-------------------------------------------------------------- This is an updated release of my guide to installing Linux. It mostly corrects one or two errata but there are one or two new bits. It is being reposted because the original is disappearing from many news feeds and I think there is still a demand for it. A plea for errors ----------------- I've been fortunate.... for the most part installation of Linux has been easy and completely trouble free for me. If you have had problems with installation then please tell me what they were, where they were, what was on the screen, how you fixed them etc etc. The other thing to be said is.... I will be trying to keep this document up to date as new developments occur (e.g. the new fdisk command) but there is probably not too much to be done here. Is there any aspect of Linux which you feel isn't well covered in the documentation available? Please let me know and I'll see if I want to work on it (well, I have to enjoy myself doing it!). Iain [Iain_Reid@ed.ac.uk] p.s. Mail on any subject is always welcome and I'll try to help with specific problems if I can. Please check the FAQ and the other documentation if possible 'cos many of the common problems are covered there. p.p.s A rough contents list is Section 1: First tests with floppies, rawrite etc Section 2: Installing to hard disk (including non destructive partitioning) -------------------------------------------------------------- A Beginner's Guide to Linux --------------------------- Purpose ------- This document is intended to be a complete beginner's guide to the installation and running of Linux (a free Unix clone) and, as such, tries to make as few assumptions as possible. However, some familiarity with Unix at an "ordinary user" level (i.e. no sysadmin experience) is assumed/required but I'll try to keep to a "hand-holding" level for anything out of the ordinary. I don't intend this as a technical reference guide, merely something to get you started and keep you clear of trouble! I hope to cover everything you need to get "up and running" but if not please let me know so that I can change things. Similarly, if there is anything you think is a "must know", a useful tip, or a waste of space please let me know so I can do something about it. Email is best 'cos I can't guarantee to see all the stuff posted to alt/comp.os.linux. Hope this helps and happy hacking, Iain Reid [Iain_Reid@ed.ac.uk] This document is quite big (and growing all the time). Despite this you might find it helpful to print it out. I appreciate that this is damaging to rainforests, aardvarks etc but then again, do you really want to be stuck in the middle of something tricky with nothing to refer to if everything starts to go wrong? Errors: Where possible I have included details of potential errors and troublespots (with solutions where known). These are marked as [Error n] where n is a number. A description of the error and solution etc can be found at the end of each section. I badly need feedback on these (list of other problems etc 'cos this bit is a bit sparse at the moment) -------------------------------------------------------------- Required abilities ------------------ To get Linux and keep up to date with new releases you will need to be able to get files from your nearest Linux archive site, uncompress some of them and transfer them to a DOS filesystem. If you don't know how to do this you should ask someone at your local site to show you because the exact method used is highly dependant on your local hardware and software. All the files and utilities mentioned should be available from the Linux archive sites. -------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, ready to start.... First and foremost.... BACKUP EVERYTHING!!!!!! I don't expect you to have problems but if you do then why risk losing everything? You'll need to do this before installing to hard disk anyway so why not do it now? Section 1. Preliminary testing (otherwise known as 10 steps to happiness) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Will Linux run on my hardware? A. If you have a 386Sx or above with 2 or more megabytes of memory then the chances are that Linux will run but the easiest way to check is to try running from floppy. You will need - the current bootimage (bootimage-0.95a.Z) - the current rootimage (rootimage-0.95a.Z) - rawrite.exe (a utility to write the boot & root images to floppy from within DOS) - Two formatted floppies (2 x 1.2 Mb or 2 x 1.44 Mb but both must be the same capacity) It's up to you whether you use 1.2 Mb or 1.44 Mb disks but you should use whichever type you can boot your machine from. For example, my disk drives (under DOS) are A: 3.5" 1.44 Mb floppy drive [ bootable ] B: 5.25" 1.2 Mb floppy drive [ NOT bootable] C: 110 Mb IDE Hard Disk [ bootable ] In my BIOS setup program I can choose to boot from drive A or C so I would choose 1.44 Mb floppy disks. What to do: 1. Get the three files listed above from your nearest archive site. 2. Uncompress the boot and root images and transfer them plus rawrite.exe to DOS 3. Run rawrite.exe and you should see something like the following (type bootimage or rootimage where prompted and use whichever drive you can boot from) c:\> rawrite Rawrite 1.2 - Write disk file to raw floppy diskette Enter source file name: bootimage Enter destination drive: a Please insert a formatted diskette into drive A: and press -ENTER-: Number of sectors per track for this disk is 18 Writing Image to drive A:. Press ^C to abort. Track: nn Head: n Sectors: nn 4. Save bootimage (about 200 Kbytes) and rootimage (about 1100 Kbytes) to separate disks using rawrite as above. You should see some information about tracks and sectors and the numbers should keep changing until it is finished and the command prompt comes back. Bootimage is fairly quick to transfer but rootimage is sloooooow so leave it running and have a quick (3 minute) cup of tea or something. 