193 files found in Library "DOS Pgms/Utils"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
60ENVPAT.ZIP No 1922 05-10-93
How to patch COMMAND�COM (DOS 6�0 & earlier)
for larger default environment space if you'd
rather not use SHELL /E:
AMISE200.ZIP Yes 266833 04-16-93
AMIsetup v2�00: external setup program for
PCs equipped with an AMI BIOS; SAA GUI
interface; works in both English and German;
ANSICHK2.ZIP Yes 31796 03-03-93
Stops Dangerous ANSI Bombs From Redefining
Your Keyboard.
APBUSFIX.ZIP Yes 1635 04-10-93 Fix For Adaptic SCSI For Tape Etc...
APLUS3.ZIP Yes 283149 05-18-93
ANSIPLUS 3.00: Great console driver for
VGA/EGA under DOS 3.0-6.0, packed with
features: full color control, screen saveretc
ATTR10.ZIP Yes 8174 03-07-93
Attribute v1.0: file attribute viewer/editor;
can handle dirs;
AUTOASK_.ZIP Yes 1243 03-30-93
Lets you decide to run a program when you
Start your computer.
BATCH_A.ZIP Yes 1638 05-15-93
A simple (2) batch files that show you how to
save disk space�
BEN311.ZIP Yes 275273 05-15-93
Batch ENhancer v3�11 Add colors, sounds,
boxes, menus, directory controls and other
SPECTACULAR features into batch files� Now
with new Menu Designer�
BENCH701.ZIP Yes 810609 02-08-93 PC Magazine LABS PC Bench Release 7.01.
BSLTOOLS.ZIP Yes 32845 04-20-93
BusLogic SCSI Interface Diagnostic Tools and
Utilities - Direct from BusLogic BBS
BSTAT14.ZIP Yes 18558 05-25-93
BACKSTAT a utility prg that provides
statistics for files modified since last
backup. Can be used in a batch file to start
your backup software at the appropriate time.
CATT.ZIP Yes 77159 05-04-93
CATT is a transparent program that both saves
disk space and organizes your computer
interface. It's main function is to
automate batch files and save the hard disk
space they use.
CAV10E.ZIP Yes 215557 04-13-93
CacheAll(TM) v1.0e Factory Direct Eval -
Technology independent cache, caches CD-ROMs,
Network drives, Opticals, ... When run on
workstation reduces network traffic & server
loading, Artisoft LANtastic Compatible, has
DOS/Microsoft Windows interface (shows files
being cached). Uses RAM & SWAP FILE ->64 Meg
CCT386.ZIP Yes 212071 04-15-93 CELEM CACHE-TEST for HD and 386 System
CDFREQ11.ZIP Yes 91739 04-14-93
ChkDsk FREQuency monitor allows you to
monitor the number of times CHKDSK is run
when it is run from AUTOEXEC.BAT.
CDIR_10.ZIP Yes 34219 05-03-93
CDIR v1�00 for DOS� This program works the
same as the DOS DIR command except that it
displays the files in the colors that you
define� Very easy to use and configure� �
CDSCSI.ZIP Yes 9876 02-16-93 Chinon CD-ROM test utility, from Chinon BBS
CDU_V210.ZIP Yes 470244 05-21-93
CDU is a collection of utilities that can be
used with Rick Hillier's CATDISK version 7.00
and up. It contains simple routines.
CHKCDR11.ZIP Yes 28406 04-28-93
CHKCDROM version 1.1 Detect the presence of
MSCDEX driver Determine the nbr of CD-ROMs
attached Determine disk designation of first
DC-ROM Determine volume ID of the first, MORE
Determine number of subdirs on CD-ROM drive
CHNAME10.ZIP Yes 5236 02-10-93
Chname V1.00: Renaming Utility Which Can
Rename Files/Directories And Move Files.
CLEANBT.ZIP Yes 1915 04-01-93
Great! CleanBoot 1.0 Boot Without TSR's from
your Hard Disk. Free!
CLEAV135.ZIP Yes 26302 06-18-93
Cleave V. 1.35 Is A Unique Replacement
For Cls In Batch Files And At The
Command Line.
Registration Is Only $6.00. Smsnet
CLEAV155.ZIP Yes 28496 05-25-93
Cleave v. 1.55 is a unique replacement for
CLS in batch files and at the command line.
Registration is only $6.00. SMSnet.
