A. Sausville If you'd like a personalized copy of the Smilein.EXE, send your instructions and at least (10) U.S. bucks to the address below, and I'll make the changes for you... I'm still learning a bit of programming, let me know if ya got any questions concerning the file.... Don Anderson Compu-Assist BBS P.O. Box 1801 Niceville, Florida EAFB, FL 32542 (904)678-2667 1:366/48