97 files found in Library "Alt. Operating Systems"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
20BACKGR.ZIP No 5726 05-15-93
For GEOWORKS - how to create transparent
40UNIX.ZIP Yes 6238 03-17-93
Wordperfect Corporation Unveils Workgroup
Computing Solutions For Unix Systems ( ).
7BKGRNDS.ZIP Yes 64919 04-15-93
7 Geoworks backrounds, incl. coke can,
Tetris, Hoyle, Iconz, etc...
BABAYA10.TZ No 12477 05-18-93
Babaya 1.0b. X11 session manager. Handles
closing all X clients gracefully and shutting
down the X server inan orderly fashion
through Babaya's logout button. Also handles
launching custom applications on login. In
tar.Z format, for all flavors of Unix.
BINUT433.TZ No 113730 04-11-93
Linux binary utilities for libc 4.3.3. This
included the usual host of utilities needed
for compiling programs: ar, ld, size, strip,
ranlib, objdump, nm, as, as86, ld86, and
gprof. In tar.gzip format, for linux.
COMBI11C.ZIP Yes 38566 06-18-93
Combi 1.1c- A Great Cache/Ram Disk Utility.
Memory Allocated Can Dynamically Share
Between Cache And Ram Disk. Very
Configurable. Shareware From Russia!
CRUFT1.ZIP Yes 22636 04-21-93 Library of .GEO files - Geoworks 1/4
CRUFT2.ZIP Yes 23029 04-19-93 Library of .GEO files - Geoworks 2/4
CRUFT3.ZIP Yes 21905 04-21-93 Library of .GEO files - Geoworks 3/4
CRUFT4.ZIP Yes 16681 05-13-93 Library of .GEO files - Geoworks 4/4
CWK49.ZIP Yes 76234 06-18-93
Clockwork V4.9 Sets System Clock Either
Built-In Or Add-On.
DOCGUIDE.ZIP Yes 112129 05-09-93
DOC ICON'S Guide to Icon's for GeoWorks with
an update of the NEW icon system for GeoWorks
Ensemble 2.0
DOSFILE2.ZIP Yes 6223 05-16-93
A set of Icons for GEOWORKS ENSEMBLE 2.0
More icons for files with DOS extensions
BAT,BAK,INI,EXE, and such
DOS_FILE.ZIP Yes 8019 05-09-93
ICONS for GeoWorks 2.0 - icons for DOS
extension files like EXE, PCX, LBM, ZIP and
more. Save these for your upgrade to
GeoWorks 2.0
DSEMP481.ZIP Yes 10591 02-19-93
Patch file for Linux dos emulator to bring it
up to version 4.81.
ENSEMBL2.ZIP Yes 52492 05-03-93
GEOWORKS ENSEMBLE 2.0 - 5 screen dumps in PCX
New Ensemble Logo, 2 font menus, 2 Express
FUZLOG6.ZIP Yes 38554 06-02-93
For GeoWorks 2.0 - this will allow you to
recolor the main screens to get away from the
old grey all the time. FUZZY LOGIC 6
GB_06_93.ZIP Yes 140517 05-27-93
GEOBYTES JUNE 1993 - The newsletter of the
GeoWorks GeoReps on America Online. (requires
GeoWorks 1.2 or higher to view/print)
Extensive information on the new features of
GeoDraw 2.0, new font scaling in GeoWrite 2.0
Orlando Roundup in July and more.
GCC243IN.TGZ No 376306 06-19-93 Unix C++ Compiler 2.4.3 for Linux
GCC243MA.TGZ No 493294 06-19-93
Unix GCC C++ Compiler v2.4.3 - Main Package
For Linux
GCC243OC.TGZ No 473355 06-19-93
Unix GCC C++ Compiler v2.4.3 - Objective
GCC243PL.TGZ No 543107 06-19-93 Unix GCC C Compiler v2.4.3 - C++ Compiler
GEO2CLRS.ZIP Yes 10996 05-01-93
A Geoworks palet in PCX format to show off
the colors now available in GeoWorks 2.0
GEO2CONF.ZIP Yes 9048 05-09-93
A text of the first rountable discussion on
America Online about the release of GeoWorks
Ensemble 2.0 - features CEO of GeoWorks 5/93
GEO2DATA.ZIP Yes 10414 05-01-93
GEOWORKS 2.0 list of features (requires any
version of GeoWorks/write to view or print)
GEO2ICNS.ZIP Yes 121636 05-11-93
Sets of ICONS for the all new GEOWORKS 2.0
MANY OTHERS! You will need these when you get
the upgrade!
GEO2SAMP.ZIP Yes 52636 04-29-93
First look at GEOWORKS ENSEMBLE Ver. 2.0!!
A GeoDraw done in 2.0 (1.x+ needed to view)
to show some of the capabilities. PLUS
2 screen dumps in PCX format showing the
tools and menus added for GeoDraw and
GeoWrite. -=AWESOME=-
GEO2SDK.ZIP Yes 85469 05-11-93
GEOWORKS SDK INFO - (requires GeoWorks to
view/print) Details on how to get the
GeoWorks Ensemble 2.0 Software Developement
Kit so you can create applications for the
multitasking environment of the future.