CLK251.ZIP Yes 20083 03-20-93
CLK v2.51: will display the date/time without
requiring input; supports positioning of
output anywhere on screen, in any basic
color; 03/20/93;
CLOCK331.ZIP Yes 94759 06-18-93
Clock V3.31: Clock Device Driver That
Replaces The Dos Internal Clock Driver For
Those Whose Clocks Are Not Supported By The
Level Of Dos They Are Using Or Want To Use;
Allows You To Separately Control Your
Realtime Clock & Battery-Protected Calendar
Clock & More.
CLOCK344.ZIP Yes 112590 03-09-93
Clock v3.44: clock device driver that
replaces the DOS internal clock driver for
those whose clocks are not supported by the
level of DOS they are using or want to use;
CLOCKDOC.ZIP Yes 7572 03-09-93
An explanation of real time in relation to
DOS and CMOS....
CNFG404.ZIP Yes 73462 04-26-93
Config v4.04: menu driven file manager that
organizes multiple versions of Config.Sys and
Autoexec.Bat files.
COMAID10.ZIP Yes 6708 03-10-93 Add COM3 and/or COM4 to the BIOS device table
COMBI113.ZIP Yes 46401 05-03-93
Combination cache and RAMdisk. v1.13 is DOS 6
(and downward) compatible. Default loads.
Allocates all hi mem to cache, borrows from
cache to create a RAMdisk when the RAM is
needed, returns it to cache when done.
Trouble-free. w/source. $30 Excellent pgm.
COMIRQ12.ZIP Yes 2941 04-23-93
CKCOMIRQ v1.20: diagnostic software utility
that determines which hardware IRQ
assignments are assigned to
CRON250E.ZIP Yes 61003 04-07-93
CRONJR v2.50E: batch scheduler used to run
stand alone programs at specific times and
intervals; for standalone PC's or LANS.
CSORT3.ZIP Yes 20532 06-08-93
Colorado Utilities Sort v3�0: Capable sort
util does virtual sort so not limited by
available RAM (uses EMS or disk)� Has some
useful options, including removing duplicate
records� F� Hill�
CSYS11.ZIP Yes 30748 03-17-93
Quick viewer for system files (config/auto &
4dos). Also hotkeys to your text editor, more
CUSORT23.ZIP Yes 23033 04-01-93
CUSORT v2.3 Colorado Utilities Sort Sorts Up
To 2 Billion Records in Regular Memory
DAB.ZIP Yes 935 03-11-93
Delete all but any file mask from directory.
Ie. Zip, exe, doc.. Real handy.
DBLSPACE.ZIP Yes 3021 04-06-93
Text File of Comments Concerning DOS 6's
Doublespace Program.
DDARP13.ZIP Yes 8992 04-14-93
DDARP v1.3: pgm that can display the
installed device drivers in memory and/or
rename a driver in memory
DDATE13.ZIP Yes 12064 04-27-93
DDATE v1.3: utility program that lets you
delete files from your floppy or hard disks
by date; can search all directories and
subdirectories as well as those which are
hidden or read-only
DEA001.ZIP Yes 53901 04-13-93
Dea V.00 File Encryption System Uses The
One-Time-Pad Technique For The Ultimate Level
Of Privacy And Security
DEL102.ZIP Yes 15875 02-08-93
DELETE 1.02 -- Enhanced file delete!
Options include prompt before delete,
overwrite & delete, recursive delete of files
& directories, override file attributes, and
more than one file specification on the
command line. Share ware registration $15.00.
DJSALERT.ZIP Yes 33661 05-18-93
DOS utility that executes commands on certain
dates. Great for annual, monthly, or weekly
virus scans and other programs. You specify.
DJSLOG.ZIP Yes 17986 05-12-93
Keep a time/date log of when your computer
was used with this handy utility� Writes all
records to a text file�
DLOG320.ZIP Yes 66428 05-01-93
DISKALOG - Add file notes to DIR list. Disk
cataloger and DOS shell in one! Now add 300
character descriptions to each filename and
directory on a disk. Kind of like BBS file
DMBB25.ZIP Yes 83285 04-24-93
Two programs in one: First a system-info
-more than 250 tests: date, bios, dos, cpu
Second a utility for batch programs, all test
results can be returned onto ERRORLEVEL
DOS60.ZIP Yes 516 04-03-93 Initial Reactions To DOS 6.0.
DOS6DSPC.ZIP Yes 1229 05-11-93 Notes in uninstalling DOS6 Double Space.
DOS6FILE.ZIP Yes 11583 04-07-93
Explains use of all files in dos6 and also
suggests which files can be deleted. Good.