5. Reboot your machine with the boot floppy (i.e. the one with bootimage on it) in your floppy drive. If all goes well your floppy should whir a bit and the message "Loading...." should appear. The floppy will whir and click a bit more and some more dots should appear. On my machine this takes about 6 or 7 seconds in total... it should be fairly quick. The following message should appear Press to see SVGA-modes available or any other key to continue. and you may see something like EGAc in the top right corner of your screen. Things get slightly hazy for me here because Linux and my video card disagree about things but you can have a quick explore here if you wish. I have no idea what is supposed to happen, I just know that it doesn't happen for me :-(. Press return or any other key as instructed and you should see all the text on your screen shrink to half size (VGA 50 row mode) and something like this 8 virtual consoles 4 pty's Partition table ok. Insert root floppy and press ENTER [Error 1] 6. Put the root floppy (i.e. the one with the rootimage on it) in the drive and press enter. You should see something like the following although the numbers may be different) 44/1200 free blocks. 265/400 free inodes. 721 buffers = 738304 bytes buffer space Free mem: 2621440 bytes All systems functioning. There will be a slight pause (2-3 seconds here) and then at the bottom the screen you should see Welcome to Linux 0.95a. Login as 'root' to install. No password. (none) login: 7. login as root and you should see ---------------------------------------------- Welcome to Linux version 0.95a ---------------------------------------------- See the files in the directory /INSTALL for installation info and scripts. - Jim Winstead ------------------------------ Questions? You should talk to jwinstea@jarthur.Claremont.EDU ============================================== # 8. Congratulations! Linux is now running (from floppy admittedly) on your system. The '#' is your command prompt so you can have a play now although there isn't very much on the root floppy. It is worthwhile trying a few ls's (list files) and cd's (change directory) and you should definitely read some of the documents in INSTALL [Error 2] # cd /INSTALL # ls CHANGES-0.95a INSTALL-0.95a LDS-Standard LDSS.Tree WARNING install mkdev mktree # more INSTALL-0.95a (q get you out of more.... make sure it's lower case) Don't worry about your floppy drive bursting into life at odd times (usually at least once every 30 seconds or so (see "sync" later on)).... this is normal. [ You can run entirely from floppy but as you can see it really isn't much fun so, if you like what you see, onwards ever onwards, otherwise please think again... Linux really is gorgeous to use once you get it set up. Still not convinced? Oh well, bye then ] 9. You now know that Linux will run on your processor so the next question is "Will it run on my hard disk?". To test this use the fdisk command # fdisk Disk 0: /dev/hda1: 61516 blocks active 16-bit DOS (>=32M) /dev/hda2: 48090 blocks unknown partition type 0x80 The messages you get will vary according to what you have set up on your hard disk but, if it tells you about any partitions (I have 2 as shown), then Linux can read at least part of your hard drive. This is good. If it barfs then things don't look so good and, if you think Linux should run on your hardware (see the info sheet at the archive sites), you should tell Linus Torvalds (the creator of Linux) 'cos he needs to know such things. Please be very sure that it is supposed to run on your hardware before sending off that mailer tho' :-) 10. Sync. This is an initially mysterious command which you must ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS run before you log out. What does it do? Well, in common with many unix systems, Linux stores some information in buffers in memory (remember those 721 buffers at bootup?). Some of it is to do with what's where on the disk so rebooting the machine without syncing (writing those buffers to disk) could leave you in a BIG mess. That's why you must ALWAYS sync. 'Nuff said? # sync Well, you've got this far so that means that 1. you can run Linux, 2. your hard disk and Linux are on talking terms and 3. You're ready to install to hard disk :-) p.s. type "exit" to leave ash. -------------------------------------------------------------- Errors and solutions (for section 1) ------------------------------------ 1. Just after the "4 pty's" message appears and before the "Partition table ok." your hard disk may make a descending tone 2-3 seconds long and the message HD timeout appears. This is a recognised problem caused by failure to reset the hard disk controller. It is not damaging and you can deal with it once you are up and running. You have to tolerate it until you have recompiled the kernel. Unfortunately you need the "damaged" kernel to build a linux filesystem which is why this bug still exists. 