Drag And Zip version 2.0 You have received a copy of Drag And Zip version 2.0. Features new to version 2 that are not mentioned in the manual are: * Explicit support for PKZIP version 2 * Improved file viewer with font selection and optional word wrap. * Common dialog boxes for easy selection of directories when Zipping and unZipping * Easy check boxes and radio buttons for selecting Zip/unZip options * Drag And Zip's Zip file viewer, Zip View, now has drag and drop support so that files can be dragged to it for viewing. This is particularly useful for viewing self-extracting Zip files that you can't double click on. PKZIP version 2 menu option You will find a new menu option in the "Settings" menu of Zip View and the system menu of Drag And Zip. This option says "PKZIP version 2". There will be a check next to this option if your copy of Drag And Zip is set up for PKZIP version 2. You can click on this option to check or uncheck it, and turn on and off the version 2 support. PKZIP version 2 Support During installation, Drag And Zip will try to determine if the copy of PKZIP that you have is version 2. If Drag And Zip thinks that it is, it will prompt you with a dialog box to confirm it. Then when you run Drag And Zip, the dialog boxes presented to you when Zipping and unZipping will show options particular to PKZIP version 2. The current version of PKZIP is 2.04c. That version has documented problems running under Windows. PKWARE has provided the user with a number of command line options to make PKZIP run better. PKZIP runs differently on every machine. Your machine may exhibit no problems while your friend's might. PKWARE calls these options "trouble shooting options". These options are: * Turn off usage of DPMI * Turn off usage of 80386 instructions * Turn off usage of EMS or XMS * Turn off network detection * Use a slower method of memory copy To make your initial use of Drag And Zip trouble free with PKZIP version 2, these options are automatically turned off when Drag And Zip is installed. It might not be necessary to have these options turned off with your hardware, so you can reconfigure these options by choosing the "Compatibility" button from the Zip and unZip dialog boxes. This button will be visible only if you've told the Drag And Zip that you are running PKZIP version 2. Choosing the "Compatibility" button will bring up a dialog box where there are check boxes for turning each option on and off. Choosing "OK" will change those options for the current sessions of Drag And Zip. Choosing the "Save as Default" button will save these changes for future sessions. Other New Features The Zip and unZip dialog boxes now contain check boxes and radio buttons for choosing command line options. In Drag And Zip's Zip dialog box you are presented with three check boxes on the left hand side of the screen. They are "Zip all sub directories", "Store path names in sub directories" and "Store all path names". Zip All Sub directories This option is made available when you've dragged one or more sub directories to the Drag And Zip icon. Windows file manager allows you to drag directories from the right side of the display only while Norton Desktop allows dragging from either side. Turning on this option will also Zip all of the sub directories that that directory has, if any. This also means sub directories of sub directories. The command line option is "-r", "recurse directories", which is computerese for the same. Store Path names in Sub directories This option will store the path names of the files in the sub directories. It won't store the path names of the directory that you dragged, just the sub directories of that directory. This is the PKZIP option "-p", "store path names of directories recursed into". Store All Path names This corresponds to the PKZIP option "-P" and will store the full path name, of any file that is Zipped. This option will store directory information whether you've dragged whole directories or just files. On the right hand side of the screen there will radio buttons for choosing the method of compression that you want. In PKZIP version 1.1 the default is "Maximum compression". In PKZIP version 2.04c the default is "Normal compression". Zip View also presents you with check boxes for choosing PKUNZIP command line options. They are "Create directories stored in Zip file" and "Overwrite existing files". Create Directories Stored in Zip File This does exactly what it says. If there is directory information stored in your Zip file, this will create those directories when the file is unZipped and put the files in their proper directories. This corresponds to the "-d" option of PKUNZIP. Overwrite Existing Files Normally when PKUNZIP creates a file from a Zip file and and the file already exists on your hard disk, PKUNZIP asks you if you want to overwrite the file. Choosing this option will turn those warnings off. This corresponds to the "-o" option of PKUNZIP. I've worked very hard to make this new version more intuitive and easy to use. I hope that you like it .