FOREST GLEN Par 71, Yardage 6758 Version 1.1 ============================================================================= Par-3's (Average Length): 199.2 Par-4's (Average Length): 411.3 Par-5's (Average Length): 515.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole Yards Par 1, Peninsular 408 4 2, Deep Crossing 181 3 3, Pistolero 514 5 4, Constriction 341 4 5, Sandy Hell 432 4 6, Stripper 538 5 7, Intrusion 202 3 8, Paradiso 432 4 9, Purgatorio 432 4 OUT, Subtotal front-9 3480 36 10, Inferno 370 4 11, Bullseye 197 3 12, Fallaway 442 4 13, Upland Bunkers 544 5 14, Riverside 192 3 15, Deception 413 4 16, Dire Straits 432 4 17, A Hole Too Far 224 3 18, On the Edge 464 5 IN, Subtotal back-9 3278 35 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE TOTAL 6758 71 ============================================================================= ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background: Scott Chesney's wonderful background from Banff Springs Objects: Ted Maiden (Ocean Course, bench), Mark Willett (Victorian, many trees, rocks, flowers; D/L'ed object collection, flowers; Isles, a rock), Gene Rodriguez (D/L'ed object collection, several trees), Scott Chesney (Banff Springs, flowers, trees, the twin pine object that is everywhere, especially), and myself (the pin/flag stick). Inspiration: Banff Springs and The Victorian Special Thanks to: Mark Willett, Scott Chesney (objects), Paul Conrad (centerline probs), anyone who D/L's this file (your patience) ============================================================================= DESIGNER'S NOTES, or THE ABSOLUTELY BORING STORY BEHIND THIS COURSE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course was concieved shortly after I recieved JNSE for Christmas. The land plot was completed sometime in early January 1993, but then languished on the HD for several months while I was occupied with finishing Oceanview, my first course. I took it up again in late February, after Oceanview was finished, and after I had returned from the Florida Keys on an AP Biology "field trip." I thought long and hard about what to do with this land plot sitting on the HD, and finally set upon doing a mountainous, rolling course with lots of trees. This turned out to be rather interesting. Oceanview averaged perhaps 60-70 objects per hole, and these were mostly small trees and flowers. Forest Glen, on the other hand, averages the full 240 objects per hole, and has some radical elevation changes that Oceanview lacked (ie, hole 2). Also tried to get rid of the centerline problems in Oceanview that were pointed out by Paul Conrad when Oceanview was U/L'ed to the Accolade BBS. This took a while since I had to reroute six holes, hence the designation version 1.1. However, for the most part, the centerline problems that plagued Oceanview are gone. The fairway bunkers, in my opinion, are more visible and can be seen off the tee, another problem pointed out by Treefrog. There are still several hidden bunkers, but careful perusal of the hole overheads should be sufficient to reveal them. The elevations used to be very radical, but after a playtest turned in some horrid scores, the fairways were toned down considerably. The greens are rolling, but I am still having a great deal of difficulty recreating the subtle changes that I originally envisioned. This seems to be more of a software problem than a designer's problem. Too bad, but if it is my fault, I apologize. Objects: I still have yet to design an adequate tree. However, some wonderful objects were heisted from two of my personal favorites, Banff Springs and The Victorian, by Chesney and Willett, respectively. Once again, my thanks to these gentlemen. Background: Can't do these yet either. Banff Springs by Chesney gave me a perfect background, though. The hotel was removed, but that was it. The nod here goes to Scott Chesney, not me. A few final words. I spent a good deal of time on Forest Glen, between snorkeling in Florida, deciding on college, and studying for all sorts of exams coming up. I had fun designing it, and playtesting it. Hopefully, you will have some joy also. If not repeatedly, then hopefully you will come off your first and only playing feeling relaxed, as a computer game is meant to do, instead of feeling like killing me. David C. Wu April 29, 1993 Prodigy: DJPS31C (Preferably private, since I don't check the boards often) By US Mail: 4021 Dresden Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27104