53 files found in Library "File Processing"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
BINCON10.ZIP No 40682 02-12-93
Programmer's Utility to Convert Any File to A
Linkable List.
BRNGM191.ZIP Yes 37517 04-19-93
Copy It Over Here - copies/redirects with
"CH filename" command....
CDISK701.EXE No 347315 05-21-93
CATDISK v7.01 - Disk Catalog System - A
friendly, powerful program that maintains a
library of files in your disk collection.
Supports all major archive file formats.
DISKFILL automates and optimizes offloading
files to floppies and catalogs them. DUPCLEAN
cleans up duplicate or redundant files. See
CDSK701D.EXE for a protected-mode version.
Uploaded by: Mike Haney
CDSK701D.EXE No 181697 05-21-93
CATDISK/D v7.01 - Disk Catalog System -
DPMI-compliant version of the CATDISK program
itself. Runs in protected mode to use
extended memory. Has higher capacity to
facilitate CD-ROMS and large hard drives. You
need the standard version for documentation
and other utilities (avail as CDISK701.EXE)
Uploaded by: Mike Haney
COPYWA.ZIP Yes 22114 04-23-93
Programmer's Tool - matching source filespec
file utility. Tessler Nifty Tool
CTRL3_73.ZIP Yes 57302 06-18-93 Control3 7.3 Short And Fast File Manager.
CUDM372.ZIP Yes 271899 01-02-93
v 3.7 Colorado Utilities Disk Manager
Quick catalog, update, & query every
file on all disks, diskettes, and CD-Roms.
Retrieve by user assigned category. Multiple
wild card and imbedded string queries. 410
character comment for each catalog entry.
Supports 22 printer types. Output user define
192 characters on scrollable line. Menu drive
4000+ entries. Plus (retail) version uses EMS
$47 + s/h. Upl/auth: Fred Hill
D11.ZIP Yes 65330 04-16-93
D lets you manipulate directories, files, and
archives in an intuitive and direct way. D
provides all standard file operations,
directory operations, and archive operations,
and also provides several advanced features.
DFC10.ZIP Yes 36810 05-02-93
DFC is a file comparison utility with a
SIDE by SIDE display - w/options. Good!
DIFDIR16.ZIP Yes 9733 03-16-93
DIFDIR byte-compares any directory on any
drive with the current directory. Files are
grouped (and can be sorted) into those
unique to the current directory, those
unique to the second directory, and those
common to both.
DIFF101.ZIP Yes 34160 05-17-93
DIFF v1.01 - DOS File Comparison Utility
side by side display of text files. options
DUBLTK25.ZIP Yes 122222 05-31-93
DoubleTake Professional v2.5: Side-by-side
file browse & compare utl; formerly GoodLook
Includes full ASCII & HEX modes, string
searches, find next mismatch, block & write
to a file, full zoom mode & more. Powerful!
D_CHK102.ZIP Yes 8807 03-27-93
Compare date-time stamps on two files. Return
errorlevel based on parameters. And More!
ER302.ZIP Yes 204753 04-29-93
EDITRAND v3.02 - EditRand is a data file
editor capable of editing any data file whose
records are all the same length. Flat files,
dBASE III, or any with proprietary header.
Max file size 2 GB. Max record 3600 bytesVGA
FB302.ZIP Yes 202927 03-25-93
File Buddy ver 3.02 A unique file viewing
utility. Supports Ascii, Dbase, Arc, Arj, LZh
Pak, Zip, Bif, Gif, Pcx, Targa. Dbase support
includes database management and report
writer. Archiver, extracter, deleter, can
print images to laser printer, etc..
FCHOP2.ZIP Yes 34640 01-22-93
FChop/FBuild v2.0: utility that will either
break up a large file into smaller files, or
recombine the chopped files into the original
FF148.ZIP Yes 21382 04-08-93
File Find Utility v. 1.48 for OS/2 2.0.
32-bit command line application. Search for
files on HPFS or FAT partitions. Smaller and
faster than before. Freeware.
FFF402.ZIP Yes 16400 01-12-93 Fast File Find(er) v4.02 - Shareware classic
FILED353.ZIP Yes 15911 05-15-93
FILEDUMP 3�53 File/Record - Dump/Viewer/
Extract Utility Allows viewing any MS-DOS
file in ASCII, HEX, or EBCDIC output is to
screen, printer, or disk file�
FP10.ZIP Yes 9320 02-06-93
FP - Find In Path v1.0: pgm that will search
a DOS path in the same way DOS would, but
instead of executing the program, it will
"list" all occurrences of the program, "in
the order" that DOS would find them, so if
you have multiple versions of a pgm (e.g. A
COM and EXE version), it will list them in
the order that DOS would find them.
FPICK23A.ZIP Yes 23829 03-29-93
FPICK v2.3A: util for providing a file
picklist capability in a batch file
FWKCS120.ZIP Yes 524942 05-28-93
FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System, 1.20.
1993 May 28. Powerful Platform: Contents_
Signature functions. Sorting. Auto Text
Interp, Split Testing, Powerful New Client /
Host Configuration (registered only). Block
dupes. Remote cs search. Very Fast. Typical
Pairwise Statistical Error Rate Less Than One
Part In Ten Trillion. AVs. Paths. Cleanup.
Many other features. To install, unzip whole
FWKLU120.ZIP Yes 95386 05-28-93
FWKLU120.ZIP remote Lookup kit for use
with FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System
Ver. 1.20, 1993 May 28. This kit helps you
save time and money: Use it to get complete
zipfiles from the huge collections giant
BBS's running FWKCS(TM) have - by matching
1 file, even if misnamed. Avoid uploading
files they already have. Typical Pairwise
Statistical Error Rate Less Than One Part
In Ten Trillion.
