Change History: Version 2.1 was released in Oct 1992 and the following was changed from/added to version 2.0 QFINDWIN - Added a Copy to clipboard menu item. When selected, the text on the screen will be copied to the clipboard. When Qfindwin was minimized, it used the title of the main window which could be very long resulting in 2 or 3 text lines under the icon. Qfindwin now display "Qfind" when minimized. Re-arranged the menu items. The about and the support menu items are now under a Support main item. Added accelerator keys to most of the main menu items. Added the abliliy to force the find dialog box to automatically be displayed when the program is activated. See QFINDWIN.DOC for information. Fixed a problem with the cursor. When the cursor was moved over the sizing boarders, the sizing cursor was not being reset to the normal cursor when moved off. Cursor now works properly. Version 2.0 was released in Aug 1992 and the following was changed from/added to version 1.5. Added QFBLDWIN - This program is the windows version of the build utility. Added SETUPQF - This windows program will automatically set up the suite of QFIND programs and install them in the proper place. NOTE - SetupQf requires the Visual Basic run-time module (VBRUN100.DLL). If you don't have it, it can be obtained from Compuserve. QFINDWIN - Added color setting dialog box Fixed a bug in QFBuild's unzip routine. It would bypass certain ZIP files with a message - Invalid ZIP FILE - Aborting. Now works with any valid ZIP file. ************************************************************** Version 1.5 was released in March 1992 and the following was changed from 1.4. QFBUILD - Now creates QFIND.DAT with Upper/Lower case file names. Qfind History - Page 1 QFIND - Now displaying file names in Upper/Lower case. QFINDWIN - Now using Upper/Lower case for file names. This improves readability. The initial size of the main window is now selected so that all columns of information are visible. Before, I was letting Windows size the main window and sometimes it would be too small. ************************************************************ Version 1.4 was released in January 1992 and the following was changed from version 1.3 QFBUILD - No Changes QFIND - No Changes QFINDWIN - Changed font to System Font. I believe that is easier to read than the previous font. Increased font leading slightly. Again, this is easier to read than before. Made .Zip and .Arc searching the default. You can still change it by clicking on the checkbox. Greatly improved screen scrolling in single line scroll. Scrolling is about 2-4 times faster. Added QFINDWIN.INI. All parameters for Qfindwin are now in this file. Added a color option. Now the user has a choice of using bolding, normal, and italic for the various file types, or using different colors for display. Changed the development environment from the Microsoft SDK and Microsoft C v5.1 to Microsoft Quick C for Windows. ************************************************************ Version 1.3 was released in October 1991 and the following was changed from version 1.2 Qfind History - Page 2 Fixed 2 problems with QFBuild. QFBuild was not cataloging the last sub-directory of each drive. QFBuild was bombing on ZIP files containing long path names. Fixed a font size problem with QFindWin. On some systems, the selected font was too small. ************************************************************ Version 1.2 was released in August 1991 and the following was changed from version 1.1.... QFBuild - QFBuild now includes the directory of ARC and ZIP files if desired. Qfind Qfind will now search for file name matches in ARC and ZIP files if desired. A "GoTo" function was added. QFindWin Qfind will now search for file name matches in ARC and ZIP files if desired. QfGoto is no longer being shipped with the product. Qfind now provides the functionality of QfGoto. ********************************************* Version 1.1 was released in August 1991 and the following was changed from version 1.0.... Qfbuild - No changes Qfind - No changes QfGoto - No changes QfindWin - Fixed a font problem with Super VGA. The original font was too small for super VGA. The program now detects super VGA and uses a larger font. Added a match count to the main window title. Added 3D look in all the dialog boxes. The 3D look uses THREE_D.DLL which was provided by: Ray Donahue 365 Mather Street Unit 125 Qfind History - Page 3 Hamden, CT 06514 ********************************************* Version 1.0 was released in July 1991. Qfind History - Page 4