DOS6INF2.ZIP Yes 17815 03-05-93 Useful undocumented help with DOS 6
DOS6KB.ZIP Yes 78810 03-30-93
MS-DOS 6.0 KnowledgeBase Articles, Downloaded
from Compuserve's Microsoft Forum.
DOS6MENU.ZIP Yes 1654 04-03-93
This is an example of how to set up your
autoexec.bat and config.sys to run dos 6's
multi-config options.
DOS6Q_A.ZIP Yes 44004 04-26-93 Dos 6 questions & answers from microsoft b� �
DOS6TIP.ZIP Yes 809 04-07-93 Don'T Throw Out Your Dos5 Files Just Yet!
DOS6WARN.ZIP Yes 1523 04-06-93
Warnings About DOS 6.0. Will It Screw Up Your
System Too?
DOS6_FAQ.ARJ No 7294 06-18-93
Text files from Microsoft BBS answering
"Frequently Asked Questions" about DblSpace
and MemMaker Utilities
DOSM21.ZIP Yes 84235 06-11-93
DOSMAX 2.1 - frees conventional memory by
STACKS into upper memory, get 628K free
with your memory manager. Also load the
DOS 5/6 kernel or COMMAND.COM in a UMB. $15
DOSREF30.ZIP Yes 292270 05-25-93
DOSref v3.0 - the original online programmers
reference. DEMO/limited shareware version
DOSVUE13.ZIP Yes 241250 05-25-93
DOSView v1.3: Interesting DOS shell/file
manager presents file directories followed by
a DOS prompt (really a shell). Has its own
viewer, ZIP handler and file finder, more.
DRVPAD.ZIP Yes 2896 04-04-93
DRIVEPAD.SYS Is A Dummy Block Device That Can
Be Used To Fill In For A Missing Disk Drive
In Such A Way That The Drive Lettering Scheme
For The Remaining Drives Do Not Change.
DRY586.ZIP Yes 187614 04-24-93
Dhrystone V: CPU benchmark for 486 or Pentium
only, tests protected mode operations. If you
think you're hung, hang on (so to speak). A
couple of minutes later, it'll spit out its
ED23.ZIP Yes 22675 04-26-93
Simple, full-screen editor takes wildcards on
the command line. V2.3
EDMOD.ZIP Yes 23764 05-10-93
Edit/modify any/all 1024K (RAM) excluding
video RAM at segment A000H� Run from either
command line or under Windows�
EL130.ZIP Yes 3130 03-15-93
ERRLEVEL v1.30: utility that simply executes
another program and reports the return code,
or DOS errorlevel, that is returned when the
program terminates; e
EMERI12.ZIP Yes 128019 01-26-93
For those folks who hop in and out of
Windows, EMERI is a DOS-based program that
nicely displays Windows CardFile entries.
With many handy features.
EMM286.ZIP Yes 6703 03-31-93
EMM286 is an Expanded Memory LIMulator for
an AT-Class system, or other 286 compatible.
Provides both an EMM driver and command line
functions in one executable file. All
functions of the LIM EMS 4.0 specification
dated October 1987 are supported except DMA
EMM4J.ZIP Yes 8177 03-18-93
Extended Memory Manager - Excellent Memory
Manager (loaded through CONFIG.SYS) for 286
based systems. (EMS Memory).
ENVIRO30.ZIP Yes 10632 02-10-93
ENVIRO v3.0 - The DOS Environment Inspector.
Displays allocation and usage information on
the DOS environment buffer, and much more.
ENV_30.ZIP Yes 32305 05-01-93
Environ V30: Utility That Can Be Used To
Delete Selected Variables From The DOS Master
Environment, Storing Those Selected To A File
Restore These Saved Variables, Or A Selected
Subset Thereof To The Master Environment.
EXC23.ZIP Yes 54494 04-13-93
EXC v2.3: script processor for DOS apps that
works like your communications scripts w/key
on timing, and many options. Non TSR.
EXEPROT1.ZIP Yes 10517 02-01-93
ExecProtect allows you to password-protect
your EXE and COM files
EZBOOT10.ZIP Yes 82982 04-04-93
EZBOOTER is a very simple multi- reboot
program. You can choose from 9 different
autoexec and config.sys to reboot your
computer. Edit, reboot, etc. Supports mouse.
FE10.ZIP Yes 58450 03-29-93
Fast Entry 3.0 - Pop-up to enter/change your
computer date & time. W/many options!
