X-WING SPACE COMBAT SIMULATOR Mission Notes compiled by Hoang Pham & Jim Kerr These cover the specifics of the more challenging missions. For general how-to's, refer to GENERAL.TXT. These are not "solves," but as tips to make playing X-Wing less time-consuming. There is still no substitute for being a good joystick wiggler. Also, these detail but one way to get through the missions; there are other ways to accomplish the same thing. Pilot Proving Ground: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For mazes #1-6, set to full speed, lasers to increased recharge, and shields to normal (for the A-Wing, also set shields to increased recharge to slow it down to 90). For mazes #7-8, bump shields up a notch to increased recharge (max recharge for the A-Wing), since there is more hostile fire and you also want to go slower to let your system recharge more. Siphon as much laser energy into shields as possible, as the gun emplacements can be destroyed with one shot even at the lower power level. Use single-fire to conserve power. For the Y-Wing, it may be better to use the ion cannons instead of the lower-situated lasers. The key to passing the mazes is destroying the gun emplacements. This is especially true for maze #4 (the 3-minute one), where you need the time bonus, and for mazes #7 & 8, where it's a matter of sheer survival. For a 6-gun platform, you should be able to destroy 4 guns (the 2 up front, and one each in the middle and rear of the platform) on the average. With familiarity, 6-out-of-6 is achievable with the A-Wing and Y-Wing. This means that precision, one-shot-per-target shooting is essential. Remember to rotate to align yourself to the platform for the approach. Visualize your path across the platform, and shoot targets that are on the same side as the shooting laser/cannon to have as straight a path as possible. Learn how to "rock" the ship to hit both targets (by using a gun on each side) as you fly by. Each Rebel ship has its own weapons characteristics. The X-Wing has its guns set far apart, so the closer the target is, the closer the actual aim point is to the gun (one of the 4 red dots) rather than the center. Visualize 4 diagonal lines going from the center to the 4 guns. When you aim, the target should be at a certain point on one of those lines, and not the center. The Y-Wing has its guns very close together, so you can aim pretty much to the center (unless the target is very close) and still be able to hit the target. The A-Wing is like a X-Wing with 2 guns. All these are relevant for single-shot precision shooting only. In combat, you'd want to use dual/linked fire. Historical Missions: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X-Wing #3: Satellites Near Coruscant -- A primer in mine clearing. Target the 2 transports with dual-fire torps and kill them before getting to the mines. Refer to GENERAL.TXT for mine-clearing procedure. Destroy the comm sats last. You can't skip the mines, as destroying them is part of the mission objective. You're under time pressure, since a frigate will hyper in and mess you up before long. X-Wing #5: Rescue at Mon Calamari -- The two vessels containing the Calamari slaves are the freighter and one of the two containers on the left side of the map. Destroy all the objects closest to you (on the right hand side), including the tugs, then make your way over to ID the freighter & container. After clearing out the dogfighting TIEs, then move toward the STD as you intercept all T/F's and T/B's coming therefrom. They will be aiming for the freighter. Don't let the T/B's get close enough (5-6 klicks) to launch their torps at the freighter. This is a rather long mission, as the rescue freighters are taking their own sweet time and won't be done until the last 2-3 minutes of the mission. Y-Wing #2: Y-Wing Gunnery Practice -- This looks easy, but can be a tricky mission. You need to stay around the freighter and shoot any TIE that tries to dock with it. If one successfully docks, then you have to replay the mission. The old maxim, "Shoot Anything That Moves," is especially true here. Check the map frequently to check all ships' positions. The two TIE groups next to the two containers won't move, so you can move to destroy these. Y-Wing #3: S.O.S. From Twi'lek Corvette Karinne -- You need to kill the Beta & Gamma T/B waves ASAP, then max discharge both your lasers & shields, switch to single-fire torps, and go after the Alpha wave, which is heading toward the corvette you're assigned to protect. Y-Wing #5: Escape From Mytus VII -- You have 2 minutes of game time to kill the docked Imperial transport before it captures the freighter. When the frigate comes, wait around the disabled freighter for incoming TIEs. Let the wingman do whatever he can, then pick off any TIE that gets through. Use dual torps on the other 2 transports. Y-Wing #6: Interception & Capture -- The last shuttle in the target chain (when you press 'T' to cycle) is the one you want. Destroy all the rest with lasers or torps. When you are in among them, slow to 1/3 to be able to follow them. Then disable the last shuttle with ion cannons and ID it for rescue purposes. A-Wing #6: Deep Space Reconnaisance -- After max'ing your shield, set shields & lasers to normal