GEO2TIPS.ZIP Yes 18972 05-16-93
GEOWORKS ENSEMBLE 2.0 tips for using GeoWrite
2.0 (GeoWrite 2.0 required)
GEOCALC2.ZIP Yes 25836 05-01-93
GEOCALC 2.0 first look in PCX screen dump at
the 99 function graphical spreadsheet added
to GeoWorks 2.0 All the features you'd
expect plus multi-task in GeoWorks!
GEOFILE2.ZIP Yes 23874 05-03-93
first look at GeoFile 2.0 from GeoWorks
Ensemble 2.0 - nA pcx screen dump with a
typical database form and menus
GEOLABL3.ZIP Yes 42495 05-18-93
Geolabel a shareware program to make labels
of all kinds. Requires Geo
Works 1.x
GEOMGR2.ZIP Yes 51397 05-03-93
2 PCX screen dumps of the GeoManager screen
with various pinned menus.
GEOSDOS6.ZIP Yes 8957 04-29-93
A GeoWorks document from the support group.
How to use GeoWorks with DOS 6.0 Covers
older versions of GeoWorks too.
GEOWRIT1.ZIP Yes 59405 05-02-93
Two more PCX format screen dumps of Geowrite
from GeoWorks 2.0. Shows off tools & menus
GEOWRKS2.ZIP Yes 2185 04-29-93
All the new features describe and how to
order included. Special discount upgrade for
registered users until May 28, 1993
Spreadsheet, Database, color printing,
freehand drawing & tools, much more!
GETLINUX.ZIP Yes 1409 04-04-93
How to get Linux V1 SLS full release free by
mail !! Linux is the FREE unix operating
system for intel based computers. Want the
entire 28 meg system by mail ? Then download
this file. X, Emacs, TeX, a complete unix
with no cost !!
GZIP110S.ZIP Yes 231474 05-30-93
Gzip 1.1.0 C source code: Complete source for
gzip v1.1.0 in.TAR format.
GZIP110X.ZIP Yes 55498 05-30-93
Gzip 1.1.0 MSDOS EXE: GNU ZIP is a
compression utility designed to be a
replacement for Unix compress. Uses the same
deflate compression algorithm as PKZIP but
does not build multi-file.ZIPs.
INC433.TZ No 125463 04-11-93
Linux include headers for libc 4.3.3. This
includes the header (*.h) files needed by hte
compiler. In tar.gzip format, for linux
J4FLAGS3.ZIP Yes 43447 01-30-93
A third scrapbook for flags of the world. For
J4FLAGS4.ZIP Yes 13048 02-06-93
Fourth Scrapbook for flags of the world. For
J4SPORTS.ZIP Yes 17964 01-01-93 Sports Clipart For Geoworks. (Newest:
LAPDLL.ZIP Yes 68511 03-12-93
If You Are Running The Network Transport
System/2 (Nts/2) Using The Cid Method of
Installation, You Will Need an Updated
Version of The Lapscid.Dll File. Windows NT
LIBC433.TZ No 493135 04-11-93
Linux C library. This includes the latest
version as of 4/10 of all linux C and C++
libraries -- both static and shared (DLL).
Version 4.3.3. In tar.gzip format, for linux.
LINUX998.ZIP Yes 662618 04-10-93
Linux Kernel source coded 0.99.8 with file
system utilities to create high-performance
Xia file-system, supporting long names and
2 gigabyte partitions. Free clone of the
unix operating system. Many advanced features
SLSV1A*.* Full system reqs 90 megs;
Minimal - 15megs; Full base 45 megs
LNX99P10.TGZ No 742646 06-19-93 LINUX Kernel v0.99 - Patch Level 10
LNXINFO.ZIP Yes 144802 03-03-93 LINUX Brochure - Infos - March 1993 Issue
LSM10.ZIP Yes 91850 05-21-93
LINUX Software Maps - Release 1.0 - All
Software ported to Linux System - TAR Format
MAR93HCL.ZIP Yes 16663 03-19-93
Hardware Compatiblity List for March '93 Beta
of Windows NT.
MASSDESC.ZIP Yes 1134 06-06-93
4DOS Mass Describe v1�0 (BTM) by Donald
MENUCUST.ZIP Yes 8634 06-10-93 Customize menus in GeoWorks Ensemble 2.0
MEWS1M.ZIP Yes 11558 03-31-93
microemacs for NT with source March beat
MUD28.ZIP Yes 30342 05-29-93
Mud v2�8: Mac/Unix DOS translator/reformatter
that will convert CR/LF to CR or CR to CR/LF;
is also a general search/replace util for
ASCII files that will accept a string up to
128 for the find/replace; 05/29/93; John W�
Hansen/JD Enterprises�
MUMAIL12.TZ No 83343 05-01-93
A new killer-app for X11. MuMail `mo mail'
1.2b. This is a mail reader for X11/Unix.
Like elm, but adds new features, plus it's
very user-friendly. Reads/writes elm folders.
Has letter tag/untag/retag/view/delete/
forward/info. Can search entire folders for
any string. For Unix, tar.Z format.