FIXTIM20.ZIP Yes 28704 04-15-93
Fixtime v2.0: utility which you can run to
adjust your computer's clock for the expected
error since the last time the clock was
FREAK125.ZIP Yes 27288 06-03-93
Freak v. 1.25 is a unique replacement
for CLS in batch files and at command line
Registration is only $6.00. SMSnet
FREMEM20.ZIP Yes 42371 02-25-93
Graphical display of memory/disk/system
statistics on your computer system. Pretty!
FSORT10.ZIP Yes 46939 04-10-93
FSORT reads data from an input file, sorts
it, and writes it to an output file. FSORT
is MUCH faster than the MS-DOS sort command
and other sort programs, and sorts any size
file. With advanced features too.
FUMBS100.ZIP Yes 6831 04-09-93
FIXUMBS v1.00 - UMB management for DOS 5
or above. Great memory utility from RJS.
FW0793.ZIP Yes 2224 03-29-93
Microsoft Application Note For DOS 6.0's
Chapter 15 Of The Getting Started Manual;
GODOS100.ZIP Yes 23100 04-25-93
GoDOS v1.00 - allows you to shell to DOS
and back within any application. Handy!
GROWP.ZIP Yes 12675 01-03-93
TSR uses 1400 bytes of resident RAM to add
a default '>' to environment's 'PROMPT'
string when COMMAND.COM is shelled.
Programmers tool. Tessler Nifty Tool
HIMOV220.ZIP Yes 130488 05-12-93
HiMOVE v2.20 - Upper Memory Manager for
computers with 286 or 386 NEAT(sx) CHIP sets
HITRATE.ZIP Yes 7470 05-21-93 SmartDrive Performance Evaluator
HIVID203.ZIP Yes 16535 05-08-93
HiVIDEO v2.03 - DOS memory Expander (TSR)
which uses leftover memory in EGA/VGA display
to expand conventional DOS memory by 96k
HOLDWC.ZIP Yes 5289 02-12-93
HOLDIT!.SYS is a dummy device driver that is
never actually installed in system memory but
allows pausing between each device CONFIG.SYS
attempts to load; will wait until you press a
key before continuing, then moving on to the
next device driver.
HOTERDIR.ZIP Yes 3559 03-21-93
Color coded listing for DOS as a replacement
for the DIR command. Really neat!
ICNDOS15.ZIP Yes 121424 06-06-93
IconDOS v1�5: graphical application launcher
for DOS that is similiar to Windows' Program
Manager, complete with icons and wallpaper; 0
RAM; multi-page icon menus/sub-menus provide
virtually unlimited menu size; built-in
clock, calendar, screen saver, over 100
predrawn icons, 20 different wallpapers and a
graphical editor for producing custom icons &
wallpaper; req VGA; 06/06/93; EFD Systems�
INTVL185.ZIP Yes 55976 05-25-93
INTERVAL v. 1.85 is a program which will run
a DOS command or program once during a user
defined period of time.Logs. Batch friendly.
INTVUE15.ZIP Yes 9616 03-01-93
INTERVUE v1.5: viewer for the Interrupt List
maintained by Ralf Brown; 03/01/93;
KDIR31.ZIP Yes 12088 04-07-93
The original "KILL DIRECTORY" utility!
Safe for use on local area networks.
KOPY.ZIP Yes 66649 02-22-93
Kopies files from one drive to another.
Allows copying to multiple floppies. Will
scan a whole drive and allows you to be asked
to copy before actually copying files.
Freshen files on a drive, and much more.
LIST105.ZIP Yes 13034 04-26-93
LIST version 1.05, 4-26-93. .....LIST.exe is
a text file viewer that replaces the DOS TYPE
command. It has screen paging built-in,
allows multiple files to be viewed on a
command line, and you can even use wildcard
characters.... Steve Krispli List Clone
LOGIT21.ZIP Yes 29131 03-29-93
LOGit - Date & Time Utility v2.1 -- by
DYNAMOUS Software. Record data & time when
your PC is turned on. Record when you
completed the last backup of your hard disk.
Great way to keep track of when PC is used.
LOOPR146.ZIP Yes 37996 05-30-93
Looper v. 1.46 allows the user to
execute the same DOS command or
program many times. Handy multi-copy aid.
Registration is only $6.00 SMSnet
M6TXT.ZIP Yes 38627 04-04-93
ASCII Version of MS-DOS 6 Press Releases and
Reviewers Guide.
