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This is a level of repression that would make the old government of the USSR and Aldolf Hitler very proud. --------------------------- Here's the First BAD News. --------------------------- In an Amendment to the cable regulation bill passed last year Jesse Helms slipped in another one. The FCC has been directed by this ammendment to make it illegal to exchange adult files using any satellite. Since the future of communications, worldwide, is via satellite, and since the common carrier, not the caller, controls the routing of a call, this could virtually outlaw adult BBSs. An added directive would require the FCC to revoke the license of any satellite service, such as Skylink, for the transmission of adult information. The FCC is required by law to hold public hearings on all proposed rule development. In addition the FCC invites public comments during the decision process. WCFF will attempt to determine when this rule development process begins. ------------------------- And now for MORE Bad News _________________________ It seems that our dear friend Jesse Helms has tried to slip one past us again. The Federal Communications Commission Appropriation bill contains a rather disturbing amendment. This Bill makes it a federal crime to trasmit beastiality images via electronic means. Further, it is now illegal to trasmit the descriptions of these images electronically. An exception is granted if the image or description is available in printed form. As a result of this exception WCFF will now provide a hard copy listing of our ZOO file area on hard copy for $25.00 plus $5.00 sipping and handling for each copy ordered. Any image in our "ZOO" file area may be purchased, printed on an HP PaintJet printer for $50.00 plus $5.00 printing and handling. To obtain a copy of the file list or a printed image, send a certified check or postal money order to WCFF along with a written request specifying the item desired and a signed hand written statement that you are over 21 years of age and are not an employee of any agency of the United States government. Also include a copy of your drivers license. You listing or image will be shipped within 45 days. This is a clear restriction of the free flow of information in a democratic society. This is an outright violation of the constitution. The future of information distribution is via electronic means. If our government can restrict what may be published and distributed using electronic technology then "Freedom of the press" and the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States is a distant memory. Anything they feel should not be generally available can and will be restricted. If you think that I am over reacting then see Bulletin 6 and see what happened in Jacksonville. Once it starts there is no way to stop it. ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί ** End of the Extra Edition New Material Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί Spring is Sprung and so have the Feds - How much is enough? Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ This is a highly editorial report. It answers questions asked in over 100 messages to WCFF in the past 10 days. Join us in our fight for: No more violent crime, No more hunger, No more drugs, No more homeless people, No more drunken drivers, No more censorship, No more laws, No more taxes. Let's get government out of our bedrooms, out of our homes and into the streets where the real problems are. When I can leave my home and car unlocked, when I can drive thru the streets without fear, when I can walk my city at night alone, when there are no more homeless people living in the streets and parks, when all of us have enough to eat, then and only then will I consider if my government should also try to protect my soul. The US Customs department and Federal Marshals raided over 40 suspected Kiddy Porn BBSs last month. Unfortunately they did a crap job of investigation and included some innocent individuals in their list. At least one such individual is a member here at WCFF. Danish authorities provided a list of folks who had called the BAMSE BBS in their country. The Feds were out to round up a "ring" of BBSs that was suppose to be distributing kiddie porn. As in all raids the Feds went through peoples houses and other private property confiscating anything which they thought might be used as evidence or later sold for a profit under the conspiracy interpretation of the law. Informed sources tell us that the investigators are into hair splitting. They are forwarding images to Doctors in an effort to determine tha age of the models. From time to time kiddie porn gets uploaded to this BBS. One does not need a doctor to tell you that the material is underage. You do not need a doctor to identify a 9 or 10 year old in a sex act. This material is immediately deleted here and the uploader warned. We have returned to the witch hunts of the cold war. We are not hunting for pinkos, we are hunting for those who do not exactly share our beliefs and views. We supposedly live in a democratic nation, where the rights of the minority are protected. Those of us who enjoy the erotic stimulation of the written word and a visual image may be a minority, or a very quiet majority, and we continue to have our rights diminished. Many have questioned our comments and invitations contained in the Log-In screens. Let us explain. We are not involved in any illegal activities. We do not engage in child pornography as a producer, distributer, or by our inaction. We do not handle pirate software. When an item is uploaded it is carefully examined. When a member tells us one slipped by, it is immediately removed. We use every effort to verify the legality of all material. The EAB buys only from known sources with very public profiles and good practices. Some tapes are copies of material not available thru normal means and not importable to the US. The EAB does not erode the royalties or bypass import duties on these foreign items because they can not be purchased and imported into the US. We invite law enforcement to examine our operation, not our user records and not our message base. This is private and protected by laws upheld by federal courts. Law Enforcement may come to our operation with complete access to all images, back-up images, off-line images, hard copy materials, video tapes etc. We will let them examine this material using our equipment and our assistance. We will further make copies of any material they wish to subject to more detailed examination elsewhere. We invite them to bring their medical experts to determine the age of the subjects if it is needed. We will make our facilities available day and night if need be and even provide coffee. Why do we make such an offer. It is quite simple. We are not engaged in any illegal activity nor are we ashamed of what we do. Depictions of human sex organs and human sex acts have been part of the human culture since the beginning of recorded history. Some of the earliest cave drawings are of our favorite topic. The "Rude Man" in England dates from Roman times and must be seen to believed. We are engaged in a battle of historic proportion and meaning. On one side we have our puritanical fanatics who wish to save us all from our animal instincts and any and all physical joy. On the other we have those who have discovered the Joys of Sex and the thrilling beauty of the human animal in action. I am willing to let them have their life and life style. I have not yet held a demonstration in front of a gaudy ediface of excess such as a church as has been done to bookstores. (I may do this, just have not had time yet.) They on the other hand, have closed many businesses, imposed laws restricting freedoms, censored books, films, and works of art. Every time they manage to get one scene removed from a movie, one work of art removed from display, one book taken from the library our constitution and our rights shrink. With every law that is passed we become less free. Our parents wanted us to have a life free from war and want. A time of peace and plenty were the dreams of the 50's and 60's. Today we have a land of excess, litigation, free rides, instant gratification and declining freedom. I hope to give my children not only a land of plenty but a return to freedom. WCFF is involved in the formation of an organization with the objective of preserving our right to enjoy what we wish as long as no one is harmed. As this organization becomes fully functional we will allocate space for them on the BBS and will encourage your participation. Please note that we at WCFF do not see this issue in isolation but rather as a symptom of the greater ill. We are fighting on this front because we have the means and the opportunity. Every day in every segment of our lives, freedom is lost, the power hungry gain, the working man suffers, and our elected and appointed officials grow more bold in their efforts to advance themselves at our expense. Please take action and be heard. Let our government know your priorities. Aid to Russia or Aid to Americans, what is your choice. Think of all those dollars being spent to airlift food in Europe - imagine that money being spent to shelter and feed our own homeless and hungry. Don't raid 40 BBSs, I'll show you 40 drug dealers you can shut down. (We keep offering to show law enforcement the drug dealers and armed gang members but no one ever takes us up on it and BBSs keep getting raided, wonder why?) We are not isolationists, we believe in the world community, we are just tired of the double standard.