COURSE: The Wheel and Hub Golf Club JNSE DESIGN: Raymond Beck and Gordon Chisholm LOCATION: South central US in the rolling hill country between the Ozarks and the Mississippi River bottoms near the Missouri-Arkansas border. ORIGIN: Fictional; bearing no resemblance to any actual course. After Reindeer Lake (REINDEER.ZIP) turned out so well, (at least Ray and I thought it did) I decided it would be nice to work with Ray again, and The Wheel and Hub Golf Club began to take shape. I selected the land plot, added the creeks and lakes, did the basic elevation work on the plot, laid out the holes, selected the objects, and sent our new creation to Ray. Ray did the landscaping on all holes but 15 and 18, added the objects after changing some of them, including adding a clubhouse, and sent it back to me for the completion of #15 and #18. After completing the last two holes(#15 and #18), it went back to Ray for additional fine tuning and tweaking where needed. Next, the course came back to me for selection of water color, sand color, final location of hole signs, and checking the greens to eliminate any unfair breaks. Water color came from Reindeer Lake(what can I say? I like it!). The color of the sand was taken from Sunningdale (SUNNING.ZIP), and the objects were "borrowed" from other courses(which one I don't remember; I lost my list).I wish at this time to include a blanket "Thank You" to all designers whose objects appear on The Wheel and Hub. It would look awfully barren without you guys, and your talent. For anyone interested, there is also a version of The Wheel and Hub in my Library using the sand color from Bob Polin's Estate Heights. Compared the two for about three days and Sunningdale won. Sorry about that Bob. With Sunningdale's sand color it was necessary to make a few cosmetic changes to Ray's clubhouse. Seems the sand colors are also used for objects in the file. YARDAGES AND PARS FROM COURSE ROUTING: Hole Yardage Par Hole Yardage Par 1. 320 4 10. 360 4 2. 168 3 11. 181 3 3. 498 5 12. 570 5 4. 184 3 13. 218 3 5. 466 5 14. 568 5 6. 429 4 15. 381 4 7. 394 4 16. 394 4 8. 234 3 17. 248 3 9. 568 5 18. 490 5 This course is somwhat unusual in that it contains 6 par 3's, 6 par 4's, and 6 par 5's, but is not unusually long at 6671 yards, and par 72. The sequence of holes for the back nine is identical to the front nine. This was merely a chance occurence to keep any 2 of the par 5's from being grouped together. The front nine plays at 3261 yards, and the back nine at 3410 yards. COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: This course is an original work of the designers, and is released as shareware to any BBS not charging a fee for it's services. It is intended for the use and enjoyment of all registered owners of Jack Nicklaus Signature Edition Golf and Course Design. It MAY NOT be used as part or all of any commercial venture without first securing written permission of the designers. The designers are not employees of, and have no connection with either Sculptured Software or Accolade. They should not be held liable for any damage that may occur through the use of this program. Raymond Beck and I sincerely hope you enjoy our efforts on The Wheel and Hub Golf Club, and welcome comments on our work. Gordon Chisholm Raymond Beck 1535 Engelholm Avenue 23 Congaree Court St. Louis, MO 63133-1807 Baltimore, MD 21236 Prodigy ID - FHDM42A Prodigy ID - TTXS97A