MAXLOG20.ZIP Yes 115247 04-22-93
Trims Max/Squish log files by # of days for
OS/2 and DOS
MEMKIT2.ZIP Yes 134031 02-03-93
Memory Managment Kit ver 2.02 What Dos lacks
Make upper memory from shadow, loadhi on
8088 and 286's, make 64k+ more upper memory
optimize and with HRAM 1.3 with 40 chipsets
MEMSZ160.ZIP Yes 140079 03-09-93
System Resources 1.60a. Display free mem and
disk space, and monitor swap file. Src incl.
This rev adds an active task counter and
enhances the CPU meter to work better if
HRTIMER.SYS is installed.
MM122.ZIP Yes 445793 04-17-93
Make A Message 1.22. No time restrictions!
GREAT! Now works with 4DOS. Commercial
quality. One of the best shareware programs
I've ever seen! Well worth the download.
Unlike anything else out there. A whole
new style for DOS programs. GET THIS ONE!
MORTON.ZIP Yes 301694 01-01-93
Boots (Multi-Boot Utility), JetPilot (Laser
Printer Control), Morton Utilities
(Professional Memory Resident Utils) - handy
utilities package - MORTON
MSCON6R0.ZIP Yes 20087 04-08-93 Mass Storage Display Utility.
MSD6TXT.ZIP Yes 25062 03-10-93 A text file on MS-DOS 6.0
MSNOTES.ZIP Yes 20193 03-23-93 Support notes from MS for MS-DOS 5.0 and 6.0.
ND_110.ZIP Yes 24136 04-22-93
Replacement for CHDIR or CD command in DOS
v1.10 Cactus Software Systems
PARA10.ZIP Yes 48546 03-11-93
Parallel v1.0: simple utility which displays
the configuration of the parallel ports (LPT
ports) in your system;
PATHA.ZIP Yes 15231 03-30-93
Patha ver 2.2 is designed to be a
replacement for the DOS Path command. This
shareware utility can create PATHS UP TO
1024 CHARACTERS long. Patha makes modifying
the current path VERY SIMPLE. Patha allows
the user to EDIT the path before or after
the desired changes are made. The user can
eaisly reset the path to its default value.
PATHM40.ZIP Yes 100050 05-14-93
Path Master v4.0: path utility; choose your
path from a menu, configure 20 paths, add a
directory, delete one, and use your mouse;
PCGURD20.ZIP Yes 61512 03-20-93
PC-Guard v2.0: unique, menu-driven screen
saver & password protection system; password
protection keeps logs of any violations;
enables you to create custom screens;
built-in siren to warn off violators; mouse
support & more
PCS211C.ZIP Yes 95153 05-19-93
PC-Sentry v2�11C: collection of small memory
resident utilities to provide various levels
of system security and automatic, transparent
logging of system activity; daily logs are
maintained; 05/19/93; Solid Oak Software,
PD0457.ZIP Yes 3645 02-03-93
Microsoft Application Note For DOS Containing
Information On Himem.sys' "Error: Unable To
Control A20 Line" Error Message;
PD0471.ZIP Yes 2415 03-24-93
Microsoft Application Note For DOS Containing
An Explanation Of The Wina20.386
PD0473.ZIP Yes 1699 03-24-93
For DOS Containing Information On Installing
DOS From Drive-B; 03/24/93; Microsoft Corp.
PD0743.ZIP Yes 1973 03-05-93 MS-DOS 6.0 Installation and Partition Q&A
PD0744.ZIP Yes 4673 03-05-93 MS-DOS 6.0 General Installation Q&A
PD0745.ZIP Yes 2767 03-05-93 MS-DOS 6.0 DoubleSpace Q&A
PD0746.ZIP Yes 3292 03-05-93 MS-DOS 6.0 MemMaker Q&A
PD0747.ZIP Yes 3650 03-05-93 MS-DOS 6.0 Configuration Q&A
PD0748.ZIP Yes 2999 03-05-93 MS-DOS 6.0 Other Commands and Programs Q&A
PD0771.ZIP Yes 5966 03-22-93
PD0771.TXT 22147 Repartitioning Your
Hard Disk to Upgrade to MS-DOS 6.0
PD0785.ZIP Yes 3654 03-09-93
Microsoft Application Note For DOS Containing
Information On Upgrading Dr DOS To Ms-DOS 6;
03/09/93; Microsoft Corp.
PDEL11.ZIP Yes 21161 01-18-93
PDelete v1.1 from Tessler's Nifty Tools v3.0
The PERMANENT files deletion specialist!
