This is my second course done on the JNSE designer, the first being Kapalua-Planation. Since I discovered that that particular course was uploaded to the Accolade BBS without its text file, I'd like to make my intentions for that course available to anyone who might have been puzzled or interested in it. So if you are interested , please write me on *P[SMMP85C]. This course was started when I saw the background for John Sandoval's Anza Borrego C.C. I haven't much skill with JNSEDT and loved the sky that John created. I have modified the background but hope that the overall effect is that of late afternoon, just prior to evening, when I've enjoyed the most peaceful and satisfying times on the golf course. The objects are mine except for the half I borrowed from Bill Permenter's Deane Hill and Dead Horse Lake which I believe he borrowed from Gene Rodriguez III and the other half which I took and modified from the Accolade courses. Oh yes, I also want to thank Paul Conrad for the bench group and for helping when I first started this "hobby". This course is a grouping of various ideas for holes that I've jotted down from time to time. Any resemblance to actually existing holes is either accidental or the working of my subconscious. I intend this for amusement only and may be reproduced or used for that purpose and no charge made for its use. I've attempted to make the course play fairly in various weather conditions except for "Dry", which is unfair in everything except putting. Although it may appear relatively short, I've tried to create enough danger in the form of traps, trees and heavy rough to penalize a bad shot. I've also attempted to position certain greens and the access to them to reward a good shot taken with some risk. As with any golf, play a few rounds and figure it out. Please let me know what you think, compliments or good criticism will be appreciated and weighed in possible future courses. Mike Henner 4-21-93