************** *SMART ACCESS* ************** Pinnacle Publishing, publisher of technical database journals including FoxTalk and Reference(Clipper), has announced the publication of its newest journal, Smart Access. Smart Access will be devoted exclusively to Microsoft's new Windows' database, Access. "Smart Access will be targeted towards developers and power users. The journal will show readers how to use Access to its fullest potential" said the journal's editor, Paul Litwin. Smart Access will be published monthly beginning with the premier February, 1993 issue. As with all of Pinnacle's journals, Smart Access will carry no advertising. In an introductory offer, a years subscription (12 issues) will be offered *with* monthly companion disk for $49 through Dec 15, 1992. After Dec 15th, the price, again, with a free monthly companion disk, will rise to $79. Companion disks will include the sample databases, macros, code, forms, reports and program code discussed in the articles. In addition, demos, shareware and journal indexes will appear on the program disks. Pinnacle Publishing can be reached at 800-788-1900 or 206-251-1900. Smart Access' Editor, Paul Litwin, can be reached on Compuserve at 76447,417. *************************************************************************