PEACH93.ZIP Yes 47051 05-08-93
Peachville Software Package 1993
File Manager, Scientific Calculator and
Autoexec.Bat manager -- well done Shareware
PGP22.ZIP Yes 209409 03-07-93
3/93 release of PGP - Outstanding
freeware encryption pgm.
PGPSHE21.ZIP Yes 65838 05-21-93 Front end for PGP public key encryption�
POPASC.ZIP Yes 1959 04-21-93 TSR ASCII chart for EGA/VGA-based systems;
PRMPTMDB.ZIP Yes 212555 02-17-93 Summary of corrections to Prompt.db MS Access
QCD3.ZIP Yes 25817 02-22-93 Quick Change Directory v3.0 Enhances DOS cd
QINFO51.ZIP Yes 125904 05-07-93
Qinfo 5�1 Super Little Utility For Anyone Who
Needs to Maintain Their PC� Supports Large
Netware Volumes, Shows Cpu Benchmark, Totals
Disk Space, Memory And Much More!
QUOTE100.ZIP Yes 57141 04-25-93
Quote v1.00 - displays a humorous quote every
time you boot up. Can use tagline data or
command line. Bragware!
RAMLT10.ZIP Yes 15384 04-11-93
RAMdisk activity on-screen indicator;tiny TSR
Requires only 848 bytes when resident and
monitoring one drive; 48 bytes add'l for ea.
add'l drive monitored. 4/93.
RENDIR10.ZIP Yes 6023 03-16-93 Rename Directory v1.0 full version $5 reg
RITM254.ZIP Yes 280570 05-28-93
RighTime v2.54: Precision Learning CMOS/DOS
Clock Corrector. Corrects system warm and
cold. Will also work with TimeSet v7.10+
RSS30.ZIP Yes 27751 04-22-93
Rss 3�0 - Ron's Smart Search - Fast Logic
RUNWN21S.ZIP Yes 54800 05-13-93
RunWen v2�1 The BEST Bootup Program Scheduler
! New version 2�1 fixes the infamous
"February" bug� You'll never find a better
shareware Bootup Program Scheduler�
SCR11.ZIP Yes 17391 03-07-93 Changes a file into a DEBUG script
SEEM265.ZIP Yes 22313 01-16-93
One of the better memory checker types
showing everything about your memory
SETBEP11.ZIP Yes 11722 01-18-93
SetBeep v1.1: TSR pgm that will set the beep
character's (ASCII decimal 7 or control-G)
duration to a user specified value; 01/18/93;
SETER125.ZIP Yes 27240 01-18-93
SetEr v1.25 - allows user to set an error
level from the command line or a batch file.
SETER155.ZIP Yes 30620 05-31-93
SetEr v� 1�45 is a program which will allow
the user to set an errorlevel from the
command line or a batch file� Registration is
only $6�00� SDN�
SHOWF250.ZIP Yes 31001 05-18-93
Showfat V2.50: Showfat Is A Diagnostic
Utility That Graphically Displays The
Physical Layout Of The Files On A Disk.
SHROM23A.ZIP Yes 21208 02-26-93
SHROOM v2.3a: intercepts DOS application's
shell, frees up the memory, then shells;
detects disk full; fully configurable.
SNOOZE10.ZIP Yes 18217 05-22-93
Snooze v1.0: TSR clock with a snooze alarm
that will pop up at the approriate time in
whatever pgm you are in, play a tune, etc
SOSTB.ZIP Yes 214641 05-19-93
Solid Oak Software's DOS Tool Box. 76 utils
for batch file enhancement, command line
operations, PC and network administration,
process automation, and more. Literally 100's
of uses and functions - many unique. $25 reg.
SPC58.ZIP Yes 29801 05-04-93
SPC v5.8: provides complete multidrive
analysis, RAM/Ext/EMS, keyboard, comm, video,
peripherals, DOS verify, Share, network type
if any, id's CPU/NCP, speed indices for
processor and NCP (Norton based) - result on
graph, with redirectional output; much more;
SPKT452S.ZIP Yes 277596 01-18-93
SpeedKit v4.52: Disk cache (Hyperdisk),
keyboard & screen utils. The cache can use
286 or 386 extended, XMS, EMS or conventional
memory and supports staged (delayed) writes
for very fast operation. Shares memory under
MS-Win 3.1.
