TITLE: Advanced Gravis Tech Note #18 AREA: GUS SETUP DATE: March 8, 1993 KEY WORDS: SETUP ULTRASND ULTRADIR BLASTER SUBJECT: Manually Editing AUTOEXEC.BAT for UltraSound If you are expierencing trouble with the UltraSound SETUP you may manually add the following lines to the beginning of your AUTOEXEC.BAT. If you are running DOS V5.0 or later you may use the DOS editor called EDIT. The lines are: SET ULTRASND=220,1,1,12,7 C:\ULTRASND\ULTRINIT.EXE SET ULTRADIR=C:\ULTRASND SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 T1 This will configure your UltraSound for its new recommended default configuration. This example assumes that your UltraSound software was setup on your C drive in a directory called ULTRASND. It is also assumed that your base port address is set to 220. After you have made these changes and rebooted your computer try running some of the demos that came with your UltraSound card including, FLIDEMO and MIDIDEMO. If these demo's hang your computer try changing the GF1 IRQ, DMA and base port address of your UltraSound as you have a conflict with another piece of hardware. If you are still expierencing problems please feel free to call our technical support line at (604) 431-1807. Or you may leave us EMail at any of the following addresses: InterNET: tech@gravis.com CompuServe: 71333,350 or GO PCVENB FidoNET: 1:153/978 SET ULTRASND=220,1,1,15,7 Other Possible Values Are Recommended 220 Base Address 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260 220 or 240 1,1 DMA Channel 1 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 1 or 3 15 GF1 IRQ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15 12 or 11 7 MIDI/SBOS IRQ 7 2, 3, 5, 7 5 or 7 C:\ULTRASND\ULTRINIT.EXE Does a hardware reset of the UltraSound board. You may hear a POPPING sound when run. SET ULTRADIR=C:\ULTRADIR Tells the UltraSound software where it may find MIDI patches. This is used by various programs including SBOS, PlayMIDI, Patches etc... SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 T1 REQUIRED FOR SoundBlaster/Adlib Emulation A220 Base Address 220 or 240 recommended I7 IRQ 7 Must be the same as your UltraSound MIDI IRQ D1 DMA Channel 1 NEVER CHANGE - MUST ALWAYS BE 1 T1 Type of SoundBlaster NEVER CHANGE - MUST ALWAYS BE 1 to emulate