OBERON.ZIP Yes 639157 04-28-93
Nicklaus Wirth's Oberon GUI operating system
for operating under DOS. FTP from ETH, where
it was built.
RLACHRT1.ZIP Yes 49966 06-02-93
Color chart for GeoWorks 2.0 -(required)
Amazingly good chart showing all 100!! shade
percents of the 16 colors - 1600 shades in
all. Non color printers will print
appropriate grey scales. You can cut & paste
individual colr bars to test shades on your
work to get it just right. Great tool!
RZSZ.ZIP Yes 66208 05-16-93 Unix ZModem Drivers
SEYL_212.TZ No 137760 04-11-93
Seyon 2.12 -- executables (binaries) and
support files for linux. See description
under SEYON213.TZ.In tar.Z format, for linux
SEYON213.FIX No 491 04-11-93 A small bug fix for Seyon 2.13b source code.
SEYON213.TZ No 223795 04-11-93
Seyon 2.13b. Seyon is a complete telecom
program for X-Windows. This version has
radical changes from 2.01, all for more
flexibilty and power, including the new
SeQuickKeys (z quickies) feature that let
define your own buttons and attach them to
actions. Free. In tar.Z format. For most
flavors of Unix.
SEYON214.TZ No 224819 05-18-93
Seyon 2.14b. X11 telecom package. Among other
things, this version fixes the broken Zmodem
auto-transfer in 2.13b. Also has a slightly
more convenient dialing directory navigation.
In tar.Z format, for all flavors of Unix.
SLSV1AA1.ZIP Yes 959703 03-04-93
Soft Landing Linux 0.99.8 1/4
Minimal base system w/new 99p6 boot image
Use with LINUX998
SLSV1AA2.ZIP Yes 1014037 03-04-93 -> 2/4 new root image
SLSV1AA3.ZIP Yes 1189298 03-02-93 -> 3/4 font pak
SLSV1AA4.ZIP Yes 1202269 03-04-93 -> 4/4
SLSV1AB1.ZIP Yes 1186019 01-22-93
Soft Landing Linux 0.99.8
Base systems extras 1/7
SLSV1AB2.ZIP Yes 1014020 01-17-93 -> 2/7
SLSV1AB3.ZIP Yes 1025252 01-17-93 -> 3/7
SLSV1AB4.ZIP Yes 1158214 03-04-93 -> 4/7
SLSV1AB5.ZIP Yes 1079200 02-25-93 -> 5/7
SLSV1AB6.ZIP Yes 1151695 01-17-93 -> 6/7
SLSV1AB7.ZIP Yes 1183764 01-31-93 -> 7/7
SLSV1AC1.ZIP Yes 1176213 03-05-93
Soft Landing Linux 0.99.8
The Compilers 1/3
SLSV1AC2.ZIP Yes 1164004 03-03-93 -> 2/3 new gdb
SLSV1AC3.ZIP Yes 1208409 02-18-93 -> 3/3
SLSV1AD1.ZIP Yes 1080780 01-18-93
Soft Landing Linux 0.99.8
Documentation 1/2
SLSV1AS1.ZIP Yes 816204 01-28-93
Soft Landing Linux 0.99.8
Source code 1/1
SLSV1BT1.ZIP Yes 1124786 02-24-93
Soft Landing Linux 0.99.8
Base System Extras - Emacs, etc 1/3
SLSV1BT2.ZIP Yes 940033 02-23-93 -> 2/3
SLSV1BT3.ZIP Yes 1138698 01-18-93 -> 3/3
SLSV1BX1.ZIP Yes 1009732 02-18-93
Soft Landing Linux 0.99.8
The X-Windows distribution 1/8
SLSV1BX2.ZIP Yes 367529 02-18-93 -> 2/8
SLSV1BX3.ZIP Yes 1155949 02-18-93 -> 3/8
SLSV1BX4.ZIP Yes 1024873 02-18-93 -> 4/8
SLSV1BX5.ZIP Yes 992225 02-18-93 -> 5/8
SLSV1BX6.ZIP Yes 767489 03-08-93 -> 6/8
SLSV1BX7.ZIP Yes 1188965 02-18-93 -> 7/8
SLSV1BX8.ZIP Yes 1118871 02-24-93 -> 8/8
STARDOM_.ZIP Yes 12484 05-14-93
Tutorial for new "make stars" feature in
GEOWORKS. Requires version 2.0
TREK2GEO.ZIP Yes 17492 05-16-93
A Background for GeoWorks 1.x
The two staships from "Wrath of Kahn"
UUDOALL.ZIP Yes 3820 05-26-93 Uudecoding Program For Unix Only!
UUEXPLOD.ZIP Yes 8535 05-26-93
Uuexplode Is Yasmu (Yet Another Smart
Multipart Uudecoder). Unix Only! C Source.
WGB.ZIP Yes 21177 05-04-93
ZPBM101.ZIP Yes 6037 05-27-93
ZP Boot Manager v1�01: excellent partition
boot mgr useful for who has more than one
operating system installed; 05/27/93;
Alejandro L pez