SPLIT60F.ZIP Yes 30763 05-23-93
SPLIT v6�0F: divides a file, at specified
points, into smaller files and can re-unite
them back into the original file, if needed;
can be processed as either binary or text
files; 05/23/93; Mike Dingacci�
SRDSK204.ZIP Yes 70800 05-19-93 *RAM* SRDisk v2.04 Resizable RAM Disk...
SSHOT110.ZIP Yes 46739 04-06-93
SnapShot version 1.10 - A Software
Installation Aid Utility. This program takes
a snapshot of all the files and directories
on your hard disk(s). It is designed to be
run before installing a new software package
and again after the package has been
installed. Detailed reports on any/all change
STAMPER.ZIP Yes 22933 03-23-93
STAMPER v1�0 by Haruyasu Yoshizaki Need to
date stamp a file or group of files?
STATUSX.ZIP Yes 82238 03-31-93
From Gayle Davis Software..Complete Status Of
Your Pc. 20 Pages Of Data. ).
STOW201.ZIP Yes 243876 04-30-93
Stowaway from Patri-Soft! A true archival
system for the PC which frees hard disk space
by moving old or inactive files to floppy dis
Stowaway features data compression, auto disk
formatting, and EASY restore! (Version 2.00)
STRDEL.ZIP Yes 307 02-12-93
String Delete For Dos - Wildcards Allowed
From Pcworld ).
SUTL.ZIP Yes 17675 03-01-93
Collection of Utilities for DOS that begin
with 'S' - scroll, slow, sweep, etc
SW200MAR.ZIP Yes 17599 05-12-93
-!! !!-!! A DOS Stop Watch !!-! Utility to
time events !- SW.exe = StopWatch 2.00 -SW
SW_44B.ZIP Yes 65328 04-23-93
SW v4.4B: enhanced BAT file util that will
eliminate ECHO statements and make your batch
files come alive; puts your messages in full
color windows, up to 5 lines in length;
SYSCHK35.ZIP Yes 70809 01-28-93
SYSCHK v2.35 - System checkout utility for
your personal computer. Very thorough review
of your PC.
SYSMANV1.ZIP Yes 37775 02-20-93
New From The Cheap Utilities People A System
Configuration Manager That Will Give You Up
To 7 Different Configurations For Your
Config.Sys And Autoexec.Bat Files And
Automaticly Reboot The System With The New
TECH30.ZIP Yes 5042 04-06-93 Stacker0 Tech Note Updates From Cis. ).
TESTF121.ZIP Yes 16295 03-15-93
TESTIF v1.21: tests the system & returns DOS
error codes that can be used to control the
execution of .BAT files; Computer Tyme
TIDY10.ZIP Yes 23947 02-26-93
Tidy v1.0: DOS DELete variant that lets
you specify the relative age of the files to
DEL; and will delete all files in a dir
without first asking if it's ok, so it can be
used w/in a BATch file; includes a TOUCH
utility which will update the time stamp of
specified file(s) to the current time
TM20.ZIP Yes 7004 03-19-93
TM v2.0: very simple replacement for Norton's
"TM" cmd w/TP source; 03/19/93;
TOTRE.ZIP Yes 22270 05-09-93
TOTRE Utilities are two very handy programs�
TO�EXE is simply the fastest and best
directory changer around� FTREE�EXE goes
beyond your typical tree program� It displays
the space used in each directory and
subdirectory� Fully Functional ASP Sharware�
TSET72.ZIP Yes 170073 05-28-93
TimeSet v7.20: Gets accurate time by phone
from 5 atomic time services on 2 continents,
also from computers running TimeGen (incl.),
which generates time signals in USNO format
Interactive with RighTime v2.5+ CMOS and DOS
DOS clock corrector. Configurable. $40 reg.
TXTREAD1.ZIP Yes 51238 06-11-93
TXTREAD1.EXE is a TSR which is used to read
text files on ANY drive while running _
another program! Requires 400k free on _
drive C: It takes only 4k ram when popped
down. If you are a dos user get this today.
This is a MUST HAVE! only $15.00
UECHO.ZIP Yes 8281 04-12-93
Unix-like echo utility featuring no carriage
returns, octal notation printing, alert.
ULTRA20.ZIP Yes 79237 04-23-93
85 Utilities combined here - encrypt, manage
your batch files, make sounds, and more. 56
UMBFIL13.ZIP Yes 5008 04-05-93
UMBFILES Version 1.3 Now 25% smaller. Save up
to 15K of conventional memory. Places File
Table into Upper Memory Area. For DOS 5.0 or
above and a 386 or above. Includes a .COM and
.EXE versions and Docs.
