LOGit Date & Time Utility Version 2.1 3-19-93 (c) 1992, 1993 DYNAMOUS Software. All Rights Reserved. 47 Kristin Dr. Rochester, NY 14624 Concept: þ Have you ever wondered if someone turned on your PC while you were not there? þ Is it hard to remember when you did that last backup of your hard disk? þ Do you know what other people do when they use your PC? þ Would you like to know if someone was looking at your personal information or financial data? þ What games do the kids play when you're not around and how long do they play them? If you'd like to know the answers to these questions you can install LOGit on your PC to record the date and time these events occur. Introduction: LOGit is a useful utility that keeps a record of when events occur. You can add LOGit to a batch file or to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. When you add LOGit to a batch file, LOGit will keep a record of: þ when a program was last used. þ conditions that occurred during the batch file execution. When you add LOGit to the AUTOEXEC.BAT, LOGit will keep a record of when the PC was booted. Usage: You can use LOGit by executing the program by its name: C:\> LOGit LOGit will display the program information and then write a small informational file containing: LOGit was executed at: 21:47:31 on 3/09/93 Option Usage: The following options may be used on the command line to change the defaults of LOGit. This will allow you to use LOGit for your specific needs. C:\> LOGit /f:[d:\]filename.ext /t:"Text comment" /m:o /l:lines Where: /f:[d:\]filename.ext The name of the log file that LOGit will write. [d:\] can be used to specify another drive or directory. Example - /f:c:\logs\database.log Default - logit.log in the current directory. /t:"Text comment" The text comment to be written in the log file. If the text contains spaces, you must enclose the text in double (") quotes. Example - /t:"The Database was last packed on:" Default - LOGit was executed at: /m:o Use 'o' for the overwrite mode. The log file will contain only one entry, which will be the last time LOGit was executed. Default - No switch will append the new entry to file. /l:lines Use 1 through 99.* This limits the number of lines LOGit will maintain in the log file. Example - /l:25 {The number of lines in the log file will not exceed 25 lines.} Default - The number of lines in the log file will be unlimited. Note: Item marked with the '*' are only availible after registering LOGit with DYNAMOUS Software. You will also receive a configuration program to store your default configuration and enable the registered options. Example Using Options: If LOGit is in your PATH you can execute the program from any directory. If it is not in your PATH you must change to the directory on your hard disk where you keep LOGit . For more information concerning your PATH or the TYPE command, refer to your DOS manual. At the DOS prompt type: C:\UTIL\> LOGit /f:c:\bbs.log /t:"Node 1 was started at:" After the example executes, use the DOS "TYPE" command to view the log file: C:\UTIL\> TYPE c:\bbs.log DOS will display the contents of the log file. Node 1 was started at: 17:39:23 on 2/19/93 Error Levels: LOGit will return an error level after it executes. The following list shows the error levels and their meanings. Errorlevel 0 -- The error level is set to 0 if the program executed successfully. Errorlevel 1 -- The error level is set to 1 if the user enters an invalid option or /? /H help requested. Errorlevel 2 -- The error level is set to 2 if an error occurs opening or writing to the log file.* Errorlevel 3 -- The error level is set to 3 if the program cannot find enough memory.* Errorlevel 4 -- The error level is set to 4 if the requested log file name is not a valid DOS file name.* * NOTE: LOGit will display an error message when these conditions occur. Sample Batch File: This batch file shows the usefulness of LOGit, the use of the options and the use of error levels. @echo off c:\util\tape.exe /full if not errrorlevel 0 goto ABORT c:\util\LOGit /f:c:\logs\backup.log /m:o /t:"Last backup was completed successfully on:" if not errrorlevel 0 goto BADLOG goto END :ABORT c:\LOGit /f:backup.log /t:"An Error occurred during the last backup on:" if not errrorlevel 0 goto BADLOG goto END :BADLOG echo Unable to create or write to log file. Check usage or disk space. pause :END This BATCH file will execute a backup program called TAPE. When the backup finishes successfully LOGIT will write a new log file deleting any existing log file of the same name. If LOGit is successful writing the new log file, BACKUP.LOG in the directory C:\LOGS, the batch file will end. BACKUP.LOG will contain: Last backup was completed successfully on: 21:15 on 03/11/93 If the backup program cannot complete successfully LOGit will add a new entry to an existing log file of the same name. BACKUP.LOG will contain: Last backup was completed successfully at: 21:15 on 03/11/93 An Error occurred during the last backup at: 20:30 on 03/12/93 If LOGit is unable to write the log file for any reason, a message will be displayed to the screen and the batch file will pause. For more information concerning BATCH files, refer to your DOS manual. Shareware Notice: You may use this utility for a 30 day trial period. If you do not register within the trial period, please discontinue using this software. If you like this utility please consider registering LOGit with DYNAMOUS Software. You will receive a registered copy of LOGit and LOGITCFG to personalize your copy. This enables the 'registered options' and allows you to change the program defaults. We also include other shareware utilities we have written. To register, please send $5 (US) plus $3.50 (US) for media and US mailing to DYNAMOUS Software. If you wish to avoid the media and mailing costs, register with DYNAMOUS and then you may download your registered version on: "The Hat's Place BBS" (716) 594-5572 16.8K USR HST Dual Standard Site licenses discounts are available by contacting DYNAMOUS Software for more information. DYNAMOUS Software - 47 Kristin Dr. Rochester, NY 14624