Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
61PTCH.ZIP | No | 190035 | 03-12-93 | MASM v6.10a Patch Posted on Microsoft BBS |
8048.ZIP | Yes | 138796 | 03-12-93 | 8048 Microcontroller - Editor/Assembler/ Simulator |
80X0393.ZIP | Yes | 177776 | 03-30-93 | Assembly Language Snippets, Freeware/Pd Asm Source Code And Tips. |
ASMLIB35.ZIP | Yes | 197341 | 01-22-93 | ASMLIB v3.5: LIBrary for MASM, TASM or Turbo C; fast screen updates, pop-up windows, pull down menus graphics from Hercules to SVGA at 1024x768, 16 or 256 colors, MORE. |
ASMPR100.ZIP | Yes | 38664 | 01-06-93 | ASMPROC 1.00. Quickly generate lists of procedures in assembly language programs. Can process include files, ignore comment blocks, etc. Freeware from Bit Masons. |
ASMTU_WP.ZIP | Yes | 28523 | 02-26-93 | Assembly language tutorial in wp format. |
ASMWIZ16.ZIP | Yes | 81416 | 05-24-93 | Assembly Wizard's Library v1�6 for assembly language (most assemblers are supported)� Text and graphics, buffered file I/O, kbd, mouse, exception handler, string support, hi-res timers & countdowns, lots more� Tiny model (�COM format)� |
BEAV140.ZIP | Yes | 96018 | 04-14-93 | Freeware Binary Editor/Viewer. |
BEDIT30.ZIP | Yes | 62074 | 05-16-93 | BEdit v3�0: Full-screen binary file editor with side-by-side hex/ascii� Programmers tool |
BSS101.ZIP | Yes | 17027 | 02-05-93 | Bunch'S String Search V1.01: String Search Pgm Written In Asm Using Spontaneous Asm Subroutines; Handles Wildcards Similar To Those Used In Vax/Vms Search Routines; Switches Are Not Case-Sensitive And Supports Environment Variables And Dos Errorlevels. |
CPUID3WK.ZIP | Yes | 15252 | 05-24-93 | CPU identification routine� Same as CPUID3�ZIP but with changes to seven conditional jumps to eliminate severe errors when assembled with MASM 5.1. Contains MASM source code for detecting 8086,80286,80386,80486,Pentium CPUs. Intel. |
DOS6MM.ZIP | Yes | 66866 | 03-31-93 | Source code from book, "PC Magazine DOS 6 Memory Management". Includes utilities: UMBFILES, UMASCAN, and more. |
EXTMATH.ZIP | Yes | 31135 | 01-07-93 | Extended Math Function Library with Assembler source code. Source is in TASM. |
FN32_3.ZIP | Yes | 436318 | 06-18-93 | Fn32 Version 1.3 32 Character Filenames Under Msdos!! This Package Contains A Tsr, .Obj Files And Sample Source Code. The Tsr Manages Dictionary Files Which Provide Symbolic Links From The Long Names To Unique Short Names. The .Obj Files Provide Substitutes For 'Setargv.Obj', And Several Inadequate Dos Functions Such As 'Stat', 'Fstat' 'Opendir', 'Readdir', 'Rename' Etc. Includes The Gnudos Freeware Pack. Source Code Is Available. |
MODEX100.ZIP | Yes | 62861 | 03-29-93 | Assembly "mode-x" library, with documented MASM/TASM source code. |
MODIFIED.ZIP | Yes | 19673 | 03-26-93 | This is a asm listing of how to create a MOD player, real fast routines so have fun demo makers!! |
RXDOSCMD.ZIP | Yes | 182161 | 02-07-93 | Source code (and objs) for replacement. Some excellent asm code here ! |
SHELLXAS.ZIP | Yes | 9542 | 03-05-93 | Assembly language shell for TSR programming. |