JSFB4B10.ZIP Yes 36607 03-06-93 JSF-B4B v1.0 - BTYE-4-BYTE FILE COMPARISON
KWS133.ZIP Yes 25046 04-23-93
KEYWORD SEARCH v1.33 - Do AND/OR searches on
text & binary files. Prefix, suffix, whole
word, case sensitive, & fuzzy searches, on-
screen highlighting, subdirectory scan, more
reads&converts Unix & Mac text files, accepts
4DOS 256-char cmdlines, more. Shareware $20.
LKUP102A.ZIP Yes 11623 03-07-93 Find a File over ALL drives, even networked!
MAEST30A.ZIP Yes 116649 05-01-93
Maestro Pro v3�00: DOS file manager with ten
color coded sort modes, ten pre-built color
schemes, can display 372 files on-screen
auto-switch & hotkeys [1/3]
MAEST30B.ZIP Yes 58803 04-29-93 Maestro Pro v3.0: DOS file manager [2/3]
MAEST30C.ZIP Yes 172097 04-29-93 Maestro Pro v3�00: DOS file manager [3/3]
MERGE67.ZIP Yes 49443 05-23-93
MERGE v6.7 - merges 2 ANSI/ASCII files to a
third, final file. New version adds better
screen I/O and error fixes. Does not require
BRUNxx.EXE to run. From K & B Enterprises
MOVE_11.ZIP Yes 10303 03-22-93 Move! V1.1 Easily copy files between Dirs
PREXCM20.ZIP Yes 28334 05-30-93
Protect! EXE/COM v.2.0 - Encrypts your EXE &
COM files and leaves them executable! CHECKS
it runs, making this the most secure program!
Needs LZEXE or PKLite to compress EXE files.
PUTTIME.ZIP Yes 7590 03-14-93 Put time in files
QCOPY333.ZIP Yes 55383 06-06-93
QUIKCOPY v3�33 Quick file and diskette copier
for DOS� Copy or move any files and/or
directories in batches (including system or
hidden)� One-pass diskette copying of ANY
format! Maximal usage of available memory�
Diskette image-files, batch-copying,
formatting and verification supported�
Multitasker and disk-cache friendly!
REL10B.ZIP Yes 9389 03-14-93
"RELOCATE" files to another directory. (1.0b)
This program saves you time by eliminating
the "copy" + "del" sequence, and combining
them into one step. Program lists files as
they are relocated. If duplicate files are
found in the target directory, Relocate will
prompt you to overwrite, so you won't
accidentally write over important data.
RVB101.ZIP Yes 7825 03-31-93
RVB-RView Batch v1.01: simple utility that
will return a unique errorlevel code based on
archive format; supports ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH,
LZS, PAK, SQZ, ZIP and ZOO; 03/31/93; Raymond
T. Kaya.
RWDIR.ZIP Yes 20065 04-23-93
Keeps track/list of read/writable files on
your system. Programmers Tool
SAFECOPY.ZIP Yes 1624 03-25-93 Copies files to target, deletes source file.
SEE300.ZIP Yes 122323 03-15-93
SEE v3.00 -- FREEWARE File Viewer/Printer
You'll ask yourself, "How can a commercial
quality program like this be FREEWARE!?"
SEE lists files of any size in hex or text.
Supports LPT1 to LPT9. Fully configable, easy
SLK.ZIP Yes 12601 04-07-93
Sleek v3.3 - Text file reformatter,
word wrapper.
SNDZBAK.ZIP Yes 22433 03-28-93
SndZBak A back up system for use with Unicorn
Software's SoundZ program. Freeware.
SPLIT60E.ZIP Yes 29611 05-17-93
SPLIT v6.0E: divides a file, at specified
points, into smaller files and can re-unite
them back into the original file, if needed;
can be processed as either binary or text
SPLT_BAT.ZIP Yes 6412 03-26-93
This ZIP contains two batch files, Test.BAT
and EDIT.BAT. TEST.BAT is a batch routine
which splits a filename into its component
parts: Pathname, Filename, and extension.
EDIT.BAT uses this routine in conjunction
with DOS's EDIT.COM to create a backup file
for each edited file.
SSV10.ZIP Yes 130952 04-20-93
S3 Smart Viewer - determines the correct file
viewer to run based on the file extension
that is passed to it.
TAD126.ZIP Yes 39445 06-01-93
Time And Date (TAD) Version 1.26 allows
changing the time and date on files.
TAD supports wildcards, keeps logs,
For batch processing a quiet mode is
included. Registration $10.00. SMSnet SDN
TDATE120.ZIP Yes 55093 03-17-93 Set Archive File Date to True Date in File.
WHCH20GR.ZIP Yes 29787 05-03-93
WHICH v2�02 for DOS/OS/2 (like UNIX csh); w/C
Use to locate named executables wherever they
may be in the PATH (including�BATs and
OS/2�CMDs)� Runs under DOS, OS/2, MS-Win�
FREE & with C source�
WIZ27.ZIP Yes 35161 04-22-93
WIZ v2.7 - Lightning fast, multi-disk file
finder. Full wildcards--better than DOS's.
Scans multiple disks, and within archives.
across networks, incl. Novell & Lantastic.
XPNDTB20.ZIP Yes 21197 04-16-93
EXPNDTAB v2.0: copies the file matching the
source filespec to the destination filespec
w/any source file [TAB] characters expanded
into space characters into the destination
file; .
ZDIFF12.ZIP Yes 25609 05-25-93
ZDIFF v1�2: comparison utility that enables
you to compare a pair of archives, or a pair
of directories, or an archive & a directory;
05/25/93; Christophe Dubourg�
ZDIR.ZIP Yes 20055 04-23-93
Reports the KBytes contained in the files
matching the filespec_to_scan. Programmers.