2. There is a bug in ash (the shell supplied on rootimage 0.95a) in that it doesn't seem to recognise delete when used on the first virtual console. This is being worked on and will hopefully be fixed by the next release. A solution is to run on the second virtual console. Press Alt-F2 to get it. You should see a login prompt. Login as root again and check that you can delete. -------------------------------------------------------------- Section II: Installation to Hard Disk ------------------------------------- You've tried the basic tests in section I; you liked what you saw and you want to install to hard disk. Well, there are a few things you should know before you start... Linux uses a Minix file system which is comaptible with Minix but not with anything else (e.g. Dos). You will, therefore, have to give it its own area on your hard disk and keep that area separate from everything else. This is done by creating a separate PARTITION (area of disk) for Linux. This is quite straightforward but is a fairly major thing so I'll start with a little theory so that you know what you're doing and why... ... There are two types of partition that Linux can use- primary and extended. At the moment, however, the extended partition code is still being written and tested so, in the interests of simplicity, I will only cover primary partitions. Q. What is a primary partition? A. The first sector (512 bytes) of a hard disk contains the primary boot record. This is a record of various pieces of information about the physical characteristics of the hard disk, code for use during bootup and information about partitions. There is a fixed amount of space allocated for the partition information (enough for 4 entries) and so there is a limit to the number of divisions that a hard disk may have (4). A primary partition is one of these 4 major divisions of a hard disk. This limit of 4 partitions on a disk was rather restrictive and so secondary or extended partitions were introduced to bypass it. As with most add ons, however, they are not as "clean" from a programming point of view and special care is needed when dealing with them. Q. How do you create a primary partition? A. Simple. You just edit the partition table in the primary boot record to reflect your needs. Reformat any areas of the disk affected by the partitioning and that's about it (in theory anyway!) Armed with that extensive tour of the intricacies of hard disk partitions you are now ready for the main event. To make things clearer I will use the example of a machine with one hard drive, a 107 Mb IDE drive which at the start has one partition (all disks must have at least one) but which I want to divide into a 47 Mb Linux partition and a 60 Mb Dos partition. The actual figures involved are irrelevant and are meant as an example, not a guide. Q. How much disk space should I give to Linux? A. How high is the sky? This is very much a personal decision based on your computing interests, whether you intend to run in single or multi-user mode, whether you are planning to have Usenet stuff on your disk etc etc. I can't give you a figure that is guaranteed to be what you'll need. I doubt I could even come close but, even with a couple of versions of the kernel compiled up, lots of source sitting around, lots of big text files, lots of Usenet stuff, lots of utilities etc etc I haven't gone beyond about 18 Mb (+ 8 Mb for swapping). At the moment I'm using about 18 Mb and that's only because I've just de-archived my entire Linux partition and there are lots of duplicate files to throw out. Note: For serious kernel hacking, you will need an additional ~3Mb to maintain the kernel source tree under RCS + source files and object code created by the build. Structure of the rest of this section ------------------------------------- There are a number of topics which you may want/need to read about before partitioning. To keep the main bit reasonably brief I have put these at the end of the SECTION as appendices. These are: Appendix A: The DOS bootable floppy Appendix B: Rootset.c Appendix C: Non destructive partitioning (courtesy of Drew Eckhardt) The rest is straightforward - Disk partitioning using pfdisk - Installing Linux to hard drive - Booting entirely from hard disk (not yet) - Common problems and solutions (some) Installing Linux to HD ---------------------- You will need: - the current bootimage (0.95a) - the current rootimage (0.95a) - tools to reinstall DOS, OS/2 etc after partitioning - Hard drive specifics (number of cylinders, heads and sectors- look at your BIOS setup for these) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------: : There is a diving (sub-aqua) rule which applies to doing this kind of : : thing to your setup.... make sure you have at least 2 ways out of any : : serious situation. What I mean by this is that you are about to kill : : off your HD... you will not be able to boot up into DOS (or whatever) : : on it so make sure that you have the tools to rebuild DOS on a write : : protected floppy somewhere handy. You should also have the tools to do : : this for Linux handy as well. What I used was : : : : 1. a bootable DOS floppy with: : : : : 1.1: pkunzip.exe to restore my DOS backups : : 1.2: DOS fdisk and format : : 1.3: rawrite.exe : : 1.4: zipzap (a good binary file editor) : : 1.5: Rootset.exe (see appendix B for src) : : : : : : 2. Linux v0.95a rootimage rawritten to floppy (NOT WRITE-PROTECTED) : : : : 3. Linux v0.95a bootimage rawritten to a WRITE-PROTECTED floppy : : : : 4. Safe copies of the root and boot images stored as dos files (for : : use with rawrite) : : : : : : Escape plan 1: If all goes badly wrong you can use fdisk and format to : : rebuild a dos disk partition. : : : : Escape plan 2: If you can perform a floppy only boot into Linux you : : can use pfdisk to try to recover your partitions. : : : : Escape plan 3: You can't salvage dos but you can