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There will be a chance to cry over some environmental damage for profit. Roses can be exchanged, and offerings are in at altars. Chase Merith with gusto. Let Herman handle the tools and don't cross over the bridge until Herman handles that too. THAT DARM DRAGON The answer to a ticklish problem is found only after life has been restored to the wastelands. A trio of seedy nuts provide a hole lot of fun. Health can be restored to all creatures in Kyrandia. Gemology and mania for birthstones will serve the adventurer well. A full set of birthstones can be collected and stored at the alter. The Sunstone is first, the Ruby is last, and the two stones in the middle are random for each game. Save after using the Sunstone and try a seasonal sequence for the two middle stones. A return trip to the home forest might be needed to find exactly the right combination. Toot back to Darm and pay close attention to the dragon - just for kicks. TWERP TOSS After mixing it up with Malcolm the Maddener over the relative merits of his mama's taste, a swift use of a ghetto toothpick and some cool jazz will allow entry to the toughest part of Kyrandia, a serpentine grotto of darkness and sudden death. This is the section of the game that requires a map - or an inordinate amount of luck! I saved the game before entering each new room, and had to restore at least half of the time. Bring all of the leftover gems, fruit, flowers and goodies to the grotto entrance for storage and save before entering. The grotto is eight rooms high and sixteen rooms wide. Square 1,1 is the South East corner of an 8,16 grid. The entrance places the adventurer at 5,1. Once the grate clanks shut, a complete set of stones will be needed to exit. the trick to navigating safely in the cave is to carry lighted fireberries into each room and leave one to light the way. Darkness always results in a glaring death. Fireberries are fragile and can travel only three rooms before becoming powerless. Fireberry Bushes are located at 6,1; 5,4; 4,5; 6,7; 4,9; 7,10; 4,11; 2,11; 4,13; 6,15; and 3,15. The altar room is at 7,9. Rocks are found in several rooms, the Key room is at 3,15 and and emerald can be found at 5,14. Wishful thinking will serve success and complete exploration of every room can only be done after chasm crossings become mundane. CAULDRON CUISINE Zanthia wants what every amulet needs - be selfish and generous. Global warming should be a chilling experience. Learn to cook up some sparkling potions: one blue; one yellow; and two reds. I never found a cookbook, but the combinations required are Sapphire/Blueberry, Emerald/Tulip, and Garnet/Orchid. There appears to be an unlimited supply of flask available, just pop in and out of the cabin a few times and an empty appears. A stockpile of each color potion will allow some fun experimentation. After making like a rabbit, take a batch of potions to the crystal blender which is South, South, East, South, South, West, and North of the woodside trapdoor. Potions can be sacrificed to yield Purple and Orange concoctions, useful for transformation or transportation. Another spot of interest can be reached from the same trapdoor by stepping North, North, East, East, East, and North. I never found out how to use the rainbow stone hidden in the tree stump. The stolen chalice can be recovered by playing Alice with a purple passion. The thief is a poor little soul that can't reach ripe fruit for himself so be charitable. Remain in the cups until the endgame. To move onto the castle and final confrontations, the chalice, an orchid and glass of juice are required. Save the game and try to fly out to the castle as a wisp for real thrill! Alteration and a fantastic flight land the adventurer in a sad but beneficial plight. MOTHER SAYS A really good boy is neither seen nor heard. This section of the game, inside the castle, is quite devious and the animation is terrfic. I had a blast running around the balconies and searching everywhere. There is quite a collection of junk available. Only two items are critical to success at the end, a crown and a scepter both are hidden, like a purloined letter, obviously. The Kitchen will provide something to wield and the Library, something to wear. In the Library, the avid scholar will succeed when the selections are open and orderly. Do grab the hat before entering the passageway. Only the bluish can pass through the arch, and only the careful searcher will find that loose stone in the floor. BALCONY BROWSE Scoot around the balcony and check out every doorway. I was able to find and take at least one thing from each room, but found no use for any of the knick- knacks. Don't let Herman saw you, and note that healing can have very restful effect on folks. Once the savage beast is quieted, step into his room and play a happy tune on the chimes. The correct sequence of notes, Do-Fa-Mi-Ra, will reveal a key part of the puzzle. The enterances to the endgame chamber are at the North West corner of the grand hall on the ground floor of the castle. Correct placement of the Scepter, Crown and Chalice will trigger the endgame sequence. Save the game before placing any of them since thay can not be removed from their cushions. Left side, Scepter; Middle, Crown; Right side, Chalice. When the door opens, enter the gem chamber and disappear quickly which will leave Malcolm to reflect upon his own tricks. This will also cure the Kyragem and trigger the endgame show. A really neat and satisfying conclusion to a good game.... Until next time. `Xsword'