UNP310.ZIP Yes 24882 06-01-93
UNP V3.10 Executable file expander
Uncompresses files compressed with
other file compression utilities. And convert
COM to EXE and vice versa, optimize EXE
headers and remove overlay data from EXEs
UPDAT2.ZIP Yes 3735 05-10-93
Second Mitsumi Update ADD driver. This one
seems to fix the GPF's.
V12N04.ZIP Yes 73108 01-26-93
PCMAG Feb utilities to enclude a great defrag
program that will speed-up a slow hard disk!
V12N06.ZIP Yes 67233 03-03-93 PC Magazine Utilities/Programs. v12 # 6
VERS11.ZIP Yes 11510 01-18-93
VERS11 from Tessler's Nifty Tools v3.0
allows you to set which version of DOS you
want to use.
VMIX285.ZIP Yes 262781 05-05-93
Multi-tasking/user shell for '286s &
especially '386s. V2.85 Incompatible with
other protected mode managers (e.g., QEMM,
etc.). Shareware version no longer limited?
VOL12N11.ZIP Yes 206069 05-13-93
Pc MAGAZINE Utilities � Volume 12 - Issue
WAITFOR.ZIP Yes 10264 04-14-93
Waitfor Is An Improvement Over The DOS Pause
Command; Specify Delay In Seconds From
Command-Line; Great For Your Autoexec.bat
WCED17F.ZIP Yes 26545 04-28-93
Dos filename completion utility - just like
tcsh on unix. Also suppports aliases,
command history, and OS/2 dos shells as well
as Win 3.1 dos shells.
WHEN33.ZIP Yes 12670 04-04-93 WHEN v3.3 - A TSR delayed activation utility.
WIZ114.ZIP Yes 20221 04-02-93 Quick diectory finder v. 1.14
WOUT10.ZIP Yes 37114 06-07-93
Waititout V1�0: This Command Line Utility Is
Designed To Accomplish Several Small, But
Needed Tasks� It Is Capable Of Waiting A
Specified Number Of Minutes, Waiting Until A
Specified File Exists (With Optional Delete)
And Creating A File� Excellent For Task/
Batch Timing On A Network�
WRITE211.ZIP Yes 16405 03-20-93
WRITE v2.1-Color ECHO replacement [ASP]
Prints full color text anywhere on screen.
Much more flexible than DOS ECHO statement.
Can also display text files.
WT210_1.ZIP Yes 226677 04-15-93
** WazTree V2.10 Directory Utility Plus **
WT210-1.zip PART 1 Waztree Main program
WT210_2.ZIP Yes 117238 04-15-93
** WazTree V2.10 Directory Utility Plus **
WT210-2.zip PART 2 Modem comm program
WT210_3.ZIP Yes 66932 04-15-93
** WazTree V2.10 Directory Utility Plus **
WT210-3.zip PART 3 Voice dial program
WT210_4.ZIP Yes 39824 04-15-93
** WazTree V2.10 Directory Utility Plus **
WT210-4.zip PART 4 Waztree misc files
XMORE103.ZIP Yes 19033 05-18-93
XMORE v1.03: simple utility to allow you to
use Vern Buerg's LIST pgm (the finest text
file view utility you can get) to view piped
(redirected) material;
XRBOOT10.ZIP Yes 40654 03-06-93
ReBOOT-NOT! V1.0: simple utility that allows
you to trap the keyboard re-boot sequence of
YESNO21.ZIP Yes 31221 03-29-93
YESORNO Decision Utility v2.1 - Displays
your text prompt. Default answer is used
after a selectable time. Clears the screen if
selected. More features available if
registered. ie colors sound and borders.
YZUTIL11.ZIP Yes 851 03-29-93
YZ-Tools v1.1: simple DOS device drivers that
allow you to speed up your computer by 10%,
and another that generates an annoying bell;
_MASSOC.ZIP Yes 222323 02-09-93
����[ Multiple Assoc. V1.0 Fraley Comp ]��Ŀ
�M.A.Is A Unique Utility Designed To Work ��
�With Any File Manager Permitting Associ- ��
�Ation. Dos(Bat) And Windows Versions. You ��
�Can Associate Each File Ext.With 100 Diff.��
�Programs! A Separate List Is Built For ��
�Each Ext. Printer Access. Req:dos 5.0 ,Hd ��
_MOVEIT.ZIP Yes 25089 02-01-93
A Neat Program To Move Files, Rather Than
Copy Them And Then Delete Them...