for best speed. Go down the target chain when ID'ing containers, so you won't miss any. The TIEs are hidden in the last two, and you need to destroy at least 50% of the Alpha & Beta T/F groups to satisfy mission objectives (meaning just target these two groups, then boogie on out after you're done). Tour of Duty I: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mission 2: Reconnaissance Mission -- Use max discharge for lasers and increased recharge for shields; this will give enough speed to outrun the pursuing TIEs. Buzz all targets to ID them. Remember to cycle through the targets to make sure you didn't miss any. The STD is the last ship to show up. When ID'ing corvettes, fly at an oblique course to them to avoid being hit by fire. But for the true Rebel pilot, why just look when you have functioning lasers?! So you have no missiles, big deal, you'd just have to toy with your victims a little longer! Finish your mission objective, then DESTROY EVERYTHING!! Show the Imperial tin-cans what "reconnaissance in force" really means! [Seriously, this is the closest to a no-win scenario there is in X-Wing, and is the ultimate test of a Rebel pilot's mettle to deal with the Imperial horde--one STD, three frigates, and oodles of corvettes--and in only an underpowered, underarmed A-Wing. If you can actually wipe out the strike force singlehandedly (remember to send the hubby/wifey out for pizza for between breaks), then you can justly claim to bragging rights as Jedi El Supremo, and the whole of X-Wing playerdom will fall to their knees to pay homage to your greatness. Do you have what it takes to be Papa Jedi?] Mission 3: Fly Point During Evacuation -- Don't be distracted by the T/F's, as the T/B's are your first priority. Hull-damage the T/B's (4 hits, not 3) to make them run back to the STD. Don't worry about having one or two T/F's slipping by, as there is a Y-Wing flying close support for the 3 shuttles. You can also send your wingman after them for added safety. After the 3 shuttles are safe in hyperspace, go for the jugular and take out the STD with the torps you've saved up to now. If you chickened out in #2, here is your chance to redeem yourself with a (relatively) easy kill, as TIE protection will be minimal. Mission 4: Protect Medical Frigate -- Max out your shields, then set both lasers & shield for normal settings. Target the corvette as it hypers in and turn directly away from it, going full speed. Intercept the first T/B wave coming from the southeast and kill them ASAP. Use lasers and try to knock out at least one on the initial pass. If you fail, then try to ram one. After the first pass, set lasers to max and slow to 2/3 speed while targetting the 2nd & 3rd T/B's. [Another alternative is to lock a torp onto a T/B in the initial head-on pass. In dogfights, however, the time it takes for a torp lock is probably longer than just shooting the T/B with lasers. You be the judge.] After destroying all T/B's, transfer all laser energy to shields and set lasers to max discharge (shields should be at normal) and fly toward the corvette at full speed. Switch to target the 2nd wave of T/B's when they come out from the northwest. When at about 2.5 klicks away from them, set lasers back to max recharge, and funnel some shield energy back into lasers to have boosted power for shooting. Use the same tactic as with the first wave. You need to intercept and destroy at least one of the T/B's before they can launch their torps at the corvette (about 5-6 klicks out). After this, then just dogfight the rest of the T/F's. A way to cheat in this mission is to target the shuttles and press Shft-H to tell them to head home, thus not having to worry about them being destroyed by the T/F's. Mission 6: Raid for R2 Units -- Concentrate on the pirate shuttles & transports, as these are shooting at the freighter/shuttle, and the pirate Y-Wings are flying cover (i.e. shooting at you). Remember that 'R' doesn't target shuttles & transports, only fighters, so you need to refer to the map now and then. Assuming a speed of 90, slow to 2/3 to deal with Y-Wings, and 1/3 for shuttles & transports. Mission 7: Recover Stolen X-Wings -- Your assigned X-Wing to be disabled is X-Wing #2. Your wingmen will handle #1 & #3. Intercept the T/I's at about 3-4 klicks out from the X-Wings. Check the map frequently to see if any T/I had slipped past. Quickly target any that has with a torp, before it moves out of range. The torp will probably not kill the T/I, but it will force it into evasive maneuvers, enabling you to catch up and destroy it. Mission 8: Rescue Sullustan Tech Staff -- There is a hard way and an easy way to play this mission. For wimpsters, here's the easy way: The #4 & #11 TRNs (or #4 in the 1st group and #5 in the 2nd group, same thing) are the prisoner transports. These never change, so you need to disable and ID only these. Unlike what the mission briefing says, the mission objective does NOT require you to kill the other TRNs, only disable the prisoner TRNs and rescue the prisoners. Startup sequence is F9x2 + BkSpc + T + I + 'x2 + X. Cycle to TRN #4, and disable & ID it with dual-fire ions as you catch up to it from behind. Slow down to 1/3 as you get into range, so you don't ram into it and go to Rebel