install linux to HD. : : Use rootset.exe to complete the Linux installation then : : fix things from Linux. : : : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- What to do: ----------- 1. Backup everything. You have no choice in this.... you either backup or say bye bye to DOS (or whatever else you have on your hard disk) (see Appendix C if you don't like the sound of this restore and you are happy guddling about with low-ish level Dos) 2. Boot up into Linux from floppy... login as root (see part 1 of this guide for details) [ Remember, one HD, 107 Mb -> 47 Mb Linux + 60 Mb DOS ] 3. Once logged in run pfdisk as follows # pfdisk /dev/hda This command means run pfdisk (a disk partitioner that comes on the 0.95a root disk) on /dev/hda (my entire primary hard disk). Some text like this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # pfdisk version 1.2.1 by Gordon W. Ross Aug. 1990 Modified by S. Lubkin Oct. 1991 Warning: The device "/dev/hda" is assumed to have: cyls=306, heads=4, sectors=17 (an arbitrary guess). This program was compiled for generic UNIX and therefore does not know how to determine the disk parameters. You must describe the disk geometry manually, using the 'G' command. For help, enter: '?' pfdisk> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ will appear if all goes well. The first thing to do is to tell pfdisk some things about your hard disk using the 'g' command ('g' for geometry). The format for this is g so for a disk with 523 cylinders, 15 heads and 28 sectors (such as mine), the command would be pfdisk> g 523 15 28 Next you use the 'l' command ('l' for list) to see what is currently set. You should see 4 entries (remember 4 primary partitions per hard disk) but only one of them should have any numbers in it (one 107 Mb partition) . For a partitioned disk this looks something like this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Partition table on device: /dev/hda geometry 523 15 28 (cyls heads sectors) # ID First(cyl) Last(cyl) Name # start, length (sectors) 1 6 0 292 DOSbi # 28, 123032 2 128 293 521 Minix # 123060, 96180 3 0 0 0 empty # 0, 0 4 0 0 0 empty # 0, 0 active: 1 pfdisk> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Warning: Do not used edpart.exe (a Dos disk partitioner) on your disk 'cos it completely wrecked my partition table (re-ordered everything and wrote rubbish into some bits of the partition table). It is a good disk partition editor for partitions smaller than 32 Mb but there are better, friendlier ones around. Make a note of the number in the ID field (labelled) for the single partition. If you are partitioning a dos disk (as in the example then this value will probably be 6. For other systems other values apply. Make a note of the maximum cylinder (521 on mine despite the fact that the tech support people reckon 523 and the bios is set to 523) Now for the clever bit..... I decided I wanted 2 partitions (47Mb and 60 Mb) so I divide up my 523 cylinders in that ratio i.e. (60/107) x 523 = 293 clusters for DOS (what a waste) (47/107) x 523 = 228 clusters for Linux (near enough) --- 521 <-- make sure everything adds up! --- then you use the "unnameable" command to partition your hard disk. The format of this command is n sys_id first_cluster last_cluster sys_name where n ............ is the partition number sys_id ....... is a magic number (ID in example above) and sys_name ..... is optional and should not be used ('cos it makes things fail (strange but true) For DOS sys_id is 6 (and you should have seen that in the ID field above), some other systems have their own code. Linux uses a Minix file system so we use 128 (code for Minix) for the Linux sys_id and use whatever the original ID was for the other partition (e.g. 6 for DOS). For the example disk I would type the following pfdisk> 2 6 0 292 pfdisk> 1 128 293 521 Explanation time..... partition 1 is now a Dos partition with 293 clusters (0 to 292 inclusive). Partition 2 is a Linux partition with 228 clusters. Last bit... last but not least is the 'a' command ('a' for active) which marks a partition as the one to boot from. I chose partiton 1 (DOS) 'cos Linux cannot boot entirely from hard disk without some assistance (more later (eventually)). So .... pfdisk> a 2 Finally, the 'wq' command ('wq' = write partition table and quit) so... pfdisk> wq 4. That wasn't too bad was it? Now all you need to do is make a Linux filesystem, install Linux and rebuild DOS. Filesystem first I think... ... at the command prompt use the fdisk command and you should see something like this # fdisk Disk 0: /dev/hda1: 61516 blocks active 16-bit DOS (>=32M) /dev/hda2: 48090 blocks unknown partition type 0x80 What this tells you is that you have 2 partitions which, as far as Linux is concerned, are known as /dev/hda1 and /dev/hda2. /dev/hda2 is 48090 blocks long (1 block = 1 Kbyte thus this partition is 48090/1024 or 46.9Mb) and is of type 0x80 (hex 80 = decimal 128 (sound familiar yet?)). The other one is a 60 Mb Dos partition. Next you use the mkfs command (make filesystem) with the following format mkfs -c device blocks the -c option specifies that it should perform some checking as it works and the blocks figure is the one from fdisk (above). To make a file system on this partition I would type # mkfs -c /dev/hda1 48090 Your hard disk will be busy for a few minutes and you should get some numbers popping up and changing on your screen. Don't worry about these... you don't need to know anything about them (nor could I tell you much about them :-)) [Error 1] Ah, finally.... you are ready to install to HD! Thanks to Jim