AUTOASK.COM This program is free. You can distribute it however you like. It is from an article in the March 1993 issue of PC Computing magazine, on Page 270. You can use this program to decide weather to run a program when your computer is booted or not. For instance, if you wanted to make running CHKDSK an option during boot-up, you would add the following to your AUTOEXEC.BAT: ECHO Do you want to run CHKDSK? AUTOASK IF ERRORLEVEL 89 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 90 GOTO DOIT IF ERRORLEVEL 121 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 122 GOTO DOIT GOTO END :DOIT CHKDSK :END This will ask if you want to run CHKDSK. If you enter a Y, CHKDSK will run. If you enter anything else, or if a time limit of 10 seconds runs out, CHKDSK will not run. If you want to change the default response to be Yes, then at the line that reads: AUTOASK Substitute with: AUTOASK Y This program is made with a text editor and DOS's The debug code to AUTOASK.COM is included under the file name of: AUTOASK.SCR