heaven. Shoot one of the T/F's flying cover. Do not go after the other prisoner TRN until you get this one done, as you don't want to have to defend both TRNs at the same time. Wait around for the rescue TRN and the T/I's to come. Kill the T/I's; try to lock a torp onto one on the first head-on pass. After killing the first 2 T/I's, then leave the rescue TRN (it'll be gone by the time the next T/I group shows up, if the timing is correct) and go after the other TRN (#11). Do the same thing. Concentrate on the T/I's rather than the T/F's, as the former target the rescue TRNs, while the latter only annoy you. After the 2nd rescue TRN is safe, yer outa thar. Now, the PROPER way, for the true-grit Rebel rouser: Startup sequence is F9x2 + F10x2 + BkSpc + T + I + 'x2 + X. Kill the #1 & #2 TRNs in the first wave as you approach (try using the mouse for shooting these two). Slow to 1/3. Target #3, wheel around and kill it. Switch to ion cannons and disable #4, then do a fly-by to ID it. Set to full speed. Switch to lasers & kill #5. Slow to 1/3 and kill #6. This takes care of the first wave. Set to full speed. Switch to dual-fire torps. Target #1 TRN in 2nd wave and fire upon lock-on. Immediately cycle to #2 and repeat the process for #2, #3 & #4. You're now out of torps. The #5 & #6 TRNs in the 2nd wave are still alive. Set shields to normal. You'll now need to intercept the two incoming T/I's which are targetting the prisoner TRN you just disabled. It is critical that you kill these T/I's ASAP, not only to prevent them from destroying the TRN, but also to have enough time to get the other prisoner TRN before it gets too close to the frigates. As they fly a straight line upon approach to the TRN, angle your intercept course to have your best chance at quickly dispatching one T/I. Try ramming if you have the chance. Ignore the T/F's who are shooting at you (you can kill one if you have time, but not both, as the frigates will just send out another wave). Target TRN #6 and kill it at long range with lasers. Switch to ion cannons. Target #5 and disable it as you move into the 0.5-klick range of the cannons. If you've done everything on time, the disabled TRN should be OUTSIDE the firing range of the frigates. If it has gotten too close, then you might as well start over, as the rescue TRN will be killed by the frigates when it tries to dock, even if you can fend off the T/I's. Mission 10: Rescue Sullustan Leader -- This is basically the same as the Y-Wing #6 Historical Mission, except that the escorting shuttles now shoot back. Slow to 1/3 at 1.6 klicks away from the first shuttle, switch to dual-fire torps, and kill shuttles #1-#4 at lock-on. Clear out some of the dogfighting T/I's before closing in on #5 and disable it with ion cannons (and ID it). This order is necessary, as you don't want to have the T/I's get to the rescue shuttle before you can whittle down their number. Ignore the T/F's. Tour of Duty II: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mission 3: Attack Weapons Convoy -- Make sure you send your wingman to attack the transports that are moving away before they can hyper out. You should concentrate in destroying the assault boats and leave the job of destroying the convoy to the other Rebel ships. Mission 4: Capture a Stolen Freighter -- Disable the shuttles first with ion cannons, then the Imperial transports. You have to disable and may be ID the freighter if it hasn't already been disabled by the transports. Then move to a point 4-5 klicks southwest of the freighter to wait for the coming STD. You have to intercept the T/B's at at least 6 klicks out, as they will launch torps at this range at the freighter. Hull-damage them to make them run back to the STD before reinforcements can come. Mission 5: Protect Captured Satellites -- In this mission, the T/I's & T/F's are targetting the freighter you're protecting, while the T/B's are targetting you. Make sure to avoid the initial missile launch by the T/B's, as the dual missiles will kill you. Mission 7: Protect a Disabled X-Wing -- Concentrate on the Imperial shuttles, which will try to dock with the X-Wing and capture it; the assault gun boats only go after you. Use max recharge for shields & lasers for this one; the slower speed will let you follow the gun boats easier. Don't wander too far away from the X-Wing. Mission 8: Stop Hyperdrive Replacement -- There are 2 freighters out of 5 which are carrying the hyperdrive units. Placement of these are semi-random. There is a time limit in this, as, one by one, each freighter will dock with the STD and unload its cargo, but the process will take a while. If you want more challenge, after taking out the freighters, you can take out the STD too. Remember to save your torps for the shield generators if you plan to do this. Mission 9: Take out Intrepid's Escort -- There is no replacements for dead Imperial ships, so feel free to kill everything. You can again go after the STD (about 50 klicks away) after you're done with the small fries. Again, remember to save your torpedoes for this. Mission 10: Destroy the Intrepid -- After max'ing your shields, go straight for the Intrepid at 100 speed (normal lasers & shields). Upon closing, switch on max recharge for both lasers & shields