Winstead's excellent installation scripts this is easy as pie so without further ado type the following # mount /dev/hda1 /mnt to "attach" your newly created/formatted partition to the file system (currently on the floppy) at the mnt directory in the root directory. Remember to use whichever device you have formatted. Now type # cd /INSTALL # ./install /mnt to run the installation script and install the file system bits and pieces in whatever is attached to the file system at /mnt. This is of course part of your hard disk so you are now installing properly to hard disk from the original file system on the floppy disk. Clever huh? When that finishes (you'll know when) you unmmount your partition by using the umount command (e.g. umount /dev/hda1) and you should sync (see part 1 of this guide) and logout (with the exit command). WARNING: ALWAYS SYNC IF POSSIBLE AND LOG OUT PROPERLY. THIS IS UNIX NOT MESSY-DOS AND THE 'OLD 3 FINGER SALUTE (CTRL-ALT-DEL) WAY OF EXITING IS LIKELY TO LAND YOU IN TROUBLE SO DON'T DO IT! 5. Go back to DOS and edit the bootimage to reflect the partition upon which you have installed Linux. How? Well, there are 2 main methods: 1. Edit a fresh copy of the bootimage and rawrite it to a FRESH floppy (i.e. not you existing bootimage 'cos you never know when you might need that (pure floppy boot + mount /dev/hd?? is a very useful way to sort out problems)). 2. Edit the bootimage disk (while keeping a copy- same idea as at 1). I haven't come across any binary editors that can read in rawritten disks but the Turbo C absread and abswrite function seem to manage it (see Appendix C) so you could write a small utility to make your life easier/safer (as I did) Note: there is some debate as to which binary editor should be recommended. I use Zipzap 7.15 and I'm very happy with it (it's shareware and available on most major archives). Others like Norton Disk Editor. It's up to you what you use. The important bit, regardless of the method used, is to change the bytes at offset 508 and 509 in the bootimage to store the minor and major numbers for your new Linux partition. For a hard disk the major number (offset 509) is always 3, and the minor number (offset 508) is a combination of primary or secondary HD drive and partition details (see FAQ for details). Here are the details Device Major Minor Device Major Minor ------ ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- /dev/hda1 3 1 /dev/hdb1 3 65 /dev/hda2 3 2 /dev/hdb2 3 66 /dev/hda3 3 3 /dev/hdb3 3 67 /dev/hda4 3 4 /dev/hdb4 3 68 /dev/hda5 3 5 /dev/hdb5 3 69 /dev/hda6 3 6 /dev/hdb6 3 70 /dev/hda7 3 7 /dev/hdb7 3 71 /dev/hda8 3 8 /dev/hdb8 3 72 6. Boot up linux with your new boot floppy. It should give the loading messages and then switch to booting and running from hard disk. Taaaaaa-Daaaaaa! 7. When you're happy with it logout and rebuild dos. I don't intend to cover this in any detail 'cos most dos manuals already do that. What you need to fo is to format your new dos partition using format (on the dos bootable floppy you made). Something like A:\ format /u /s /v:"Dos_5_0" c: should do the trick. After that finishes you should have a bootable Dos partition on your hard disk and you can reinstall from your backups. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Errors and solutions (for section 2) ------------------------------------ 1. If you have bad blocks on the first bit of your disk then mkfs will barf and refuse to build a file system (happened to me!). The solution is to make Linux your first partition. Those of you who are still awake will notice that in the example above (my disk), my Dos partition is first on the disk. Am I lying about this bad blocks thing? Nope! The reason is that the mkfs suplied with 0.95a doesn't like bad blocks but the one with 0.95 (and I believe 0.12) doesn't care. I partitioned my disk with 0.95a, sync'ed, exited, rebooted with 0.95 (an otherwise bug ridden release) and ran mkfs. That done I rebooted with 0.95a. Cunning huh? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appendix A: The DOS bootable floppy ----------- Q. What is a "DOS bootable floppy"? A. A DOS bootable floppy is a floppy disk containing just enough of DOS to be able to be "boot up" and produce a command prompt. It consists of 4 things: 1. A DOS boot sector (first 512 bytes on the disk) 2. MSDOS.SYS (a hidden dos system file) 3. IO.SYS (another hidden dos system file) 4. COMMAND.COM (the DOS command interpreter) Q. Do I need one? A. If you run DOS at the moment and want to keep DOS somewhere on your hard disk then you will need to create a DOS partition. Once created you will need to reinstall DOS to this partition and a bootable floppy makes this much, much easier. Q. How do I make one? A. You can create one in either of two ways using DOS commands. 