TITLE: Advanced Gravis Tech Note #15 AREA: SBOS DATE: January 22, 1993 KEY WORDS: SBOS RELOAD SUBJECT: Always RELOAD SBOS if a new game is run (with options if required) or if any other application that uses (Playmidi, Flidemo, Windows etc.) is run after SBOS has already been installed. Initial SBOS loading is a two step process. The SBOSDRV.EXE driver must first be installed into main memory. The LOADSBOS.EXE then fills the GUS RAM with the sound samples required to emulate a SB or AdLib board and tells the SBOSDRV.EXE what options to use, if any. If ANY other program that uses GUS is run, GUS's RAM will be CORRUPTED. This means that the SBOSDRV.EXE driver will attempt to play the sound data that has been replaced by the other GUS application. Improper operation will result. Simply reload SBOS.