þ L6 6  °TÐÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ: ,      à=Ð/8 Creasent Canyons Resort Architect: Keith Dembowski Par: 72 Champ: 6894 In creating this course I tried to create an enviornment of actually playing on a course. I wanted to include many views of adjacent holes and an overall sense of spaciousness. Once I had completed eight or nine holes I lost the desire to finish the course. I had many problems with the adjacent holes themselves. The holes themselves were not difficult to duplicate, it was the mountains that were giving me problems. I found that reproducing the mountains for an adjacent hole could sometimes be quite difficult. Im sure that anyone who has created a mountain course will agree with me. Although I was having problems I pushed myself to go on and the creation of the individual holes was a tiresome process. Most of the holes on the course, I feel, are pretty good, but I have to admit there are some weak holes and these reflect my periods of getting tired designing the course. The background for this course is original and I think does a pretty good job of blending in with the mountains on some of the holes. All the tree objects were borrowed and some of the grasses but everything else is original. If you look at the object file you will see that it contains quite a few objects. This is because for some of the holes where I needed to place a lot of grasses and bushes the 249 object limit just wouldnt cut it. Especially when I had to do the adjacent holes as well. I would like to thank all of the people whose objects I borrowed and especially John Kunyik for his JNSE TOOL BOX, which mad editing the palette for the mountains, sand, and water, very simple. And thanks to Estate Heights by Bob Polin for that beautifully realistic water color. I think its original but I am not sure. I hope you enjoy your stay at Creasent Canyons Resort and enjoy the golf. Since Im sure your getting tired of reading this I'll skip the hole by hole run-down for this one and let you get on with your round. My other creations: 1.Hidden Hollows - Hidden Hollows is a country club type of course that featrures wide open fairways over gentlly sloping terrain. 2. The Excalibur - Currently under constuction as of 4-30-93. This course will include beautifully landscaped holes, complete with flower beds, individual signs for each hole, and very challenging holes. : { "JLi¥äæ蜞hjacxoiiiiiccccccccccààcª¬~ € ‡ œ þ H J – é 6 8 : yyyyyyyyyyyyyp: c: Times New Roman