1. Use the SYS command with a blank, DOS formatted floppy disk e.g. # sys a: will copy the "system" (the 4 things above) to a disk in drive A. 2. Use the FORMAT command with the /s and /u switches e.g. # format /s /u /f:1.44 /v:"Dos_Boot" a: will perform an unconditional format (checks for bad sectors etc) on the 1.44 Mb floppy disk in drive A, labels it Dos_Boot (11 characters maximum allowed length) and copies the "system" on to it. Now test it by resetting your machine with the boot disk in the floppy drive. Your machine should start up (floppy is much slower than hard disk though) and you should get a command prompt. Try some simple commands like DIR to satisfy yourself that you are running from floppy only. [ If your machine boots from hard disk and ignores the floppy you will need to check your BIOS setup and enable "Floppy Seek at Boot" (AMI BIOS) or equivalent option and try again. ] Next you need to copy some things to your bootable floppy. What you copy is entirely up to you but the following is the sort of thing I have on mine 4DOS - 4dos.com [ an excellent command.com replacement ] - aliases.txt [ my command aliases/macros for 4dos ] DOS - ansi.sys - attrib.exe - emm386.exe - fdisk.exe - format.com [ Absolutely essential! Do NOT forget ] - himem.sys - keyb.com UTILS - pkunzip.exe [ for restoring backups ] autoexec.bat command.com [ Just in case ] config.sys filelist [ dir /skf c: > filelist before I backed up ] Once you've got everything you think you want onto the floppy write protect it (in case of foolishness) and THOROUGHLY TEST IT (i.e. make sure it boots, formats, restores backups etc 'cos you're going to have to rely on it!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix B ---------- /********************************************************/ /* Rootset.c - modify Linux bootdisk root device entry */ /* - quick Turbo C hack by Iain_Reid@ed.ac.uk */ /********************************************************/ #include #include #include void main(int ac, char **av) { char buf[512]; if (ac != 3) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: update Linux bootimage root device details.\n", av[0]); fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s \n", av[0]); exit (-1); } /**************************************************************/ /* Don't remove this keypress bit 'cos it gives you a chance */ /* to run this program from your dos boot floppy, remove that */ /* disk, put your linux boot disk into the same drive, patch */ /* in the new root device details and save them. No HD or */ /* rawrite required! (v. handy if DOS is dead) */ /**************************************************************/ printf ("Insert Linux boot disk into drive A and press any key\n"); getch(); if (absread (0, 1, 0, &buf) != 0) { perror ("Disk reading problem"); exit (-1); } printf ("Current rootdevice: Major %d Minor: %d\n", buf[509], buf[508]); buf[508] = atoi (av[2]); buf[509] = atoi (av[1]); if (abswrite (0, 1, 0, &buf) != 0) { perror ("Disk writing problem"); exit (-1); } printf ("New rootdevice: Major %d Minor: %d\n", buf[509], buf[508]); exit(0); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix C: Non destructive partitioning by Drew Eckhardt ---------- Reformatting your hard disk, and reinstalling all your DOS programs from scratch can be a real nuissance, and is unecessary. Breathe a sigh of relief : it is possible to non-destructively repartition hard disks. Notes : Before continuing, make sure you have a RECENT BACKUP. I assume that you understand hex arithmatic, and are not afraid of a little assembler or DEBUG. Actually, a decent partition and disk editor will get you around this - NU works gret. Of course, the modern programmer doesn't use anything but a source level debugger - so I've included some helpful hints and the command syntaxes. However, there is no room for handholding here : if you screw up, you might have to use that backup. Don't do it unless you are confident in your abilities. Also, this procedure only works with NON-EXTENDED DOS partitions, < 64K logical sectors, (DOS 4 large partitions add additional BPB fields that I am unsure of - roughly the same procedure applies there though. According to Townsend' Advanced MS DOS : Expert Techniques for programmers offset 26h will have the signature byte 29h if this is the case, 20h a dword containing the number of sectors if volume size > 64K sectors I still use MS-Loss 3.3, with an ~82M partition under disk mangler and fall into the tested category) Large partitions, handled by a third party partition manager and handled so that there are < 64K logical sectors work - this was the case with my SCSI disk. I will lay down what general procedures you need to know ( required to read / write the raw disk), as well as the data structures we are dealing with. Then I will proceed with the entire procedure, which applies the general procedures in reading and modifying the data structures. If it looks like a tech manual - it is. If you don't grok non-destructive repartitioning, you shouldn't be doing it. DEBUG has a Hexaritmatic command, h which will add and subtract the two operands. You may find this useful. IE : I have loaded sector 0 into memory at 0200, and wish to know the address of the partition table at 1be. -h 200 1be 03BE 0042 Where 03BE is the sum, and 042 the difference. DEBUG prints a segment before the offset : note that your segments will probably not match. The offset is what's important. The 80x86 family is LITTLE ENDIAN. This means least significant byte first - ie the internal representation of 0x12345678 would be 78 56 34 12. When dealing with multi-byte quantities, keep this in mind. When I say word, I mean word as in the Intel documentation : 16 bits. dword is 32 bits. DISK BIOS addresses cylinder, head as zero based, sector as 1 based. Same thing for the partition table. DOS addresses sectors as 0 based, from the start of the logical partition, and as logical sectors which may consist of multiple physical sectors. Unless otherwise noted, all numbers are hex. You're better off using Norton Utilities - but Debug works fine too. This document is sort of a quick hack 8^) Tools : Required : DEBUG, and a disk defragmenter Optional : partition editors (NOTE!!!! Make sure these DO NOT perform any formatting, and allow you to edit partitions in the REAL order they appear on the disk.), the Linux FDISK program, utilities that