and do your thing. Don't worry about the Y-Wings dying; the game will send in reinforcement Y-Wings if necessary--not that you can't do the job yourself, of course. But humor your superiors anyway and play babysit after the STD's shields are knocked down. Tour of Duty III: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mission 2: Destroy Imperial Repair Dock -- You will hyper in from the south, so take out the parked transports & shuttles. You will have to do some dogfighting to clear the TIEs flying cover. Nuke the corvette at long range with torps. For the freighter, do quick in-out's to kill it, i.e. turn tail and run when your shields run low, do loops to recharge it, and back in again. Ignore the mines, as you don't have time to clear them. Just fly around the fringes to get to the rest of the parked TIEs. A frigate will come and park in the middle of the whole mess to enliven it up some. Mission 3: Capture Military Transport -- Use ion cannons to disable one or two of the gun boats, so the game won't send any reinforcements. Concentrate on the Imperial transport, which will appear AHEAD of the captured transport. Don't worry about the gun boats & T/F's, as they are targetting you. Disable the Imperial transport so the game won't send any more, then turn around and deal with the gun boats & T/F's. You can go after the STD Immortal after you're done, but it will spit out a truckload (18 more, in addition to those already present) of nasty TIEs. Even if you can live through those in the lumbering Y-Wing, the STD will hyper off soon after. Mission 6: Destroy Imperial Supply Base -- Another mine-clearing operation. Set shields & lasers at full recharge, and move toward the first mine to clear it. Tell your wingmen to take evasive action to make them last a bit longer. When the 2 freighters hyper in, attack them before they can hyper away, then resume the mine-clearing. You should be through with the mines, and destroy a few containers, before the frigate moves in. Again, destroy all except one TIE in each TIE wave, then do quick in-outs to destroy the rest of the containers. Mission 7: Destroy Priam's Escort -- The encircling corvettes travel in a clockwise direction. Destroy the one at the south end first. Another corvette and a transport will hyper in at this point, and by the time you destroy these as well, the last corvette will have come to your location without you having to chase it around the mine field. Mission 8: Capture the Frigate Priam -- Stop your A-Wing at 2 klicks out from the first mine. Target & destroy all mines with concussion missiles. Next, dogfight and kill all TIEs. Then dump the rest of the missiles into the frigate and do quick in-outs to chip away at its shields. It usually takes until the 3rd wave of Y-Wings before the frigate can be disabled and boarded. Mission 10: Guard Vital Supply Depot -- If the frigate hypers right into the cargo area and starts shooting at the containers, then restart the mission until its hyper-point is at least 2 klicks away so it won't shoot the containers. The nice thing is that the T/B's are targetting you and not the containers, making it a much easier job. Mission 11: Defend Cruiser Independence -- Concentrate on the T/B's, as these are shooting at the Independence, and the rest just shoot at you. Mission 12: Begin Death Star Assault -- Transfer all laser energy to shields; have shields at normal and laser at max discharge. Switch to single-fire torps. Go straight for the Comm Sat and nuke it with a torp. After destroying it (and satisfying mission objective), you may want to stick around and destroy a few more ships. Mission 13: Attack Death Star Surface -- Hull-damage the T/B's and they will turn and run. Kill all except one of each T/F in each wave. To destroy the containers, use the "dive bomb" method: Go to a position directly atop the target, then turn away from it and go straight up (i.e. away from the Death Star). When you're about 1.5 klicks out from the target, turn around and dive straight down at it with linked guns blazing. This temporarily shakes off the pursuing TIEs, enabling a steady aim on the target. Mission 14: Death Star Trench Run -- Transfer all laser energy to shields. Go straight ahead, weave past the 3 intervening T/F's, and immediately dive into the trench when you come to it. Don't dogfight the T/F's, as then you'd have to contend with the incoming T/A's. Upon entering the trench, set lasers & shields at max recharge, giving you a speed of 150. Rechannel all generated laser energy into shields, and equalize the shields frequently. You can do a limited amount of weaving in the trench to avoid fire, but ignore the gun emplacements. If your shields run close to empty, pull straight up and do some loops to let the shields recharge--just be careful that you don't lose orientation and end up out of the trench, as then the TIEs and the gun towers will life even more difficult for you. Switch to dual-fire torps to maximize chance of a hit, and manage your shields until you come to the exhaust port. Keep on weaving up until the very last second to avoid the dense ring of guns surrounding the port. If you miss the port, immediately pull up and do a loop, and try your luck again at the end of the loop.