PICKUP 96LIST DIRECT ON YOUR FIRST CALL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As of 9/1/92, those wishing to call the DownTown BBS just to pick up 96LIST (the ASCII version, ZIPped), or just leave comments/additions/corrections to the list can call in on the high speed subscriber lines. You should use the following: Number Modems USER-ID PASSWORD ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 213-484-0260 [3/12/24/96/14.4k v.32bis] LIST ONE LIST 213-484-0287 [3/12/24/96/14.4k v.32bis 16.8k ZyXEL] LIST TWO LIST 213-484-0331 [3/12/24/96/14.4k HST/v.32bis] LIST THREE LIST 213-484-0335 [3/12/24/96/14.4k HST/v.32bis] LIST FOUR LIST ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [End of File]