save an image of the boot sector FATs, and directory (IE Norton's Format Recover), a raw disk editor (Norton Utilities NU).. Procedures : Editing memory with debug : d ADDRESS l LENGTH will dump memory f ADDRESS l LENGTH values will fill memory. Reading and writing DOS logical sectors (using debug): Reading is accomplished using the debug l command. l ADDRESS DRIVE SECTOR COUNT Where ADDRESS is the hex address of where to put the data, DRIVE is a 0 based drive number (IE A:=0, B:=1, C:=2, etc. If there is only one floppy drive, it is considered both A: and B: as it is in DOS) SECTOR is a zero based sector number. Of interest to us are sector 0, the boot sector, and the sectors immediately following it - the FAT's. COUNT is the number of sectors to read. So, to read in the first 10 sectors of the FAT on my E: partition (the FAT starts at sector 1), storing them at 0200, I would enter l 0200 4 0 A Writing is done with the W command, which takes the same parameters. Assuming I had edited the boot sector of E: at 0200 in memory, and wanted to write it back to disk, I would type in w 0200 4 0 1 Using Norton Utilities NU: xplore disk, hoose Item, ector, dit/display Unfortunately, absolute sector 0 falls outside of all partitions (this is where the partition table is), and we need to use a different procedure for it. Reading / Writing absolute sector 0: The following debug / assembler interaction shows how to read absolute disk sector 0 , replace xx with 80 for hard disk 0, 81 for hard disk 1: -a 0100 1984:0100 mov ax, 0201 1984:0103 mov bx, 0200 1984:0106 mov cx, 0001 1984:0109 mov dx, 00xx 1984:010C int 13 1984:010E int 20 1984:0110 ^C - -g = 0100 This will read sector 0 into DS:0200. To write it back, -a 0100 1984:0100 mov ax, 0301 1984:0103 ^C -g = 0100. Using Norton Utilities NU : Under xplore disk, choose hoose item, bsolute sector, dit / display Structures : 1. The Partition table The partition table resides at absolute sector 0 (ie cylinder 0, head 0, sector 1) on all harddisks. It is accessed by a short bootstrap loader on that sector, which reads the partition table and then picks a partition from which to load the boot sector for the operating system. The partition table itself resides at offset 1be. It is 64 bytes (decimal) in length, plus the two byte signature 55 AA. When dealing with the partition table, make sure byte 40 (offset 1fe of the sector) is 55 and byte 41 (offset 1ff of the sector) is of the sector The partition table is subdivided into FOUR 16 byte entries, fielded as follows : offset length field 0 byte bootable 80h = bootable, 0 = not 1 byte starting head number 2 word starting cylinder (and sector - sector is 1 based high byte is low byte of cylinder, low byte low 6 bits is sector, high 2 bits of low byte high 2 bits of cylinder) typically, sector = 0. 4 byte system 1 = primary DOS, 12 bit, 4 = primary DOS 16 bit, 5 = extended DOS, 8 = NON-DOS (might be usable) 5 byte ending head number 6 word ending cylinder / sector 8 dword starting sector (relative to begining of disk - THIS IS ZERO based) C dword number of sectors My partition table on drive 0 looks like : -d 3be 1984:03BE 80 01 .. 1984:03C0 01 00 01 05 22 08 22 00-00 00 0A 07 00 00 00 00 ...."."......... 1984:03D0 01 09 51 05 E2 2B 2C 07-00 00 E4 7F 02 00 00 00 ..Q.b+,...d..... 1984:03E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 1984:03F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 55 AA ..............U* Interpreting this, we can see that I have two partitions in use - partition 1 and 2, the rest being blank. My first partition is bootable (80) FAT size is 12 bits (type = 01) It starts at head 1, cylinder 0, sector 1, which is sector 22 (34 decimal) relative to the start of the disk. It is 0000070a sectors in length (1802 decimal), and ends on head 5, cylinder 8, sector 22 (34 decimal). My second partition is non-bootable (00). It is type 51 (Disk Mangler) meaning I need to find out fat size some other way. It starts at Head 0, cylinder 9, sector 1, which is sector 72c (1836 decimal) relative to the start of the disk. It is 27FE4 (163812 decimal) sectors in length, and ends on head 5, cylinder 32b (811 decimal), sector 22 (34 decimal).. See how I got ending cylinder? In Hex, each digit is a nibble. You can easily convert to binary a nibble at a time. IE E2 becomes 1110 0010 The low 6 bits (sector) are 10 0010 = 22 The high 2 bits are 11 = 3 So high byte cylinder is 03, low byte is 2B so cylinder = 032b Got it? 2. The Boot sector The second important piece of data is the bootsector. There are a number of fields we are interested in. I have ommitted the DOS 5 extended fields (Can't give you an answer I'm 100% sure on), as well as fields unecessary to our procedure. Fields we are interested in : Offset Size Field b word bytes per LOGICAL sector - divide by 512 to get physical to logical mapping d byte sectors per cluster. Multiply by logical sector size and divide by 1024 (decimal) to get K / cluster 13 word total number of LOGICAL sectors. This is one field extended by DOS5. 18 word sectors per track 1a word heads Clusters = sectors / sectors per cluster. Since my first partition on drive 1 is fairly boring, we'll look at partition 2 - E: -l 0200 4 0 1 -d 0200 1984:0200 EB FE 90 4E 4F 53 59 53-54 45 4D 00 08 04 01 00 k~.NOSYSTEM..... 1984:0210 02 00 02 F9 9F F8 0A 00-22 00 06 00 2C 07 80 00 ...y.x.."