Here's my second .STM (Wish I could convert them to .MODs-- There's gotta be a way!) Anyway, It's called (duh) DRUMSOLO, cause I thought there should be a .MOD/.STM out there based on the beat only (Like INTBEAT.MOD, only louder.) And there's a lot of repeats in the beat, obviously, so it didn't take long to write this... started at 12:00 this afternoon, finished about 30 minutes ago.. And it's 4:39 now...Hey wait! I forgot to eat! Well... pardon me whilst I go prolong my existance ...[stomach grumbles]... I'd better hurry. Enjoy! P.S: The samples were almost all ripped from other .MODs, such as INTBEAT, RAIN, CONCERTI, and some others. Two of the samples are mine, however, BOOM.ST and ELEVATOR.GRL -- Go ahead an use them, but they're both VERY low quality. I was in a rush, excuse me. And two of the samples (CLAPS1.ST and CYMBAL.ST) were created by that sampling fool, Matt Molica, A.K.A. ALLDETIME.