...,... The first three bytes are either a near jump over the actual BPB or a short jump and a NOP. There follows an eight byte system ID, and then the Good Stuff. I have 800 (2048 decimal) bytes per logical sector, meaning 4 physical sectors = 1 logical sector. . There are 4 logical sectors per cluster, meaning there is 8K in each cluster, 16 logical sectors per cluster. There are 9ff9 (40953 decimal) logical sectors in my partition, meaning 163812 decimal physical sectors (Notice how this number matches the number in the partition table.) There are 22 (34 decimal) sectors per track, and 6 heads. 3. The FAT The final interesting data structure is the FAT. If you have some other reliable means of insuring all data is at the begining of the partition you can ignore this. If there are > 4096 clusters, you definately have a 16 bit FAT. The FAT will begin with an FFF8 signature - 16 bit or (FF8) 12 bit. What follows is one entry for each cluster of the disk - with FFFF (FFF) marking end of file, FFF7 (FF7) marking a bad sector, 0000 (000) empty, basically anything else a next cluster pointer. Basically, all that were interested in is that there are roughly enough 0 entries all together, with only BAD marks and no end of file or next cluster pointers. 12 bit entries are packed two per three bytes - low byte = low byte first cluster, middle byte low nibble is high nibble for the first cluster, middle byte high nibble is low nibble for the second cluster, high byte is high byte for the second cluster. Step 1: Make a FULL backup. 1a: If you have a program to save off an image of the boot sector, do it now. Dumping the boot sector / partition sectors to floppy disk (do an rcx:200 in debug, then a w FILENAME to save to a file) would also accomplish the same thing. This will save you the trouble of having to restore an entire backup if you screw up either of these sectors. Step 2: Defragment. All data must be contiguous. Step 3: Decide where the partition goes, and how big it is. The new partition must fullfil these requirements : 1. It resides at the end of the original partition. 2. It is situated such that the original partition has a boundary that ends on a FULL logical sector (In my example, this is four physical sectors). In my case, I am simply starting testing on my already packed SCSI disk, and want a ~1 megabyte partition, or 2048 sectors. This partition ends at : cylinder 32b (812 decimal), head 5, sector 22 (34 decimal) If I divide by 34 sectors per track (available in the boot record), I get 60 tracks. If I divide by 6 heads, I get 10 cylinders. So, I will start my partition at cylinder 802 decimal (322 hex) sector 0 head 0 relative sector 802 * 34 * 6 decimal= 163608 I will adjust the size of my E: drive down by 510 logical (2040) (decimal) physical sectors, and make this my new partition. Note that this falls on the required logical sector boundary. Likewise, I will reduce the size of my second partition by 2040 (decimal) sectors, to 161772 (decimal) sectors and reduce the ending cylinder to 801 (decimal). Step 4: Verify that all data is contiguous, and we have enough free space for the partition we are about to create. Use a reliable disk space map utility, if none is available you will have to do so manually. Again, NU can fill this role. To do this manually, first determine FAT size check - partition table - number of clusters (roughly - (sectors - 1) / sectors per cluster) if > 4096, definately 16 bit After you've decided on 12 bits or 16 bits, Find the first 0 cluster (The disk has been defragmented?) Count consecutive 0 or BAD FAT entries (1 per 2 bytes on 16 bits, 3 per 2 bytes on 12 bits), multiply by K per cluster (as determined from the boot sector - see data structures above), and be happy. If there are intervening NEXT CLUSTER pointers, or END OF FILE (FFFF), try a different defragmenter. Also, not that some defragmenters will not move hidden files. You will have to unhide these, defragment, and rehide these. 5. Adjust boot record of old DOS partition. Change # sectors field, offset 13 hex (word), be sure to adjust in number of LOGICAL SECTORS, not physical sectors (as determined from the word size field at offset b divided by a 200 hex (512 decimal) byte sector size) After image for my example : -l 0200 4 0 1 -d 0200 1563:0200 EB FE 90 4E 4F 53 59 53-54 45 4D 00 08 04 01 00 k~.NOSYSTEM..... 1563:0210 02 00 02 FB 9D F8 0A 00-22 00 06 00 2C 07 80 00 ...{.x.."...,... 6. Adjust partition table. Change ending head, cylinder, sector field of old partition, total sectors of old partition, add new partition. Avoid overlap. Note that new partition table becomes active on reboot. After image for our example: -d 03be 1563:03BE 80 01 .. 1563:03C0 01 00 01 05 22 08 22 00-00 00 0A 07 00 00 00 00 ...."."......... 1563:03D0 01 09 51 05 E2 21 2C 07-00 00 EC 77 02 00 00 00 ..Q.b!,...lw.... 1563:03E0 C1 22 FF 05 E2 2B 18 7F-02 00 F8 07 00 00 00 00 A"..b+....x..... 1563:03F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 55 AA ..............U* Yes, I know 0xff is a bizarre identifier for the linux partition. That's how I did my first one, that's how I did this one. References : Norton, Peter Norton's Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC Townsend, Advanced MS-DOS Expert Techniques for Programmers Hopefully this has been enlightening, and possibly even useful to some. Mail comments to drew@colorado.edu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section III: What now? ---------------------- I was going to write about the maintainance and running of Linux, installation of new software etc but I've been beaten to it. For details of all this sort of thing please see Chuck Boyer's excellent "Beginner's Guide" which was appeared in the alt.os.linux yesterday. -------------------------------------------------------------------------